Prophetic Word: Take Every Thought Captive 4 The Spirit Is Willing Beloved But Weak Is The Flesh
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard this in the spirtual realm this sentence the spirit is is indeed willing but weak is the flesh. When I heard this in the spirit, I waited for confirmation and then I saw someone in the spirit being tempted 2 eat junk food & pop first thing in the morning out of bed rather than a nutritious breakfast. And as I pressed in I was seeing someone else in another realm at the same time as this who was being tempted 2 take money out of someone's wallet. They never did but they came close 2 doing it. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved as long as you're human in a fallen world you will get thoughts and temptations. If you're human, everyone gets them but what satan does is shame you or make you feel condemned my God speak Holy Spirit by a thought he's trying 2 plant in your head and tempting you 2 sin. But there I prophesy over you those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation walking in the spirit in the name of Jesus. I'm seeing in the spirit some of you here are having thoughts and being tempted getting funny with the money in some kind of business. Some of you here were being tempted 2 lie about what you did instead of being honest that you did that person wrong and should humble yourself and admit it. Some of you here are being tempted with homosexuality & 2 gossip. Some of you here are having thoughts of lust that are not your kingdom wife or husband. If God said its a counterfeit take those thoughts captive. Be faithful waiting 4 them. No a thought is not a sin but the action and going through with it is. And temptation is the devils play book beloved. So what you do is if a filthy unclean thought comes into your head. You rebuke it in the name of Jesus. For example you are being tempted 2 be attracted 2 the same sex or if someone cusses you out by a misunderstanding or provokes you for a reaction. Say no I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. If a lustful image pops up on your social media or in person or in your head. You say no I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. Satan get under my feet and out of my head. Baby catch this that is taking it captive. You're not letting enter your heart when you rebuke it. Because when you rebuke, you are saying I'm not coming into agreement with that beloved. That's what it is. When you wake up from a bad dream rebuke and cancel it in the name of Jesus. Thank God 4 waking you in the morning for covering you in the physical world and spiritual world because you are protected when you're under the blood of Jesus. Protect your ear and eye gates which enters your heart beloved which satan is after which the issues of life flow from it. Mm What you need 2 understand is Jesus gets it. Ok baby don't miss this. Speak Holy Spirit. When the Word became flesh. On this Earth Jesus was all God and all human. And He is the high priest who is able 2 empathize with our weaknesses, because Jesus was been tempted in every way beloved just as we are yet he did not sin. Thankyou Holy Spirit yess so if you are a man here who struggled with lusting after another woman or someone elses kingdom wife beloved, Jesus was tempted, don't know whose wife but He can relate 2 it. Don't run away from him. I rebuke condemnation & every evil spirit & principalities in the name of Jesus. Jesus never sinned but he was tempted. If you are tempted with homosexuality, 2 steal or lie or use profane language, God can relate beloved because in every way He was also tempted. Speak Holy Spirit the spirit is indeed willing but weak is the flesh. And He says watch & pray dont fall into temptation. Watch means be awake vigilant. This is why we fast and pray regularly beloved. Increases our strength over flesh & authority in the spirit. Increases our exousia & dunamis. The battle is in the head. Jesus fasted for 40 days and here comes the devil 2 tempt him in the wilderness. Jesus can relate 2 things that are our weaknesses. But this is why we feed our spirit first in the morning not our flesh my God speak Holy Spirit because now you're not as hungry mm and you'll be less tempted because you've been strengthened, you're full of His Spirit. You're no longer hungry for the things of the world 2 fill your flesh for satisfaction Whoo!!. Jesus overcame for us so through Him we can & whether you are being tempted or not beloved I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you beloved for His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in your weakness. I don't know who this is for baby but when you're tempted, rebuke it in the name of Jesus which is coming out of agreement with it taking the thought captive and He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able 2 bear but with the temptation will also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Eph6:11-12 | Gal6:8 | James4:4 | 1Cor10:13 | Romans8:7-8 | Phill4:13 | Matt26:41 | Hebrews4:15 | 2Cor10:5 | 1John4:4 | Matt4:4 | Romans8:37
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