Prophetic Word: Beloved U Wouldn't Give Someone U Barely Knew A Personal Gift, Those Gifts Are Recieved When You're In An Intimate Relationship
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I'm trying 2 navigate through how 2 articulate it becuz it's going many directions so I'm just flowing with Holy Spirit. I'm hearing in the spirit gifts beloved. A few days ago I saw a man giving a gift 2 a woman in the spirit but I was waiting 4 further confirmation. The gift I was seeing was very personal 2 them. Stay with me baby & don't miss this as I pressed in, it was a very pretty necklace. And the man took the necklace out of the box & said allow me & put it around her neck. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. These ppl were clearly in a relationship but let me ask u this do u think the same man would have given another woman the same necklace he wasn't interested in or wasn't in love with. Come on Holy Spirit. Would a parent give their child that big gift they wanted or someone they barely knew instead. You wouldn't give somebody a personal expensive gift u didn't know or wasn't in a relationship so what makes u think you'll recieve big gifts from Jesus if u aren't obedient & in a relationship with him. But those who pursue holiness & righteousness will get gifts from Him that the world won't beloved because ur in covenant with your daddy in an intimate relationship. Why would they recieve the same gifts. They don't know him. My God speak Holy Spirit because there's no relationship or commitment. Because theres no prayer & communication. Why would they one day live with Him, or enter in, they don't know him. Mm would u let someone come into your home you barely met. Whoo!! What happens 2 them out there in the world does not happen 2 u beloved becuz u are in a relationship there4 u get relationship benefits mm like salvation, protection favor, wealth, blessed. But if u don't know him then you're not adopted yet or his kid til u give your heart 2 Jesus & repent from your sin born again. Ruth was gleaning in the fields after she left Moab & she went from losing everything & working in a field 2 owning a field in one night because of a relationship my God speak Holy Spirit stepping into her field of favor in Bethlehem. And Boaz noticed Ruth's loyalty, beauty & character from a distance. He knew she was different & her his wife & they had Obed. Esther went from being an orphan & the king noticed her & out of all the women he was most attracted 2 her & knew she was chosen & she became queen favor from the king beloved all because of a relationship. Whoo!! Becuz when you're in a relationship with Jesus in covenant u recieve gifts. & everyone here under the sound of my voice reading this who are in relationship & covenant with Him, I prophesy over you that God has good plans 2 prosper u not harm u beloved & a hope & a future life more abundant & gifts in the name of Jesus. Gifts from Holy Spirit are surprising & unexpected. 4 those of u who know me know I've had the Disney princess voice since I was a kid & part of your world was my signature song & I've always sang it & Holy Spirit knows me & my kids love singing for fun Disney karaoke songs & then Holy Spirit revealed a Disney karaoke youtube channel 2 me that just started as a gift that does parody christian versions. Because your daddy knows what you like beloved. And what I like & means alot 2 me from Him 2 u may not & may be insignificant. & I will post it on my pinterest as my gift 2 u beloved. Becuz sharing is caring & the greatest gift. & its better 2 give than recieve beloved. But just like u like 2 give your kids gifts, God also loves 2 bless his kids. He loves his babies beloved. Were adopted. Were his. & he paid the price for us 2 have a relationship. My God speak Holy Spirit becuz not having a relationship with u killed him more beloved. Whoo!! Disney may have been used by Satan. but in the last days, God is using it 4 his glory 4 his kingdom. God would use Disney analogies one day 4 me 2 prophesy as Holy Spirit gives me utterance by what I see & hear in the spirit. My whole life I watched Disney movies as a kid not knowing the impact then & revelation. I was annointed. I was a seer prophetess & didnt know it until I came into relationship. No wonder the devil tries 2 block you or it & no wonder he fights u hard when you're annointed becuz gifts & relationship benefits. Like the necklace I saw in the spirit becuz God gives personal big gifts when you're in a relationship with Him & those gifts only start 2 manifest because of your love for Him. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John3:3 | James1:17 | Psalm91:11 | Jer29:11 | Prov10:22 | Matt22:14 | John10:10 | Matt7:11 | Psalm84:11
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