Prophetic Word: Beloved Its Closer Than You Think Meeting Your Rib, They Are Ready & Cooked 2 Perfection & Now They Need 2 Rest

 Heyyy my luuvs. I have another kingdom marriage word beloved because The Lord really has His heart on kingdom marriage so I need 2 prophesy this word, release it & be obedient. I was smelling almost like porkchops or meat in the spirit & as I pressed in, I saw someone sitting at a table in the spirit trying to chew these baby back ribs but they weren't cooked long enough becuz they were taken out of the smoker 2 early making the ribs tough like this person I saw in the spirit almost couldn't chew it. & then I saw the words "it's closer than you think"[Amos9:13] that courtship, it's coming quick. & then my Bible randomly landed on where it says Wives submit 2 husbands & husbands don't be harsh with them. So the Father is just reminding u wives u can submit 2 your husbands & trust them, its not like counterfeits, & the Father is reminding the husbands 2 be gentle with their wives & respect them not be harsh with them. but this is why it's a long cooking process, its God sent, its a transition the meat is no longer tough like it once was beloved. Speak Holy Spirit.Then I saw 213 & I heard look it up in the spirit & as u know I saw this March18/24 in 5 sequences in the word I released & prophesied Karios red sea moment. & now im seeing 213, 123, 321 again & 2 refresh your memory beloved. 321means loose, depart, bring again.123 means beach shore land [ promised land] & 213 primitive root; means press; [by implication] 2 be close, hurry, withdraw [make] haste, hasten. Mm so whoever this is 4 beloved. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that meeting your kingdom spouse will happen sooner than expected. 1234 which means split open karios red sea moment. & then after those numbers I saw 913 again when I looked at my phone random not knowing what time it is. I heard look it up in the spirit & it means lightening like the licence plate I saw b4 & recent on my phone back then. It's closer than you think I keep hearing this in the spirit.[Amos9:13] after I saw it. So these words are connected. There is someone here beloved whose been seeking answers in prayer 2 questions & your abba daddy loves you so much beloved, He's giving you confirmation & he's giving you the desire of your heart, your seperation is coming 2 an end & you will dream again. Your prayers are colliding in heaven & God is manifesting the promise but I'm also hearing in the spirit "don't forget me when u get what u both prayed for beloved" don't forget Him. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You may be in that pressure cooker or oven feeling the heat & missing them but I hear the spirit of the Lord saying trust the cooking process even tho you can't see the rib. Whoo!! Trust the process even tho it's taking long 2 cook them. Mm the heat & pressure beloved is needed 2 make u & your kingdom wife/ kingdom husband tender on the inside my God speak Holy Spirit overflowing with love juices. Tender in the heart 2 serve them. Tender 2 trust being vulnerable and open. I heard that Holy Ghost if you meet your rib 2 early it could be tough if you're not ready 4 them becuz the spiritual warfare you're going thru now during seperation will only increase after your season of bliss then comes tests & warfare again because when you're born again satan will always try again. This is why u move in silence when u meet that rib. Thats a word for someone. This is why God is bringing healing transformation. But when you're tender u have a heart of flesh when you're Tender you're ready 4 kingdom marriage being led by Holy Spirit & putting Christ first before your kingdom wife/ kingdom husband. Tender translates 2 eusplagchnos & it means merciful, loving, kind & compassionate & it can also mean gentle & affectionate. During the cooking process both of u are healing on the inside before u can enjoy that tender rib. But if u rush the cooking process, raw meat can make u sick unhealthy when not ready yet. Whoo!! those ribs wouldn't be as tender juicy golden brown cooked 2 perfection. It would be hard 2 chew when it's not soft yet & hard to get through it my God speak Holy Spirit becuz it's not ready yet & then spiritual warfare comes & the meat is still tough & even harder 2 get through it. Someone needs this thats a word for someone I'm just flowing with Holy Spirit. God is equipping u in the pressure cooker thru the heat thru the cooking process producing patience. Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience becuz we know that suffering produces perseverance & perseverance, character & character, hope beloved & I prophesy God will finish those ribs the good work He began in you He will finish what he started equipped 4 your kingdom marriage [assignment] in the name of Jesus. This word is also connected 2 Tide Turns prophesied April18/24 God is sending her/him back 2 you & with them comes the fathers heart ready 2 meet again. I don't know who this is for baby but the ribs are almost cooked 2 perfection referring here 2 both spouses, & then they rest & now your prayers are colliding in the spirit & it's closer than you think so get ready 2 see the manifestation of your kingdom marriage promise. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Amos9:13 | Isa60:22 | Gen21,22,23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Philemon1:12,15 |Romans12:2 | Phill1:6 | Col3:18-19 | Romans5:3,4 |James1:3 | Num23:19 | Isa55:11


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