Prophetic Word: There Will Be Many Miracles Signs & Wonders Beloved, But You Must Have Faith & Believe 4 It
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was listening 2 Cece Believe for it singing in the spirit and I saw many things in the realm of the spirit. I saw someone walk out of a wheelchair and walked again. I saw ppl healed from diseases. I saw creative miracles on ppl like a leg was created and there was no longer a prosthetic in the spirit in His presence. I saw ppl crippled and scoliosis healed and the spine was straightened and then I heard in the spirit the year of miracles signs and wonders beloved and the manifestation of my power by my spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. There is coming a souls harvest and miracles will draw ppl 2 Him while the ones who are annointed are going 2 another level in their gifts and another dimension. There will be signs in the earth and heavens. And thus saith the Lord these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues beloved. And they did perform signs, wonders, and miracles and God the Father used them to save many from eternal punishment and convert them 2 born again. Im hearing in the spirit but you must believe 4 it. Jesus of Nazareth couldn't even do the miracles he wanted because the ppl did not believe who he truly was my God speak Holy Spirit they lacked faith and didn't accept him. They rejected him. Kindaaa like you're accused and slandered and rejected and never accepted because if they hated him first they will hate you 2 beloved becuz you have been called and chosen. Come on Holy Spirit. Jesus was not honored in his own home town beloved. They didn't believe it. Same way they never recieve miracles and healing because they don't believe 4 it. But the many miracles the Lord showed me in the realm of the spirit are ppl who do have faith and believe in Him and those who pursue holiness and righteousness. And I prophesy many many miracles signs and wonders are getting ready 2 happen because it is the souls harvest and with God all things are possible 2 those who believe beloved. I'm hearing is there anything 2 hard for me in the spirit. I dont know who this is for baby but this is the season of many miracles signs and wonders in the earth and heavens but you gotta have faith and believe 4 it for faith is a substance and the confidence that what we can't see will actually happen because you believe 4 it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Mark 16:17 | 1John4:4 Acts 5:12-16 | Matthew19:26 | Hebrews11:1 | 2Cor 12:12 | Hebrews 2:4 | Jeremiah32:27@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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