Prophetic Word: Beloved You May Feel Like The Walking Dead, But Dry Bones Come Alive Again

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I heard someone say in the spirit they felt like the walking dead. I was like ok usually that means depressed. It can represent depressing situations possibly sickness, Whoever this word is for beloved you'll know it. Maybe you're having trouble finding joy again for whatever reason. You'll know more than I would all I heard is the walking dead. Maybe it's constant fear or something looks hopeless. I rebuke and bind the spirit of depression & the death spirit in the name of Jesus. As I was hearing this in the realm I heard again a rattling sound in the spirit and as I pressed in I saw Luigi in Bowser land and the dry bone skeletons coming together and walking again. And I'm seeing in the realm dry bones in lion king kingdom elephant grave yard in the spirit. And I prophesy over you if you pursue holiness and righteousness, God will turn the tables in the name of Jesus for those who love him who are called according 2 His purpose. Maybe the walking dead is how you feel in your body but I command your body, mind, heart 2 come into kingdom order in the name of Jesus. Maybe its promises Maybe its no energym maybe its things that seem dead and I prophesy dry bones come alive again. I prophesy Hes breathing life into promises that seemed dead breathing life into ppl who feel like the walking dead after a long warfare season. And breath entered into them. Stay close 2 Jesus when you go through warfare beloved and He will give you strength 2 overcome whatever it is. I prophesy God will mount you up with wings as eagles and renew your strength again in the name of Jesus and He will give you strength for His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in your weakness. I call you strong and you're getting your vitality back again. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Romans8:28 | Isaiah54:17 | John10:10 | 1Peter5:8 | Isaiah40:31 | Ezekiel 37: 4, 10 




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