Prophetic Word: You Did Not Choose Me Beloved, I Chose You As My Chosen Instrument & There's About 2 Be A Transformation

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but you are someone who hasn't been converted yet. And I need 2 prophesy and release this word and be obedient. I kept hearing you did not choose me, I chose you in the spirit. So there is someone here somewhere in the world or will be led here reading this who is called or chosen and doesn't know it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Saul was on his way 2 Damascus and he was killing and persecuting Christians decided against Jesus but Jesus still chose him. When Jesus called out 2 Saul twice Saul Saul He said, it wasn't anger it was love and emotion because He was calling Him 2 work 4 His kingdom. His journey 2 Damascus was interrupted and a disruption and a light flashed from Heaven and Saul was blind for 3 days but when he would get delivered, he would be filled with the Holy Spirit and a chosen instrument 2 carry out His name 4 the gospel of Jesus Christ 4 God's kingdom. I heard that Holy Ghost. I'm seeing the word spelled out transformation in bold letters in an open vision in the spirit. I don't know who this is for beloved but God is going 2 reveal Himself 2 you, make you unrecognizable like Paul when He opens your eyes spiritually because you are chosen and I prophesy over you there is going 2 be a life disruption and you're going 2 be changed, converted from the old man 2 a new creation born again filled with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. I'm not asking you I'm telling you it will happen and I'm only prophesying out of obedience. You did not choose Him. But He chose you beloved. And just like Saul converted 2 Paul I prophesy God is going 2 get you cleaned up beloved and you'll become a witness & He'll change your heart and spirit that will align with His in the name of Jesus. That hardness and persecuting Christians will be turned around and you will become a disciple of Christ instead. Recieve that in the name of Jesus because it's going 2 happen. The ascended Jesus of Nazareth. When He told Saul I Am Jesus. Saul knew because he heard Jesus teach in Jerusalem. and as a likely member of the Sanhedrin, Saul sat in judgment of Jesus in the trial before His crucifixion but all along Saul was chosen. Baby you may have a long list of sins you committed, or still struggling  and feeling unworthy but Saul is a perfect example of God's forgiveness and how God will still choose someone and doesn't look at their past or where they've been. My God speak Holy Spirit even with their opinions because He knows whats within. He knows what happens after their transformation. Whoo!! He knows who will boldly serve him after they've been born again. Mm he knew who He was calling when he did. Saul may have questioned it at first on the road  Damascus because he had a past history of persecuting Christians and killing them but Jesus still chose him my God speak Holy Spirit because He looks at the heart and the version filled with the Holy Spirit. Not the outward appearance and the stony heart before the conversion. Whoo!! God is going 2 break off that religious spirit. Im getting emotional because theres about 2 be a transformation. I see it in the spirit. And whoever this word is for beloved I prophesy God is going 2 remove the scales from your eyes and spiritually you will see again & you will recieve the baptism of the Holy Ghost and become a new creation in the name of Jesus and there is no condemnation 4 your sins are remembered no more in the sea of God's forgetfulness and He has removed our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. I speak a boldness over you that you will speak fearlessly becoming a fisher of men for God's kingdom. I release a blessing over you and I call you healthy, prosperous, favored and blessed. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Shalom beloved. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Acts9:3-10 | Romans12:2 | 1Cor4:4 | Acts9:11-18 | Ezekiel36:26 | Jer17:9 | John3:3 | Acts2:38 | Romans8:1 | Michah7:9 | Psalm103:12 | Acts1:8
Recieved at 4th Watch 5:18 AM 


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