Prophetic Word: Beloved There Is Ressurection Power & Transformation In The Silence, It Is Not Over Yet, The Suffering Is Coming 2 An End It Is Finished & Im Just Getting Started
Heyyy my luuvs. I have so many prophetic words I need 2 release and prophesy yet. As you know in the prophetic timeline we are in Holy week beloved and good Friday was day 1 of the ascension of Jesus Christ's ressurection. So we are in a very annointed time for miracles 2 happen. And yesterday I heard a few things for someone in the spirit. I heard the words it's not over yet but it is finished in the spirit. And then my Bible randomly landed on Acts16:26 great shaking and loosened the chains from prison. Someone here is coming 2 completion from some kind of sadness or bondage or a hard season. Someone here is rising 2 elevation. Some of you have been mocked, vexed, slandered rejected, down, depressed, persecuted. I'm seeing little Simba so down in the wilderness in the spirit. You have loss something or someone dear 2 you beloved but now I prophesy God is ressurecting relationships, things you thought were dead in the name of Jesus and giving you life more abundant and bringing them back 2 you again. Its not over yet. Oh the devil thought he had Jesus and beat him my God speak Holy Spirit but Jesus overcame hell the grave and death and defeated Satan. I heard that Holy Ghost. There is power in the silence. Where it looks like nothing is happening in the physical, there is transition mm there is transformation. There is ressurection. I just hear the spirit of the Lord saying that suffering is coming 2 an end. God is going 2 do what He promised. I don't know what that is, but God is flipping the script. The devil thought it was over 4 you beloved but I prophesy God is about 2 make a public mockery of your enemies and raise you up again in the name of Jesus. It is finished. I prophesy the enemy will return 2 you 7fold everything he stole from you in the name of Jesus. That hard season that feels like death the pain that came with it is over it is finished. Speak Holy Spirit im seeing a rose bush in the spirit. Its like there's a thorn in your flesh and you're waiting so patiently for the wait 2 end. As further confirmation my Bible randomly landed on 1Peter2:6 when I opened it like it jumped off the pages where those who put their trust in Him, will never be put 2 shame beloved. I'm also seeing a premature baby in the hospital in the spirit and someone is praying and she came back 2 life again and im hearing the locusts shall eat no more in the spirit. I prophesy ressurection power is getting ready 2 happen and God is ressurecting even promises that seemed dead in the name of Jesus and restoring all the years stolen. I prophesy God is taking you from glory 2 glory dimension 2 dimension and raising you up again. I heard that Holy Ghost. God is not finished. He is just getting started and alot can happen in 48 hours beloved. Im hearing the hakuna mutata no worries song in the spirit. Yess. Be anxious for nothing beloved, trust Him, stir your faith because a miracle and promise has your name on it and getting ready 2 manifest. On day 2 it looked hopeless speak Holy Spirit because it was quiet mm it was silent and it looked different but what you couldn't see happening was the power of the ressurection and the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives and dwells in you beloved. Oohh I feel the annointing. I release miracles. I release breakthroughs. Do it Lord, do it 4 them as many as can recieve it. Your abba daddy is faithful 2 do it. I prophesy your faith is not in vain and God is getting ready 2 something personal for you and give you what you need and what He promised in the name of Jesus. God does not lie & His Word never returns void He keeps his promises. I call you healthy prosperous and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but just because it looks impossible or hopeless, its not over yet, and that suffering, I declare it is finished!! and God is just getting started.The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John19:30 | Phill1:6 | Luke24:6-7 | Matt19:26 |Joel:25 | 1Peter2:6 | Acts16:26 | Numbers23:19 | Prov3:5 | Matt17:20 | Isaiah55:11 | Jer29:11@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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