Prophetic Word: Beloved Wile Coyote Was Pretending 2 Be One Of Them, But He Was Disguised 2 Go After The Real Sheep In The Pen
Heyyy my luuvs. I have so many words 2 release, prophesy and finish yet but I'll start with this one first beloved. I don't know who this for hunny but I beseech thee plz use discernment in this season. I saw some kids watching cartoons in the spirit where wile coyote is disguised as a sheep 2 go after sheep in the pen and Ralph the dog always noticed him. I'm hearing beware of false prophets 4 they are ravenous wolves in the spirit. Aka they are fake Christians using church as cover up 2 play the part like Jezebel did. My God speak Holy Spirit look the part but deep inside demonic. Look like a Christian in their Sunday best but then go kill someone's character with gossip. Mm I said it. & they dont know you can see conversations they have about you in the spirit. Jezebel spoke in demonic tongues and made her ppl fast but she was the decoy satan uses my God speak Holy Spirit just like there are decoys in the church and there needs 2 be sharp discernment. I heard that Holy Ghost. Thus saith the Lord the jezebels are operating churches & will step down under judgement. Wile coyote was pretending 2 be one of them but his motive was 2 take out the sheep in the pen. That's a word for someone confirmation. Not everyone is God sent. Satan suddenly has his church because he mimics just like self proclaimed Christians. Satan couldn't kill Esther so he used Haman 2 do it. Satan couldn't kill baby Jesus so he used Herod 2 try it. Satan couldn't kill David so he used Saul 2 pursue him. Satan couldn't kill Elijah the prophet so he used Jezebel 2 do it. And satan has kids disguised as Christians on assignment 2 take out God's kids kindaa like the wile coyote I saw in the spirit going after the sheep in discretion my God speak Holy Spirit. Mm when no one is looking trying 2 get away it. who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Watch your back this season. Alotta wolves and God is dealing them. But why was satan using other ppl 2 try 2 destroy them. Because when you're annointed & protected, satan can't touch you beloved unless like Job he has permission so he will use other ppl 2 self destruct doing his dirty work because he hates even his kids. Mm but also because they all had big destinies and Satan will try 2 break you before the break through beloved. He will try 2 kill you with premature death just like he did with the rest of them and when he tried with baby Jesus because they all had a big destinies on the earth a big purpose. In hearing in the spirit do not think it strange that these things happen. If Jesus was rejected and targeted by the pharisees and persecution for speaking truth what makes you think you're exempt beloved. You will go through opposition because you 2 will be a target & threat 2 the kingdom of darkness. Be not ignorant of satans devices because a lack of knowlege is why God's ppl perish. I declare & prophesy Psalm91 protection over you in the name of Jesus. I rebuke & bind all demonic spirits in the name of Jesus. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected, blessed & prosperous. I don't know who this is for baby but be vigilant of the wolves in sheep's clothing & use discernment because Jezebel played the part but she was a witch wanting power a wolf of deception trying 2 kill the real prophet & annointed. Shalom my luuvs. I love you
with the love of Jesus
1Kings19:2 | Matt7:15 | 2Cor11:14 | Hosea4:6 | 1Peter5:8 | Matt10:16 | Jer17:9 | James3:16 | John10:10
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