Prophetic Word: Beloved As U Consecrate Yourselves I Will Do Amazing Things Yet & U Will Soon Cross Over Into The Promised Land & See The Fullfillment Of My Promises
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is 4 beloved but God is about 2 move & do amazing things yet. Could be 2mr for some of u, could be a week or 2 could be a couple months yet but I'm hearing in the spirit I want my power known in this season. I want my ppl 2 see my signs miracles & wonders so they believe in me again. So many of u are struggling in your faith beloved. This Word was confirmed when my Bible landed randomly 2 Joshua3 crossing Jordan as I was reading this it looked like It looked like it was jumping off the pages & I'm seeing in the spirit an uno card on a table & how it changed direction. Test the spirit. Y'all are in different seasons. This could be a now word or one later on beloved. This is where the Israelites are getting ready 2 cross over Jordan. And the Lord is saying & have not gone this way before beloved. So this is a new direction & God is ordering your steps & I prophesy God is doing a new thing in your life as you get ready 2 cross the Jordan coming out of the wilderness & into the promised land in the name of Jesus. Joshua told them 2 consecrate yourselves for 2mrw the Lord will do amazing things among u beloved so that's a confirmation. Again could be 2mrw 4 some or weeks, months or coming soon yet but God's word does not return void so take it back 2 the father beloved. Many here are still in the wilderness. Others are now coming out of it. Many here still need 2 go through it yet purge & the process & the Lord said 2 Joshua, today I will begin 2 exalt u in the eyes of all Israel so they may know that I am with u as I was with Moses. Many ppl around u family work colleagues aquaintances mock u while you're in your wilderness, growing & contending 4 promises & I prophesy God will begin 2 exalt u so they know you God is with u & u belong 2 Him in the name of Jesus & He will never put you 2 shame or forsake His inheritance. Whoever this word is 4 God is getting ready 2 flex. He wants His power known & desires your faith 2 increase in Him. & now I prophesy He's going 2 show up 4 many of u and fulfill promises & what He said 4 He is not a man that He should lie beloved & will do amazing things 4 you in the name of Jesus. This is not in my notes but I need 2 b obedient & flow with Holy Spirit. There is somebody here who has been doubting God at moments because u haven't seen it yet. I'm picking up on it in the spirit. Its a promise. Something God promised u beloved. You're thinking almost like it's 2 good 2 be true because you've never seen anything like it. Ok It's a kingdom marriage promise. It's someone u didnt expect & u actually had thoughts u didnt deserve them like u were feeling this but I break that spirit of fear & insecurity & doubt off you now & bind it in the name of Jesus & send it back 2 hell in the bottomless pit. I speak courage & boldness over you & I call you confident. I heard that Holy Ghost but God meant what He said. You are the only one 4 them. You are already one flesh & designed specifically 4 their needs being met & perfect for them predestinated & thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. U are in preparation. You are waiting in expectation. Recieve that beloved in the name of Jesus. I'm also seeing a scenario in the spirit a child saying daddy u promised daddy ive been good can we get ice cream you promised. So you are a dad or desiring 2 & will be soon after your marriage & u r contending 4 the promise & your abba daddy wont put u 2 shame or let u down beloved. My Bible also randomly landed 2 Matt21:21 so go read it beloved 4 that's your confirmation. I'm also picking up on it in the spirit somebody here is waiting 4 a next level & promotion & I prophesy after the fiery furnace comes promotion in the name of Jesus. You have been going thru it. You're facing all kinds persecution, opression & opposition but if you don't quit the devil will beloved. Recieve this. I'm running out of room but I could write pages. I'm also seeing a traffic light in the spirit & as I pressed in I see someone waiting not paying attention & then suddenly the light turned green & it startled them. Didn't expect it had a moment. I prophesy suddenly moments when u least expect it so fast your head will spin in the name of Jesus. I release blessing & favor & I call you prosperous favored & blessed. I just heard acceleration in the spirit. I don't know who this for baby but God is getting ready 2 show up & do amazing things as you consecrate yourselves out of obedience & before you know it you will cross over & enter into the promise. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Joshua3 | Amos9:13 | Gen2:22 | Mark10:9 |Gen1:28 | 1Chron4:10 | Isa1:19 | Acts2:2,22 | Matt19:26 | Isa43:19 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11
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