Prophetic Word: Beloved Miracles Are Getting Ready 2 Happen As You Cross Over The Burning Bridge Because You Believed It 4 It & Now The Impossible Will Manifest Like The Water Turned 2 Red

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I saw in the spirit when princess Fiona, donkey and Shrek cross a burning bridge after slaying a dragon aka chaining him 2 make a run for it and then crossing the bridge waited for confirmation & this is the 3rd time again my Bible randomly landed to Mark6:53 crossing over 2 Gennesaret so it could be connected 2 the word I released and prophesied March1,2,18 &22nd red sea moments. And the 22nd word is connected also 2 kingdom marriage now they can come together, the zipper is in alignment. Test the spirit. I waited 2 see if there was more confirmation & then the Lord was putting on my heart the song chorus you do miracles so great as I was singing this song in the spirit I picked up on it right away it was a word for someone beloved and as I was singing this song I saw a wine glass in the spirit and someone was pouring water into it but then the water turned red so whoever this word is for beloved. I prophesy over you miracles are getting ready 2 happen in the name of Jesus. The Mattew19:26 annointing is touching someone beloved. God is about 2 flex. He is going 2 honor you for the faith you have kept and kept believing 4 it. You'll know its your word because you're believing God for something beloved but you need God 2 do this. Its like you're crossing a burning bridge. I'm hearing in the spirit someone say I know you will do it. Is it you beloved. Someone is thinking or saying this. And then as further confirmation my Bible randomly landed on John10:10 life more abundant. And I prophesy He will do it for His Word does not return void in the name of Jesus. God is not a man that He should lie beloved and He watches over His Word 2 perform it. You will see it & testify WHEN he does what He PROMISED. Im seeing the word miracles spelled out an open vision in the spirit. I prophesy over you miracles & life more abundant in the name of Jesus. The burning bridge represents there is no going back to Egypt and the old ways and old mindsets. When you crossover the burning bridge, you are now a new creation. I heard that Holy Ghost. The dragon represents you slayed demons & Goliath and being rewarded for it like David. But you are no longer the same person. I prophesy prmotion is coming from the Lord for your faithfulness in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but miracles are getting ready 2 happen because you believed 4 it and you didn't give up or quit but you believed in Him and now you are crossing over a burning bridge and God is going 2 do what He promised and hes parting the waters and making a way where there seems 2 be no way out of it and bringing deliverance and promises. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Mattew19:26 | Hebrews11:6 | John2:9 | Jeremiah1:12 | Acts16:26 | Exodus14:21 | Hebrews11:1 | Numbers23:19 | Isaiah55:11


Recieved @4th Watch



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