Prophetic Word: Beloved I Am Equipping & Training Both Of You In The Wilderness, So Wait On Me & Keep Fighting 4 Your Kingdom Marriage & When You Come Together Keep It Secret & Hidden
Heyyy my luuvs. I wasn't going 2 prophesy & release this word just yet. But then I saw the envelope emoji & my profile icon in an open vision in the spirit & then I saw the word NOW in capital letters in an open vision in the spirit so Im going 2 drop everything & be obedient. Its a rhema kingdom marriage word beloved if this very hour I need 2 release it & its getting ready 2 happen!! Beloved you're seeking the Lord's direction & asking questions or thinking it. I don't know who this word is 4 baby but when I opened my phone randomly & looked at it, it said 9:13 & I heard look it up in the spirit even tho I have b4 & seen this on a licence plate I was still obedient. And 913 in hebrew means lightening & lightening in hebrew means bright, brightness beloved so this word is connected 2 the kingdom marriage words I released & prophesied Mar22/24 concerning the number 913 chats & confessions, love will awaken & the word prophesied April4/24 you will dream again & rekindle flame come together sudden April10/24 & Mar24/24 zipper alignment. Im hearing re-pinn them. I'm seeing a dark grey sky in the spirit so theres been spiritual warfare on both ends but I prophesy brighter days are coming 4 u both beloved & warfare is coming 2 an end & the kingdom marriage promise is being manifested as promised in the name of Jesus. so I waited 2 see if there was more details & more confirmation & then my Bible randomly landed on Michah 7:7 & I was seeing this verse jump off the pages which says but as for me, I watch in hope 4 the Lord. I waited 4 God my savior; my God will hear me. Beloved u are waiting 4 a promise but I'm hearing again be expectant in the spirit wait on Him. He's not late beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost it just feels longer becuz u know your prophecy so then its harder 2 wait 4 it vs someone who doesn't get a prophecy & then something happens becuz if u dont know then theres no wait period. Speak Holy Spirit. But I prophesy over u your strength is being renewed as u mount up like wings of eagles waiting on Him 4 u can do all things thru Christ who strengthens u beloved in the name of Jesus. These words are connected & while I was seeing this jump off the pages. I was hearing speed like lightening in the spirit. & I prophesy over u as u wait on the Lord beloved, you will see the promise & your expectations will be met, exceedinging your expectations & you will not be disappointed in the name of Jesus. I'm smelling a jar of honey in the spirit & I prophesy your promised land is coming & it won't be long now is God's decree 4 your kingdom marriage & things will happen so fast 1 blessing after the other so quick your head will spin in the name of Jesus & im hearing in the spirit it will be like a dream mouth filled with laughter & singing in the spirit. But I still heard don't release it yet. & then my Bible landed on John when I opened it & it was John16:24 & what stood out 2 me & jumped off the pages. Until now u have not asked 4 anything in my name Ask & u will receive, & your joy will be complete. & when I saw this I'm hearing in the spirit keep asking me beloved[Matt7:7-8] & preparing 4 it. Keep knocking & don't give up beloved. & then I saw 613 & heard look up in the spirit. & both prophetic words I saw 913 now its 613 which translates 2 apokruptó which means in hebrew 2 hide 2 be hidden 2 keep secret. So whoever this word is 4 beloved, the Holy Spirit is really emphasizing this. Like cinderella analogy move in silence becuz this is the second time I've seen a # that means secret the other number I saw was 2814 on April 9-10/24 which also means hush or quiet my God speak Holy Spirit & there is no coincidence that I saw 613 & it also means 2 keep secret. I'm seeing words warlocks & witches spelled out in an open vision in the spirit & an embryo in someone's uterus in the spirit. That's a confirmation beloved becuz Satan will do anything 2 try 2 break that 3 fold cord that isnt easily broken but can't try if he doesn't know your next move or when you're reunited becuz you're already one flesh in the spirit & the Lord wants u 2 move like chess make moves in silence be very strategic spirit led like a pregnant woman keeping the baby secret becuz they can't abort what they don't know is pregnant. My God speak Holy Spirit & meanwhile there is an embryo of love growing into a baby getting ready 2 be birthed meeting eachother but no one knows she's pregnant. Whoo!! I'm seeing a secret door in the spirit of the secret garden & I'm also seeing in another realm at the same time Kit showing Cinderella the secret door & secret garden. Beloved like a treehouse secret club hideout lol, keep it secret. And I prophesy no weapon formed against u shall prosper & what God joined together no man can seperate or put asunder in the name of Jesus. Always take everything back 2 the father beloved & b spirit led. If he's leading u 2 do something that doesn't make sense, be obedient lean not own your own understanding & trust Him. His ways & thoughts R higher than ours & won't always make sense. I saw 529 & it means meet again kindaaa like the 258 licence plate I saw April 9/10 which means unify bring together again. & then I saw 913 again then. Mm I don't know who this is 4 baby but keep seeking Abba daddy & waiting patiently on him & be expectant. Remind Him what He promised & call it forth in the name of Jesus. Im also hearing fasting & prayer brings breakthroughs & stop attacks & release promises. If u feel led 2 fast by the spirit then I'm hearing fast 6am-6pm then u can eat & break it & do it for 3 days water only btw then. Confirmation becuz days ago I saw 777 & heard look it up in the spirit which means not eating, fasting which tells me your kingdom spouse already is or on ur behalf beloved has been. The spiritual warfare gets most intense the closer u get so ask Abba 2 help u thru it & your kingdom spouse is also fighting 4 u in the spirit & your kingdom marriage promise. & God knows when u both ready 4 it but he's also training u hunny in the wilderness 4 that ordained kingdom marriage equipping u 4 the next level into another dimension. I rebuke & bind every evil spirit in the name of Jesus & I loose & release peace, strength, joy favor & blessing & I call u healthy, highly favored, blessed & prosperous. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this in Jesus Name 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John16:24 | 2Cor3:18 | Phill1:6 | Isa54:17 |Gen2:21,22,23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Eph6:11-12 | Amos9:13 | Michah7:7 | Num23:19 | Isa55:11 @Jesus'Girl8188♡
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