Prophetic Word: Be Not Weary In Well Doing Beloved, Keep Contending 4 The Promises

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw a picture in the spirit in an open vision of 2 guys digging & one was close to these blue diamonds and turned around head down and gave up less than inch from them. And the other man had a ways to go but kept going beloved. After I saw this picture in an open vision in the spirit it was 24 hours later I saw this pic again except in the natural but exactly what I saw in the spirit and then I heard in the spirit be not weary of well doing beloved. So I don't know who needs this but whoever this word is for beloved do you even know how close you are 2 those gems, to those promises mm to those diamonds. Speak Holy Spirit keep going and do not quit and I prophesy you will see a harvest if you don't give up in the name of Jesus. For God is not a man that He should lie and He is not mocked, you will see your promises and your harvest. I know you're tired but keep contending for the promises. Whether it's a job, promotion, elevation kingdom marriages I heard that Holy Ghost miracles, healing, deliverances. I'm seeing an army hat in an open vision and as im pressing in I'm seeing a man and a woman standing side by side in the spirit doing the hand thing yes sir seargant in the military I forget what you call it. I know what I'm seeing though they are both black ppl in the army uniform black boots etc and sunglasses. They are standing side by side so that's confirmation both kingdom spouses are at war fighting for this in the spirit. I'm hearing it again in the spirit when Paul says 2 Timothy I tried to get to you but satan hindered me and tried 2 stop us from meeting again. Mm keep contending for your promises. That's a confirmation. Fast 21 days 5am-5pm or 6am-6pm liquids only if you need 2 beloved. Prophet's instruction. And only eat after then only if you feel Holy Spirit led. But God is saying keep contending for the promises. He's stretching your faith like you've never been because what's coming for you is bigger than your kingdom marriage. I'm hearing 1Cor2:9 in the spirit where the Lord says no eye has seen no ear heard and no mind imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. Past tense it's ready beloved waiting on you & big as in It's kingdom wealth & breaking generational curses. That's a confirmation that's a word for someone beloved. This is why you are being fought by Satan. He's trying 2 break you before the breakthrough and seeing your promises. He doesn't want you 2 change the blood line and end the curses. Im seeing curses spelled out in an open vision and then seeing a chain break in front of it. Thankyou Holy Spirit and I prophesy God will shift it, turn it, break it, end it, close it, open it and do whatever it takes 2 release 2 you the promises for his word does not return void in the name of Jesus. The chains are breaking and you are breaking generational curses. This is can apply 2 any promise not just kingdom marriage. Test the spirit. I give you alone all the glory dad for breaking chains off your ppl and releasing promises. I exalt thee forever Lord and I thank you for the annointing and manifestation of your power and the promises. Whoever this word is for beloved don't stop contending for the promises. Keep quoting scripture when the devil tries 2 question what God said 2 you, showed you and promised. Speak Holy Spirit. Wrestle with the Lord and be like Jacob im not gonna let go til you bless me with what you promised. Highlight it mediate on it put it on your fridge and in prayer keep contending for it. If God showed you in dreams or in other ways confirmation and you know for sure it was Him then write it down, attach scripture relating to the promise and go back 2 it and remind him what He prophesied & said. Im running out of room but I could write pages. I don't know who this is for baby but you are so close to those promises, gems and diamonds so keep hitting your target when you pray like a hammer im seeing in the spirit but with the sword the Word and keep persevering and contending for the promises. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Psalm37:4 | Jer29:11 | Psalm84:11 | Numbers23:19 | Jer1:12 | Gal6:7,9 Isaiah55:11 




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