Prophetic Word: If Haman Does Not Repent, He Will Fall In The Pit & Hang By The Gallows Beloved

Heyyy my luuvs. I have so many prophetic words I need 2 prophesy, finish and release yet but I'll start with this one first beloved. This is not an easy word 2 release but I gotta be obedient. I saw back 2 back the witch from snow white fall and then I saw gothel fall from the tower in the spirit. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. There's a witch or wicked person in your life whether you're aware or unaware of it. When I saw these wicked witches, I heard "Haman" in the spirit. And it's times up for all the hamans this season. I prophesy over you every Haman who plotted your demise beloved will fall in the pit and hang by the gallows they built 4 you in the name of Jesus. Thus saith the Lord but because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. Beloved, God is not happy and not playing and gave all the Hamans many chances 2 repent. But some ppl will need 2 be removed out of the earth for God's kingdom because God is building His Church speak Holy Spirit and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I heard that Holy Ghost and the Esther's are rising and on the earth now for such a time as this. So Haman will not take God's ppl out messing with God's assignment. King Jesus is taking His bride 2 another level this season and I prophesy as He takes his children from glory 2 glory to the next dimension, God will send a message loud and clear 2 the kingdom of darkness do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed. I'm not saying maybe it'll happen. Thus saith the Lord the Hamans that will not relent and leave Esther & his ppl alone & not repent will hang by the gallows and be taken outta the earth in the name of Jesus. That sounds harsh prophet. Then you don't know Jehovah Sabbaoth beloved. The God of angel armies and war who sits in the Heavens and laughs at the wicked. I'm hearing premature death 4 the wicked in the spirit. but the years of the wicked are cut short beloved[Prov10:27] God is love but they have freewill and He only gives so many chances. So if you are trying 2 destroy someone even with witchcraft i said it. You need 2 get right, repent, I beseech thee repent before its 2 late & judgment. Because I prophesy judgment is coming 4 the wicked this season and God's children are increasing in power, authority exousia and dunamis in the name of Jesus. I'm also hearing in the spirit. Wicked ppl will not inherit the kingdom of God and will fall in the pit. Thus saith the Lord. Repent or perish before its 2 late beloved. You are loved. Do not go down the path that seems right but it ends in destruction and death. God is sending a warning because He's about 2 step in. I recieved further confirmation when my Bible randomly landed 2 [1Cor6:9] no inheritance 4 the wicked. I prophesy over you beloved no weapon formed against you shall prosper in the name of Jesus. The Lord is known by executing judgment. I don't know who this is for baby but if Haman does not leave God's ppl alone and repent, he will hang by the gallows he built for them & then judical appointment. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

1 Cor6:9 | Isaiah54:17 | Romans8:31 | John10:10 | Romans12:19 | Psalm23:5 | 1Chron16:22 | Romans2:5 | Proverb2:22 | Psalm9:16 | Esther7:10 | Prov10:27




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