Prophetic Word: They Miss You & Love You Unbearablely Beloved, Because U R 1 Flesh In The Spirit During Seperation & Feelings & R Intense Even From A Distance

 Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone beloved & this word may connect 2 the word I released Feb15/24 That's your kingdom wife & she'll move & go with u the distance becuz it was a man close 2 a woman but then God seperated them 4 a season of prep 4 kingdom marriage so this word may connect test the spirit. The other day I saw a teddy bear in the spirit & as I pressed in, I saw a little girl in her room in the spirit playing with barbies, stuffed animals & teddybears sitting on the floor legs crossed playing with them. So I waited 4 confirmation & then later I heard the word unbearable in the spirit. Whoever this word is 4 beloved u are close 2 Holy Spirit & have a relationship with Jesus & He wants u 2 know u are special & important 2 Him & He wont keep secrets from you, he will fill u in. He wants u 2 trust him. Whoever this is word is 4 beloved. Online or in person or both u already met your rib and kingdom wife but u are currently in seperation. The teddy bears were seperated. So this does connect. One was on side of the room other on a bed. The Lord wants u 2 know you are missed. I'm seeing the words "I love you" in an open vision in capital bold letters in the spirit. Why is this coming as a prophetic word Prophet. Maybe you were worried they moved on during seperation, in your absence & thought this. I don't know if the enemy is playing games with your head making u think cuz they don't reach out yet, maybe they're ignoring you, indifferent. No baby by what I'm seeing & hearing in the spirit this woman you love & miss has not moved on & she feels the same way by what I heard & saw in the spirit. Its reciprocated. Your person wants 2 reach out in the worst way so tempted but they gotta be obedient during prep during separation. It's also connected 2 the word I just released Feb14/24 about, the spirit is willing & weak is the flesh. Whoever this word is for beloved im hearing in the spirit it's both of u feeling this ok this word is definitely connected becuz Holy Spirit surprised both of u when He confirmed who your kingdom wife is & her kingdom husband. Im seeing the shocking emoji emoticon again in the spirit. Now they know why there was such a spiritual deep connection & they wanna reach out but they don't wanna be disobedient & awaken love yet becuz when the timing is right the Lord will make it happen.[Isaiah60:22] I am hearing I miss you in the spirit. So hunny don't get in your head. If they don't talk 2 u yet or let u in or contact you yet its because The father says. no not yet. It does not mean love is absent. No baby love is present and they feel your absence. & they feel your presence in the spirit becuz u are 1 flesh. The kingdom spouse love is nothing like counterfeits. This love is so spiritual it almost makes you lovesick. You both have never felt this love this deep before beloved & its scaring u becuz this goes far deeper than just the flesh & u r also missing her beloved. Unbearable as in not painful as much as just intense. I'm seeing Romeo & Juliet again in the spirit. The emotions & feelings are intense. But it's unbearable becuz they r not use 2 it & not used 2 love like this even in your absence & Abba daddy is growing their patience & appreciation 4 them. It's unbearable becuz they are in love with you beloved. It's unbearable knowing you are 1 flesh in the spirit & he is her Adam & she is your rib. Lovesickness is strong feelings that arise as a result of seperation. I'm hearing it's unbearable & intense because all this time u were talking 2 this woman, you were talking 2 your kingdom wife/ rib & didn't even know it & then u were seperated like the teddy bears im seeing in the spirit. And then Holy Spirit gave you the shocking revelation like the surprise shocking face emoticon im seeing in the spirit. The reason they are lovesick can originate from many situations like not being able to confess your love 2 the person or express yet. I'm hearing overwhelmed in the spirit. Love sick means madly in love & missing the person. When Rachel reunited with Jacob then Jacob kissed Rachel & wept. There could b tears of happiness when u 2 talk & are reunited again. The emotion of the moment overwhelmed him. It could overwhelm them 2 beloved. I'm hearing worth the wait in the spirit. Jacob waited. I'm seeing in the spirit both reactions when Eugene sees Rapunzel in the tower walking out of the darkness completely mesmerized & infatuated, the wow look & Rapunzel as well when he falls out of the closet unconscious & sees him. This is how they are seeing u beloved. There is infatuation & intense attraction both ways beloved. Very attractive in a mysterious way making u want 2 keep looking at them overwhelmed u are their person. I don't know who this is 4 baby but both u & your God ordained kingdom wife/ rib are feeling this, unbearablely in love that is intense but if u come across them they r not ignoring u its out of obedience resisting temptation 2 talk & yes you are missed but don't talk & awaken love yet & keep preparing 4 them. The Father is saying just know you are very missed & loved from a distance but you are together in the spirit becuz you are already one flesh & soon you'll talk, re-unite, marry & be together again. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

1Sam15:22 | Matt26:41 | Gen2:22-23 | Mark10:9 | 1Cor13:13 |  SongofSongs2:16&6 | Ecc4:9-12 | John16:22 | Gen29:11 




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