Prophetic Word: Keep Preparing & Wait On Me Beloved & Soon The Door Will Open 2 Talk Again, Love Confessions & Love Will Awaken

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved. It could be for more than one or specific so test the spirit. I was hearing wait on me beloved in the spirit and wasn't sure yet so I waited & waited for confirmation & then I saw someone's hands typing in the spirit then backspacing & then typing and then backspace and almost hesitant so I don't know if you're doing this thinking of doing this or is this just representing the desire 2 talk 2 someone beloved. So I waited to see if there was more confirmation then I saw a license plate that said CHAT on it which means communication is coming yet and then after that I saw a licence plate today that had 123 numerical order beloved. And 123 again it translates 2 aigialos which means rush, beach, shore land beloved. And then after that plate there was another vehicle behind me then passed and I heard quickly right it down in the spirit and that plate had the numbers 913 and 913 in greek origin means "lightening" beloved. So this is how you'll know its your word because a lightening bolt may be confirmation. And as you know I've been seeing this 123 number sequence for days and then these licence plates now so hunny this may be connected. Connected to the word I released and prophesied about Nissan March1,2&18th/24 deliverance & promised land be still and promises. Then I saw 1234 which means to cleave or open and cleave means divide or split open kindaaa like a red sea moment my God speak Holy Spirit the word I prophesied, it is connected. Then I saw a uhaul truck and then an hour later a uhaul trailer which could be more confirmation. Test the spirit. I'm also seeing a heart with a zig zag in it in the spirit which represents you want your person. So you are someone in separation with your person & grieving this but I hear the spirit of the Lord saying surrender 2 me the pain beloved and don't awaken love yet. I will surprise you[Psalm37:4] when you least expect it[Exodus14:21] I'm seeing an elephant in the spirit. Ok so that is confirmation that you are waiting 4 reconciliation, talking, addressing the elephant in the room love confessions and kingdom marriage. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. They are not ignoring you and they love you and desire 2 talk 2 you again but the Father is saying wait on Him. Don't awaken love yet because when you do talk, something will happen but at the wrong time if it's not His. God is strategic and the wait will soon make sense but obedience is better than sacrifice & God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours beloved. Faith cometh by hearing & hearing the Word of God beloved so stay in the Word and mediate on promises, increase faith for example Psalm84:11. Im hearing in the spirit. Lean not on your own understanding beloved. I am seeing the word committed spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Your person isnt going anywhere beloved and they are fully committed 2 you faithfully waiting 4 you & preparing & waiting on The Father patient but I prophesy over you the door will soon open 2 talk again and love confessions because what God joined together no man can put asunder in the name of Jesus and you will be together again. Because its according 2 God's will and you are one flesh. One in the spirit. Im seeing something in the spirit trying 2 pull something down I'm seeing curtains. A spirit is trying 2 get you down but I rebuke every evil spirit trying 2 attack you beloved. I bind every mindcontrolling spirit and I bind every evil spirit in the name of Jesus and I cast it into the abyss. I release peace, joy, blessing and favor upon you in the name of Jesus. I call you healthy, prosperous & blessed. I speak favor in every area of your life including your union in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is 4 baby but the kingdom of darkness has only been attacking you because what is coming 4 you is bigger than you thought asked or imagined. Eyes on Him, happy worship music and I prophesy over you God is mounting you up with wings like eagles in the name of Jesus restoring and renewing your strength again. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this in Jesus Name 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen2:21 | Gen2:22-23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:12 | Exodus14:21 | Matt19:26 | SongofSongs6&2:16| Hebrews11:6 | 1Cor13:13 | Luke8:17 | Matt7:7-8 | Rev3:8 | 1Cor2:9 | Isa40:31 | Psalm84:11 | Jer29:11




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