Prophetic Word: When U Get Closer 2 Your Breakthrough & Promotion Beloved, Thats When Satan Comes 2 Tempt U 2 Throw In The Towel & Quit B4 U See It

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for baby but I gotta prophesy this & release this and be obedient. Don't give up no matter how long it's been. You're about 2 see breakthrough & be blessed & because you're so close, the devil is sending spiritual warfare right & left and trying 2 tempt you 2 quit. I was smelling chlorine in the spirit and I saw a towel in the realm of the spirit and as I pressed in, suddenly I was at a hotel pool area in the spirit & saw lifeguards folding fresh towels for ppl 2 take them but then I saw someone drying them self off & then just threw the towel in the laundry bin basket. From there it flashed and I was at a theme park & I noticed beside me were ppl in line for one of the rides & this person waiting so long was getting frustrated, when she got closer & closer 2 the front riding it, she decided 2 just walk out of the que line & walked away frustrated. Baby hear me by the spirit of God and don't miss this. The towel I saw in the spirit represents someone ready 2 throw in the towel & quit whatever that is. Im hearing job promotion in the spirit. Maybe God is preparing you 2 be an evangelist 4 purpose or maybe its a bachelor degree & transition but whatever it is, the warfare has been so intense you just wanna quit but baby if you knew how close you were you would regret because the rollercoaster que person in line I saw in the spirit there were only 4 ppl ahead. My God speak Holy Spirit you could be next and then you just walk away from it. Mm walk away from what God has all because you couldn't handle the mantle and preparation for it. Whoo!! Because u couldn't handle waiting long 4 it. Somebody needs this. Beloved I get it. You think the transition of going through spiritual warfare transitioning 2 the Seer Prophet came easy like there was no demonic resistance. Baby that old devil fought me every step of the way becuz he didn't like that I could hear & see in the spirit. Because I see everything & it exposes him. Ive seen ppl in their house gossip about me in the spirit. I see through ppl and deception. Mhm nothing is hidden from His baby, His beloved. Yrs ago when I started 2 see visions of Jesus in the sky putting a crown on my head and then seeing a compass arrow point up direction representing you're going up, ressurection. My gifts were activated but I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know how 2 operate in my gifts. I was new 2 it and training with the Holy Ghost in the secret places. There was a big wind [ Acts2:2] in my car during worship, singing & it was my first vision & I was weeping feeling the Lord's presence & I thought to myself how am I going 2 tell my parents, speak Holy Spirit Lord they'll never believe this. What am I going 2 tell my kids. And you know what He said. You don't need 2, I will show them. And I was obedient and prophesied as Holy Spirit gave me utterance and then went to another dimension. Because obedience is better than sacrifice beloved and God is faithful 2 do what He said. Speak Holy Spirit Nobody can tell God who He should choose or pick and who should be called & chosen. He looks at the heart posture not stature and outward appearance. I just remember thinking of Jonah running from his calling and then because of his disobedience, he got swallowed by a fish. Right before Jesus' big breakthrough and ministry and mission, Satan tried 2 tempt Jesus 2 quit. Oh yeah throw yourself off the cliff, & angels will catch you, or turn the stones into bread. Dont fall 4 it & quit. But I prophesy God is faithful 2 see you through & finish the good work in you he started and bring it 2 completion in the name of Jesus 4 His grace is sufficient. The spiritual warfare beloved is the training ground you're in. If you didn't experience it, you would never survive the next level of glory 2 glory that comes with new demons. My God speak Holy Spirit You gotta be equipped because we dont wrestle against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places. Prophet why are you saying this. Because when God gives you a kingdom assignment, you're going 2 be fought as you prepare 4 it. You think the enemy is just going 2 give you a latte and say congratulations. now you're a problem winning souls 4 the kingdom and we gotta stop it. If u knew the power you carried baby you would fear nothing again. If the Word says the devil is under your feet how much more warlocks & witches. Baby you gotta know who you are and authority and use it. Your enemy is terrified of u instead. Mm because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world beloved and I decree declare and prophesy over you every demonic assignment is obliterated in the name of Jesus & no weapon formed against you shall prosper & every Haman plotting against you shall fall in the pit themselves in the name of Jesus. I'm hearing Esther annointing and David. Keep going & do what God says. The generational curse breaker cutting the opening always gets the bloodiest. Clearing the path 4 the generations. Whoo!! I don't know who this is for baby but dont u dare quit b4 your miracle breakthrough & promotion, push through the attacks, warfare, fire & pass the test, & u will see why u were fought when you go 2 the next level & higher dimension. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Eph6:11-12 | 1Cor2:9 | John10:10 | Daniel3:40 | 1Sam15:22 | Isaiah54:17 | Luke4 | 2Cor3:18 | 1John4:4 | Hebrews11:6 | Jer29:11 | Matt7:11




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