Prophetic Word: Beloved A Sevenfold Restoration, You're Getting Everything Back That Was Stolen

 Heyyy my luuvs. A quick word short and sweet so recieve this. I saw the word spelled out sevenfold in an open vision in bold black letters in the spirit. And I prophesy a 7 fold restoration and you're getting back everything that was stolen in the name of Jesus. Then I saw a licence plate that said 258 meaning unify in greek strongs concordance. So get ready because it's also kingdom marriage and relationships. it's more than you thought & it's going 2 take you by surprise yet. I heard that Holy Ghost. The wait is worth it. I release favor and blessing & call you favored prosperous & blessed. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Prov6:31 | Eph3:20 | Joel2:25 | Jer29:11

Prophetess Shellz Marie 




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