Prophetic Word: If Someone Rolls A Stone Beloved The Stone Will Roll Back On Them
Heyy my luuvs. I dont know who this word is for beloved. Whoo!! Jesus!! The enemy is defeated. The Lord showed me snow white in the spirit. Wow whoever this timely word is for times up for the enemies who won't repent and repent. I was seeing in the spirit the witch when it's raining and she has a stick and she's trying 2 roll the stone onto them but she falls off a cliff and the stone rolls on her instead. Mm Thus saith the Lord whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.[Prov26:27] the queen kept pursuing snow white and wanted her dead and whoever this is for beloved I prophesy God is cutting off the wicked and he is a God of war who will take them out 2 save you beloved in the name of Jesus. Speak Holy Spirit. This woman disguised herself as a nice old lady toward Snow white and it was an act & deception. Someone around you pretends with bad intentions but God is stepping in. Im seeing a mask in the spirit. Be vigilant for satan transforms as an angel of light beloved. And be harmless as a dove but wise as a serpent and pray 4 discernment. I'm seeing in the spirit how that man that was ordered 2 kill snowhite in the forest and interestingly enough what stood out in the realm at the moment was how they were after the heart 2 put in that chest but it was a pigs heart instead because he didn't have the heart 2 do it. Whoo!! Because I prophesy when your ways are pleasing 2 Him, He will make even your enemies 2 be at peace with you beloved in the name of Jesus. In the spiritual realm it's always the mission 4 Satan 2 harden hearts they are after it because out of it are issues of life and problems if you don't guard it. Snowhite is symbolic of how the enemy is after the heart 2 begin with but I beseech thee stay in the Lord's presence and I prophesy you will overcome and always be on top, always above and never the bottom in the name of Jesus. The same plot and trap and weapon Haman tried with the jews execution was the same weapon that worked against him and he hanged by his own trap and fell in the pit instead. Because Abba daddy don't play about his children. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this in Jesus Name 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Isaiah54:17 | Psalm91 | Esther7:10 | Psalm129:4 | 1Chron16:22 | Psalm75:10 | Matt10:16 | 2Cor11:14 | Proverb2:22 | Proverb26:27@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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