Prophetic Word: Don't Forget About Me Beloved When You Get What You Prayed 4 & Promises

 Heyyy my luuvs. I dont know who this word is for beloved but I heard don't forget me in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. God is about 2 give you that break through and the waters will be parted. God is about 2 give you your kingdom marriage. God is about 2 give you that kingdom wealth and inheritance but I hear the spirt of the Lord saying don't forget me beloved. When the prodigal was all good happy good times living he spent all his inheritance. Don't learn the hard way and forget God for he is the same God that takes away just as He gives. Speak Holy Spirit Adam and Eve lost everything because satan crept in and they lost their favor and the garden. That's a word for someone beloved. Praying and fasting and seeking your abba daddy and being in His presence doesn't stop because you recieved answered prayers and promises. No baby you need 2 keep up with it because new levels just means more demons and you gotta be equipped. You gotta stay in the spirit. Do not forget God like the israleites did. They grumbled and complained in the wilderness, & even when you come out of your wilderness, do not forget Him. Praise Him and thank Him and continue 2 cultivate your relationship. The devil sowed tares while everyone slept. My God speak Holy Spirit because the thief comes 2 steal kill and destroy beloved. Stay vigilant. But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.[2Cor11:3] I'm seeing a sheep in the spirit trying 2 wander out of the pen. Baby there is no greener pasture out there in the world of sin. Stay close 2 Him and I prophesy over you that He will lead you beside quiet still waterz beloved and you'll never lack again in the name of Jesus. Don't wander astray and follow a strangers voice beloved. He knows his sheep and His sheep only follow Him. I beseech thee do not forget Him. I don't know who this is for baby but when the prodigal son spent all his inheritance, he had 2 learn a hard lesson and when Adam & Eve didnt stay close 2 God thats when the serpent snuck into the garden and enticed them away with lies of deception. Be not ignorant of satans devices and always stay prayed up, vigilant and under the precious blood of Jesus close 2 Him even when you recieve promises, and life more abundant. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Eph6:11-12 | Hosea4:6 | Psalm23:2-3 | 2Cor11:3 | Deut8:19 | 1Peter5:8 | John10:4,5 & 10&11 | Numbers23:19 | Isaiah55:11 | Psalm91 | 2Cor2:11 




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