Prophetic Word: U Still Gotta Alot Of Fight Left In U Beloved Because I Dwell Within, You're An Overcomer & Attacks R Used 4 Your Good & Training Purposes
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is 4 beloved. But I woke up hearing fight song in the spirit and what stood out 2 me in the realm was I was hearing over and over and I still got alotta fight left in me lyric. And I felt what someone else was feeling this bring it on attitude in the spirit almost like this sense of determination. And I was hearing in the spirit I can do this. You're right baby you can because of who dwells within. Then I saw in toy story in the spirit when the mom accidentally stepped on one of the toys and he couldn't get up even and then the other soldier is lifting him up helping him. The soldier says go on without me but I was hearing a good soldier never leaves a soldier behind in the spirit. Then I went into another vision in a different realm at the same time seeing the ant flick and how hopper was throwing him around and kicking him and his eye was really bruised and he tried 2 squish him but the ants stood up 2 him. As a seer I can feel this. I can feel when you were pushed around and this is a my heart sinks feeling in the spirit. Mm but hear me by the spirit of God beloved those attacks made you stronger and more resilient and gave you thick skin. And every attack works for your good beloved because God will use it for traning purposes because we wrestle not against flesh and blood beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost. I'm seeing someone playing video games in the spirit. It's a Nintendo switch and in order for them 2 reach a higher level they gotta beat that one first and the bosses but it takes strength and skill and peservance whoo!! Because those attacks have now trained your mind with God's wisdom and you move more strategic as He orders your steps. But prophet why do I always get hit. Because you have something valuable in you that threatens the kingdom of darkness. Speak Holy Spirit just like Satan tried to take out Jesus before his appointed time into ministry and mission. Satan tried to take out baby Jesus using Herod and Satan attacked and when that didn't work than tempted Jesus when he was older in the wilderness hoping 2 derail him so he didn't do what he came 2 don't miss this!! That's a word for someone like. What is it for you that God promised. Satan is fighting it because his mission is to steal kill and destroy beloved and if we don't wrestle against flesh and blood beloved than our weapons aren't carnal but spiritual like the infallible Word of God, prayer and sword of the spirit. You gotta Lotta fight left in you because of Jesus. He intercedes for you in prayer and sends his angels ministering spirits. Mm and because you are born again with His spirit, you are a conqueror through him who loves us in Christ Jesus. Blessed be the Lord my strength which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight & He already overcame for you beloved and you're sealed 2 the day of redemption. And I prophesy you gotta lot of fight left in you beloved because God is just getting started and he work all things for your good including attacks because you are called according to His purpose and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus. And the good work He began in you I prophesy He will finish in you what He started. When one suffers we all do beloved. Think of others before yourself and always remember love is selfless and love covers a multitude of sins. Im seeing a cadet and army hat in the spirit. We wage war in the spirit so keep your military hat on and armor on and as you climb levels like the video game I saw in the spirit, even when you get hit, you'll hardly feel it because the more Holy Spirit you have beloved the more power increases and strength & exousia & dunamis. Keep fighting beloved & I prophesy that our Lord Jesus Christ will mount you up with wings like eagles and restore and renew your strength again in the name of Jesus. I release peace blessing and favor upon you and call you strong healthy prosperous and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but keep going and never quit. When you get stepped on thrown around tossed in the wind, those attacks will only make you stronger and resilient and its used for your good & warrior training purposes. Shalom my luuvs. I love you
with the love of Jesus.1John4:4 | Phill1:6 | Romans8:28 | Eph6:11-12 Matt22:14 | Isaiah40:31 | Isaiah54:17 | Phill4:13 | 1Peter5:8 | Psalm144:1 | John10:10 | Romans8:37
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