Prophetic Word: You're Getting Closer & Closer 2 That Door Beloved & Suddenly The Lights Will Turn Green At Those Intersections Getting You Closer 2 Your Destination

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but when I was singing in the water I was seeing orange pylons in the spirit but it was on a road where there was construction. So I waited for confirmation and then I was seeing something in the spirit getting closer like outlines of it in the portal and as I pressed in a van appeared and I was seeing this van stopped at a red light intersection. But then I saw in another realm the mice from Cinderella when Jack Jack was chosen 2 create a distraction for them and he walks out and sees the evil cat waiting 4 them and what I noticed in the realm at that moment was Jack was against the wall shuffling sliding getting closer and closer 2 where the cat is 2 try 2 distract him. He was getting closer and closer but then I came out of the vision and back in the other realm the van was still sitting at this red light intersection and it was one of these cases it was red at that one and then turned green but by the time this van got to another intersection it turned red again and the next intersection. Im feeling the spirit of frustration which I bind in the name of Jesus. But then as I pressed in suddenly[Acts2:2] Then it was ongoing green and didn't turn red. But I'm also seeing the word spelled out intoxicated in an open vision in the spirit. There could have been a drunk driver representing the delay was your protection.[Eph6:11-12] Mm but it doesn't feel like protection when you're getting impatient at an intersection, does it. But God sees ahead. God sees what's around the corner beloved. God sees what's around the river bend. I'm seeing Pochahontas on the water in her canoe in the spirit paddling looking just around the river bend. I'm hearing in the spirit trust the process. So prophet where are you going with this. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The mouse shuffling and sliding against the wall and the cat trying 2 get him represents your back was agaisnt the wall and spiritual warfare was amped up and present but you're getting closer 2 something God promised. It could be kingdom marriage, it could be a baby, it could be a promotion, it could be a house and wealth, it could be expansion, it could be waiting for healing beloved. You will know what that is. It could even be land or your promised land and inheritance. But with every passing traffic light this person I saw in the spirit was still getting closer 2 their destination. Thankyou Holy Spirit. He's also showing me the morning getting to work the rush of traffic. Pylon in greek origin means gateway or entrance my God speak Holy Spirit and the road represents the course in your life beloved. There is a way that seemeth right 2 man but in the end it leads 2 destruction and death. And I curse every demonic assignment against your life and command it 2 be decimated in the name of Jesus. Whoever this word is for beloved you are getting closer and closer 2 a new door getting ready 2 open. The pylon is the entrance and although there was pushback in the spirit with the demonic trying 2 delay it. The traffic lights represent the enemy trying to stop you or delay your destination but what I saw in the spirit was a white van flying passed every intersection because there were like 5 traffic light intersections that stayed green when the timing that was perfect. Whoo!! That's a word for someone. I'm hearing in the spirit speeding up the time amos 9:13 and acceleration. I'm seeing in Frozen 2 in the spirit when the mist like a wind behind them pushes them aggressively & quickly in the forest. I heard that Holy Ghost. Things are speeding up and you'll no longer be waiting and waiting and waiting stuck at intersections. My God speak Holy Spirit but giving you the green light 2 not only go again, but make up for loss time with green light intersections from all that time they were red. The wind of God is pushing you beloved. And I prophesy over you when the timing is right, the Lord will make it happen and He will finish what He started and God ordained destiny doors will open quickly in the name of Jesus. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience and the testing of your faith produces perseverance. I don't know who this is for baby but keep pushing through all the obstacles and be patient during trial red light intersections because even slowing you down and delay will not stop you from receiving God's promises, and reaching your destination. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Eph6:11-12 | Isaiah60:22 | Acts2:2 | Amos9:13 | Phill1:6 | James1:3 | John10:10 | 1Cor2:9 | Isaiah1:19 | Jer29:11




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