Prophetic Word: Nothing Will Harm You Beloved, So Don't Be Afraid.2 Use Your Authority, Power & Gifts

Heyyy my luuvs. A quick word for someone beloved. I saw violet in the spirit afraid to use her powers when she was practicing the force field gift for protection so I waited for confirmation and then I randomly saw the incredibles orchestra version so I'll pinn it yet and when I saw it, I heard power and authority in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Violet was afraid 2 use her gift. Somebody is here afraid 2 use what God gave them but I hear the spirit of the Lord saying you have power and authority and gifts & you don't have 2 be afraid beloved. Do you know who your abba daddy is. Hes a God of war beloved. I bimd the spirit of imtimdation in the name of Jesus. When Dash and violet are running in the forest, the bad guys are after them but they knocked eachother out before they killed dash and violet. That's a word for someone. Before take you out they'll drop dead. I'm seeing the word witchcraft spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Those spells will only go back 2 sender and take them out instead beloved just like when those guys tried 2 hurt them and it backfired and they ended up dead. I bind the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus. I speak courage over you beloved. When you're covered with the blood of Jesus, nothing can harm you like a force field of protection. I'm seeing Angel's surrounding someone with short hair in the spirit. They are encamped around God's ppl beloved so don't fear the kingdom of darkness. I declare Psalm 91 protection & I cover you with the blood of Jesus. I prophesy thus saith the Lord do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed in the name of Jesus When the enemy plays & you're a target, use your power and authority and gifts 2 trample on the snakes and scorpions. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

1Chron16:22 |Exodus14:14 | Eph6:11-12 | Luke10:19 | 1John4:4 | Isaiah54:17 | Num23:23 | Joshua1:9 | Psalm91:11




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