Prophetic Word: U R Getting Ready 2 Meet Your King Beloved, Preparation Has Come 2 Completion & He Knows U R His Wife & Queen Who Has Been Chosen
Heyyy my luuvs. I have a kingdom marriage word for someone so test the spirit. It is connected 2 the word I prophesied & released Feb19/24 worked on laptop, I am sending it back 2 you again. There's 2 parts 2 this word. So it's for both the man & woman whoever this is for beloved & God confirmed 2 you what season you're in. I kept hearing Esther you are ready in the spirit like over and over I kept hearing this & how she was preparing for 12 months with prep 2 be a queen & beauty treatments. Working on healing, renewal, cleansing and purification. The laptop that needed work is finished. The Lord has been preparing Esther 2 meet her king beloved. You have become the Proverbs 31 woman and gone through the beautification process. And I prophesy over you that you have arrived & prep is coming 2 completion and you're getting ready 2 meet your king in the name of Jesus. You are ready and your king is waiting beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. The second part of the word is I kept hearing someone say you are my wife in the spirit. Over and over you are my wife I was hearing someones voice saying this in the realm of the spirit. King Xserses knew Esther was his wife beloved. Out of all the women he could have chosen, he knew Esther was the real deal and the one for him. He was more attracted 2 her than any of the other women. Esther’s physical attributes was a lovely figure & she was beautiful and within, Esther obtained grace approval & favor above all the other women that could have been chosen. He told her what is your request. I will give you up 2 half the kingdom will be granted. I prophesy your kingdom husband will spoil you rotten, give you gifts and treat you with honor and respect in the name of Jesus. Because you deserve it beloved and It won't be like other unequally yoked relationships. He gave her a banquet and he moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem. And he chose her and put the royal crown on her head. Don't miss this. You are my wife im hearing this in the spirit because the king didn't question his choice or second guess. You are my wife because he took one look at her and he recognized her & knew she was the one in his spirit. Let's not pretend but men are also visual creatures beloved and God knows this and takes this in consideration when he joins them. It is still important and needed 4 attraction 4 sex in a kingdom marriage. This is why you're attracted 2 them because your abba daddy knows your flavor beloved. Mhm. Men are visual and It is how God designed them. Of course he'll be attracted 2 his rib/wife/woman. Adam said this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. He was attracted 2 his wife and drawn 2 her and recognized her in his spirit and he didn't question it. He knew Eve was his rib. Esther also obtained favor from everyone who saw her beloved and she walked in faith and wisdom and laid down her life 2 rescue her ppl from extermination not knowing what the outcome would be when she entered unannounced but she trusted the Lord and God brought redemption. Whatever comes your way in kingdom marriage, trials tests, I prophesy in Jesus Name you are ready beloved and walking in wisdom in one flesh and getting ready 2 meet your king and the king is getting ready 2 meet his queen in the natural for kingdom marriage manifestation. recieve this in the name of Jesus. You are ready even if you are questioning it. The laptop is repaired & restored and finished. The healing and beautification process is coming 2 an end. You have both put the work in and you have prepared 4 this kingdom position & marriage. I don't know who this is for baby but the king knows you are his wife and queen who has been chosen. And you are getting ready 2 meet your king because your prep is coming 2 completion and you are walking into a new season rising 4 such a time as this. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Phill1:6 | Isaiah60:22 | Philemon1:1-12-16 |Gen2:22-23 | Esther2:9 | Mark10:9 | Esther2:17-18 | Ecc4:9-12 | 1Cor13:4-7
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