Prophetic Word: Dixie Can Take Diddy Places Where Diddy Can't Go Alone Beloved Because There Is Favor In The Kingdom Marriage Union
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this kingdom marriage word is for beloved but I saw Diddy and Dixie kong in the spirit and as I pressed in I noticed in the realm Dixie was spinning her hair going into a barrel with Diddy but only Dixie could do this. Diddy needed Dixie for the advantage. Only Dixie could spin her hair like that and get in and then I heard the word favor in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Dixie can take diddy places where diddy can't go alone in certain barrels and levels 2 reach places because when a man finds his kingdom wife he gets another level of favor beloved. And I'm also noticing how there are bad guys only diddy can knock out and Dixie cannot do it. Because you are a team in kingdom marriage. And it's you 2 beloved vs the world and all of them and as long as you keep Christ centered speak Holy Spirit you can take on any of the new demons level bosses because you 2 are connected 2 the cord with Holy Spirit and one flesh. And when one is weaker the other one picks them up beloved. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Im seeing someone carrying a backpack in the spirit but it's so heavy for them so they are helping them carry it. Whoo!! They are making the load lighter when they are weaker and carrying the burden 4 them til they have refueled again my God speak Holy Spirit 2 keep going and carry weights with them again and take out demons. Mm because the joy of Lord is your strength and His strength is made perfect in your weakness. And greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world beloved. This is like diddy and Dixie helping eachother out with certain areas strengths and weaknesses and you each have a role in kingdom marriage. Speak Holy Spirit He cannot do hers beloved and she cannot do His. And men you may have seen favor here and then but you ain't seen nothing yet, wait til you come together with your kingdom wife beloved and I prophesy favor like you have never seen before in your kimgdom marriage union in the name of Jesus. Favor with man and favor with God beloved. Speak Holy Spirit spirit and never look at your kingdom spouse as competition because you have different gifts and one may have more or less. You are one so don't compete but always serve one another and other ppl with the gifts you were given 4 His Kingdom and your K.O. spouse always comes 1st before everyone else except your Abba daddy beloved. That's a word for someone. God 1st & your baby always comes 2nd yes even before family parents or kids. Another one im hearing for someone in the spirit. Do not deprive your body or deprive them of sex. If they are flirty & playful and initiating it and you don't feel like it, ask Holy Spirit 2 help you get into the mood and be submissive. The wife's body does not belong 2 her and the husband's body does not belong 2 him. Speak Holy Spirit and one of the ways of serving your kingdom wife/ kingdom husband is meeting their needs, intimacy and sex where they can't get it from anywhere else and you're the only one who can give that gift 2 them. And make sure it's consistent. Speak Holy Spirit if its once a week or once a month something is wrong beloved and you're giving the devil room for temptation. I'm seeing someone in the spirit eating out instead dropped what they were making and left. Mm make sure your baby is fed or they'll go out looking else where beloved especially men because when married they will be more sexually driven for those especially waiting a while 4 kingdom marriage. I'm seeing an infant in the spirit about 3 months. If that baby doenst get fed, baby will put anything in their mouth as a choking hazard. Whoo!! Favor comes with the woman beloved and remember Dixie can do things Diddy can't speak Holy Spirit. The woman multiplies what the man gives. The man gives her a sperm, the woman gets pregnant and gives him a baby and kids. The man gives her house and she makes it into a cozy warm home sanctuary for him 2 relax and wind down in. That's favor beloved. It's not good for man 2 be alone this is why he created a helpmate Come on Holy Spirit because Dixie has Favor in certain areas that diddy wasn't designed 2 do like she can 4 example be his soundboard and cover him and encourage him. I don't know who this is for baby but when the kingdom wife and kingdom husband come together in the flesh now there is more favor in the spirit because Dixie can pour out wisdom, help him & take Diddy places but Diddy is also Dixie's Protection;) Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Proverb18:22 | 1Cor7:5 | Proverbs31:10,11&12 | Eph5 | Prov31|1Cor13:13 | Gen2:21,22,23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Psalm37:4 | Psalm84:11
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