Prophetic Word: Beloved Movement Will Happen So Quick Like The Ocean Current, There Is About 2 Be A Fierce Shift Like The Sound Of A Violent Wind
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I have been feeling a shift for a while now in the spirit and when I was in the shower I saw someone in the spirit driving a red car and got rear ended and slammed so hard on the breaks, 2 kids got minor whiplash from this shift like a jolt almost from the seat belt it happened so quick and then I came back and heard in the spirit "shift". And waited for more details and confirmation and then the Lord confirmed 2 me in His Word it landed on Acts2:2 violent wind. Mm Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The whiplash represents pain you are going through from the sudden back n forth warfare like head motion movement. Whiplash can result in broken bones or other damage which represents someone here is going through so much spiritual warfare it resembles suffering & brokenness and you just want the warfare 2 end. And I prophesy over you that seasons of warfare are not permitted 2 go on and on and on and it must come 2 and end in the name of Jesus just like Satan left Jesus alone for a while after he left Jesus in the wilderness because he couldn't get anywhere with him. His tempting came 2 an end. Satan kept changing the topic and wouldn't go down without a fight and try him which tells me that Satan and his demonic agents have been really attacking some of you here beloved and whispering lies in your ears of deception 2 try discourage you 2 keep you stagnant try 2 deter you from going into your purpose. Jesus had a mission ok some of you here are getting ready step into purpose this is why Satan is tempting and tormenting you 2 quit in your wilderness. I see it in the spirit. Some of you here are so I'm hearing distraught and so distressed. Emotions are trying 2 take over again and the enemy is trying 2 distract you with them because emotions are dominating your flesh. Im hearing the enemy is fighting you 2 fear and doubt promises which can cause delay if you let him. I rebuke & bind Satan and every evil spirit in the name of Jesus and I decree declare & prophesy when we submit 2 God, resist the devil, he must flee beloved in the name of Jesus. He must it is written. The whiplash represents crying and pain some of you have been crying out 2 Him and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will deliver you from your distress and save you from it because you trusted in Him & you will not be dissapointed. The seatbelt I saw in the spirit it was like a fierce shift. God is getting 2 destroy blockages and things that are a hinderance 2 your purpose. I'm seeing a storm in the spirit. Some storms you find yourself in are not meant 2 destroy you beloved but 2 get you relocated on the path that is chosen. [Acts2:2 violent wind] Whoo!! The fierce seatbelt shift I saw in the spirit fierce means aggressive, powerful and destructive my God speak Holy Spirit. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came down from heaven!! God is getting ready 2 destroy the blockages & make some waves and some violent movement like the whiplash I saw in the spirit. > hearing in the spirit red sea moment!! And it's happening rapid.[Amos9:13] I'm seeing Moana in the spirit when she swims 2 reach the boat but the ocean is pushing her so fast under the water back 2 the boat again like a current. Like the wind of God behind you beloved pushing you forward no matter how much pain or warfare and stagnation. Everyone's situation is different. Everyone is waiting for different promises, some Prophecies that were prophesied over you beloved. Everyone has a different purpose and I say this with humility no we are not all equal and on the same level beloved speak Holy Spirit thats a word 4 someone now what God does for one he will do for another beloved but not all are equal because some actually put the hard work in and don't mooch off someone else's blessing trying 2 skip the hard process speak Holy Spirit trying 2 skip the wilderness season. God favors those who are committed fasting praying obedient and increasing in authority in the spirit more favor from him exousia dunamis because God is not a liar and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He favors and loves those who are obedient. And for those who are coming out of the wilderness & stepping into the promised land soon with the manifestation of the promise. Whatever that is for you beloved. God is going 2 do things super quick by what I saw in the spirit. The movement is fierce and aggressive. The wind is violent. The ocean was powerful & quick like current. So if this is your word take it back 2 the Lord and get confirmation and test the spirit but that intense spiritual warfare is coming 2 an end. It's coming 2 completion for a while in the resting period 2 enjoy the promised land and promise. I don't know who this is for baby but there is about 2 be a fierce shift in the natural world because its already happening in the realm of the spirit and there's about 2 be a violent wind, the wind of God pushing you into promises & purpose like Moana flying with the ocean current. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Acts2:2 | Amos9:13 | John10:10 | Eph6:11-12 | 1Peter5:8 | Psalm21:5 | | Isaiah66:9 | Ecc3:1 | Isaiah54:17 | Luke4 | Isaiah43:19 | Jer29:11 | Psalm107:6-7
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