Prophetic Word: After You Meet Your Woman & Marry Your Rib, You Will Be Building A New House Beloved & I Will Give You Land Like Abraham Covenant

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't usually post on my day of rest but I saw my envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit. So I gotta release this & be obedient. If this is your word you'll know becuz God has either confirmed it to you or you asked Him questions or thought this. You have been asking alot of questions but God has it all under control beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Many ppl here are preparing for kingdom marriage but test the spirit. There is someone here a man who is, & who has been asking or thinking if they are buying or building a house and what's the next step. I saw a man in the spirit purchasing land and a house being built on it. I was seeing workers building this house, seeing and hearing the loud sounds of the saws and nail guns and hammering in the spirit. I was also seeing sawdust and it was all happening so quick. So after I saw this I was hearing provision in the spirit. Speak Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for beloved. You like 2 travel, you have your own business. You like sitting by warm fires in winter seasons. You like 2 learn new things and gain wisdom. You like 2 save and pay off debt & your woman apparently does 2 beloved and im hearing in the spirit God has confirmed this 2 your rib. There is no replacement. She is tailor made for you who this word is for beloved. She knows you will be building the house not buying and God is making provision because it's His bill 2 pay beloved. God always confirms on both ends. God gives land 2 those Hes in convenant with just like Abraham. So you might think how on earth am I going 2 afford 2 buy land and build a new house then but I heard the spirit of the Lord say I am exceeding your expectations exceeding abundantly above all you can think ask or imagine and this is your season and I will give you the power 2 get wealth 2 pay it off beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. So whoever this is for hunny be anxious for nothing & don't stress or worry about it. After I saw this in the spirit, the Lord confirmed 2 me in His Word Phill4:19 and He said don't worry, it is finished. So this is either your desire or hers or both beloved but God heard the prayer and I'm hearing in the spirit this new house is another gift that comes with this settlement & there is no more settling for less. So you have been through rejection but she has 2 beloved. I just heard in the spirit I'm enlarging your territory beloved like Jabez. There will be an expansion. So I prophesy over you after you're married the house is expanding, and baby so is your business & everything will be new and there will be a restoration and it'll be worth it because the Holy Spirit knows you need this more than you want it. And you want this. So keep preparing for it. & get ready because God is not a man that he should lie beloved and he's going 2 bring it 2 manifestation because He watches over His word 2 perform it. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this in Jesus Name 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Eph3:20 | Phill4:6-7 | Prov18:16 | Phill4:19 | Matt6:33 | Deut8:18 | Prov10:22 | Gen2:23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Psalm84:11


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