Prophetic Word: Beloved Once U Confess There's An Infection, Now The Wound Can Heal Because The Infection Is No Longer Hiding Below The Skins Surface

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is 4 beloved but I saw someone in the spirit that had a toe infection trying 2 hide it. It was hidden but under the bandage, I saw it was infected, but from the outside u couldnt tell if it is. & the way this person was feeling in the spirit was almost shame fear & scared 2 go 2 the doctor or address it or just deal with it. He just kept the bandaid over it but below the skins surface there was a hidden infection. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Sin that so easily besets & pain & wounds that aren't dealt with is alot like having a toe infection. If u don't expose it, it will have dramatic effects & severe consequences. But once u expose the wound now the cut under that bandaid it can heal again. That shame or sin or that cut or anxiety fear beloved the enemy has no power over u now because I prophesy when u confess your sins 2 eachother & pray 4 eachother u will be healed in the name of Jesus. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful & effective. Jesus had fear & anxiety in the garden. The Word says he was troubled or distressed & troubled means worried or concerned & worry means fear & troubled in greek strongs concordance means to terrify, frightened my God speak Holy Spirit so if Jesus himself had anxiety & fear & wept what makes u think God doenst understand what u goin thru or your emotions. Mm. He can empathize with our emotions. Jesus wept knowing the circumstance knowing Lazarus would live but He still wept. Speak Holy Spirit there is no shame in weeping or expressing emotions. Exposing what hurts so the wound can heal & a scar of glory comes out of it 2 testify of God's mercy, grace & goodness. If God wept how is having/expressing emotions a sin. I heard that Holy Ghost. It's what we do with our feelings & emotions. We can feel them & process them but we need 2 be vigilant how we act depending what emotion it is. Like anger for example work thru the emotion but don't hurt someone in the process. Emotions is a gift because u are able 2 empathize with someone else's suffering & show love & compassion. But if you're someone prophetic like me & a seer you don't feel just your emotions now you feel it in the natural & spiritual realm & feel other ppls emotions by what you hear, feel, smell, see in the spirit. Now you gotta use discernment which ones are yours & when it's their emotions because you're prophetic in different realms & seer dimensions. This is for somebody because I wasn't going this direction but I'm flowing with Holy Spirit because He knows whose here & who needs it. & I prophesy there is no condemnation 4 those who are in Christ Jesus who are now in Him in the name of Jesus. Those condemning voices is Satan & I rebuke it in the name of Jesus & anyone who tries 2 shame u for your past or condemn u when u are already forgiven is not of God & I comdemn them 4 rising against u in judgment in the name of Jesus. Keep pressing on beloved. Expose those cuts as God brings that pain 2 surface, it is actually healing u thru your confessions 2 remove that infection. Work through ur emotions. Weep if u need 2 beloved. Jesus felt fear & anxiety & He wept. There is no shame in it. Speak Holy Spirit. Emotions is a gift becuz compassion towards ppl is an emotion and the world needs it. God is love beloved & when you have the spirit of the Lord within all you wanna do is help ppl & love them & it's a beautiful gift. I heard that Holy Ghost yes dad I remember when I was younger all I ever could do & wanted was 2 love ppl & show kindness even when I was rejected & I was shamed 4 it & mocked as my kindness was looked at as weakness. I was convinced as a little girl that my heart by His spirit could win Hitler over even if I would have ever gotten 2 Him. & I would cry just thinking about all he ever wanted was 2 be loved & accepted & Marilyn Monroe 2 cuz they were rejected & I could relate 2 it like a little kitty out the batch since kindergarten nobody wanted. Becauze satan knew my worth in the kingdom since I was a baby in the spirit & knew I was annointed. Like he did with Jesus as a baby & tried 2 kill him. This was not in my notes or the word & I wasn't going 2 say this so somebody needs this cuz I'm just flowing with Holy Spirit. Somebody has been rejected. & u thought something was wrong with u even. I hear u Holy Spirit & u looked 4 love & acceptance in all the wrong places. I'm hearing self harm & even drinking & addictions in the spirit. & u felt this shame & didn't want anyone 2 know it. Becuz the devil comes 2 steal kill destroy beloved. But u are a king or queen in the spirit & the devil knows this. This is why u were rejected & I prophesy the last shall be the first in the name of Jesus but my luuvs back then when I exposed my suicidal thoughts, attempts, & cutting it had no power over me like it did because I no longer felt shame of hiding it like I was the only one in the world who felt this. Jesus healed & delivered me from it because once u bring that infection 2 surface my God speak Holy Spirit it has no power over u & wounds can heal because nothing is trapping it. Mm because it's out in the open. Becuz once we confess our sins, he is faithful & just 2 forgive us our sins, & 2 cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Im hearing in the spirit love covers a multitude of sins. Sin becomes a result of hatred & rejection because If u dont know Jesus & don't have a relationship with Him, now u turn 2 things of the world & I'm seeing someone in the spirit bandages all over them. My God speak Holy Spirit now u cover them all up but nothing can heal because it is hidden. Whoo!! But once you're in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation & instead of it having power over u now you have power over it as a new creation & the power of your testimony 4 His glory 2 help them & save them. My God speak Holy Spirit becuz you coming out with your struggle & demons will make shame & guilt dissappear giving them courage & it will become a domino effect all because of the impact you had on them. Mm. I don't know who this is for baby but once u confess the infection the wound can heal because it's no longer hidden below the skins surface. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

James5:16 | Luke8:17 | 1John1:9 | 1Pet4:8 Romans8:1 | 2Cor5:17 | Romans8:37


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