Prophetic Word: When You're Being Yourself & Laughing Hysterically Beloved, You Will Be Strange & Peculiar 2 Them

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I was having a conversation with God, my abba daddy just going back n forth and I couldn't stop laughing when I was like daddy I'm the kinda girl who laughs at everything that isn't funny 2 other ppl and lol they think I'm psychotic and He already knows this but I like conversing with Him. And I was like 2 ppl could be having a conversation not even talking 2 me and I burst out laughing not intentionally so random and then I laugh harder cuz of the way they look at me trying not 2 offend Abba and then I heard the word peculiar in the spirit. And don't change that part about you beloved. For others your bubbly warmth & laughter is contagious. So when I heard peculiar in the spirit. I couldn't stop laughing in the spirit because I like that ppl think im strange daddy & I'm odd 2 them. I belong 2 Him. One of a kind is an understatement. Im in this world not of it. Im the kinda girl that would accidentally burst out laughing at someones wedding ceremony by something that was days ago said. Just random and can't help it. Lol, My kids love it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You're out of this world strange 2 them because you've been set apart by birth and chosen out of millions. Many are called and few are chosen. When you come into this world and become born again you have gone through a new birth and everything changes. When you get a new heart of flesh you'll laugh more than you did. When you get a new spirit like your daddy's you love like Him. When you've been transformed by the renewing of your mind beloved you no longer think small and worldly and now how you see everything through a spiritual lense & do things like your abba daddy which will be strange 2 them. Whoo!! Your gifts won't make sense. Your thinking may irritate them. Your heart may feel like a threat. My God speak Holy Spirit because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked this is why when we get a new heart of flesh, ppl hate us for it & we longer follow our heart but follow the Father as He orders our steps. Mm spirit led because His sheep hear his voice beloved and they don't follow strangers and doctrines of demons. When you stand out you will be a target because light drives out darkness but it also triggers and exposes it because for where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. My God speak Holy Spirit and when you're the light of the world you won't be hidden but this is why you also become very strange and mysterious 2 them because of who dwells within and a target 2 the kingdom of darkness. I heard that Holy Ghost. I prophesy over you that God will send good kingdom ppl and relationships that will support and embrace your uniqueness and destiny helpers for your next level and purpose in the earth in the name of Jesus. Im seeing someone embrace someone in the spirit. Embrace that you're different and your quirks like me lol clutzy and dropping food at a buffet table, or spilling water at a banquet. Haha and falling off chairs here and then. We are the elites of the earth beloved. Yesss speak Holy Spirit. We are a royal priesthood and children of the Most High King Jesus therefore we will be strange 2 them. And when ppl think I'm strange or look at me funny beloved it makes me laugh harder and I be like I'll show you strange lol and I laugh again. Baby you don't gotta try 2 fit in mhm I said it. Someone is here is almost scared 2 be themselves 2 even laugh in front of them. And I bind the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus. Be happy giddy & and let it out beloved. Laugh til your hearts content;) it inspires them 2 be courageous and different. Laughter is a sweet gift and it is contagious. Im seeing the word hyper spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Yesss there are midnight hours I have laughed for hours being over tired and it makes no sense. I don't drink I promise. I'm only drunk with the Holy Spirit. But you can be hyper beloved, it's ok to be hyper even if you're 60 with your favorite ppl and act like a kid with your kids at moments and just enjoy life and those little moments. I don't know who this is for baby but why hide who you are and what's within when the world around you needs it even if you're strange 2 them because you're impacting lives shaking the planet & those ppl are still drawn 2 your light & annointing within and its ok 2 stand out and be peculiar 2 them. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

1Peter2:9 | John1:5 | 1John1:5 | Matt22:14 | James3:16 | Matt5:14-16 | Jer17:9 | 1John4:4 | John17:16



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