Prophetic Word: I Have Worked On The Laptop & Repaired The Damage, So U Can Have It Back 4 Good Beloved & I Am Sending It Back 2 You Again

 Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved so test the spirit. I saw someone in the spirit taking a laptop 2 a repair shop that fixes electronics so I waited for confirmation and then I was hearing song lyrics 2 love you more by Celine Dion in the spirit and what stood out 2 me in the realm at the moment was ill be waiting 4 you.. here inside my heart as I'm hearing this in the spirit. I'm also seeing the send button In the spirit and how the laptop repair is finished and they are sending back the laptop to the person who needed it fixed. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of beloved. Whether it is the male or female, the laptop being taken in represents seperation while the person waited. God is working on either end before you 2 come together again because He wants 2 make sure you're both ready because when God joins them, divorce is not an option when it's an ordained kingdom marriage nothing can seperate them in the name of Jesus so he's making sure both are ready, mature and getting all the bugs out like the laptop so it's in better condition my God speak Holy Spirit because sometimes our character needs 2 be more like him in weaknesses or the laptop that is not working or broken has no purpose then so God is healing everything that needs 2 be healed and delivering your kingdom wife/husband from all lukewarmness or weaknesses and equipping them 4 what's ahead. The seperation represents God taking the time 2 work on them and slowly awakening Adam. Speak Holy Spirit. The song 2 love you more represents they are waiting faithfully for them. The send button represents I am sending them back 2 you beloved. I am delivering the woman. I hear the spirit of the Lord saying you are coming together again. I am sending him who is my very heart back 2 you beloved. Perhaps the reason he/she was seperated from you 4 a little while[Philemon1:12-16] was so that you might have him back 4 good beloved. Speak Holy Spirit because you 2 weren't ready to come together back then. You needed more wisdom and revelation. The laptop still had issues and needed it 2 be working fully again 2 perfection for the person. Mm because if you aren't whole and come together again the Father is saying youre very dear 2 Him & there would have been unnecessary marriage problems if He already sent her/ him back then because you still needed fixing like the laptop 2 be of use and value 2 them. Whoo!! In this new season. Because where you 2 are going you need 2 be healed, on fire and equipped new levels new devils & demons. Come on Holy Spirit. So what if daddy sent them back then only for the laptop 2 still need repair damage my God speak Holy Spirit when He wants you 2 have the laptop back 4 good not constantly need fixing cuz it was a rushing process then you 2 will never need 2 be seperated again. The person was holding that laptop tight close 2 their heart who I saw in the spirit which represents your kingdom spouse is holding you close 2 their heart beloved. But be patient til the laptop is finished and you'll have it back for good when you come 2 get it. Im hearing in the spirit get excited. I don't know who this is for baby but seperation period with your Adam and rib was 4 a purpose 2 repair the laptop 4 any bugs and damage, but soon the Father will send them back 2 you and that 3 strand cord will be stronger than before & not easily broken and you will never be seperated again. Shalom my luvvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen2:22-23 | Mark10:9 | Phill1:6 | 1Cor13:13 | Romans12:2 | Ecc4:12 | Ezek36:26 |Matt7:11 |1Cor13:4-7 | Psalm84:11




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