Prophetic Word: I Set You Apart & U Were Born 2 Stand Out Not Fit In, Because I Chose You Out Of This World Beloved

 Heyyy my luuvs. I won't be as consistent prophesying releasing words as before so when I do there could be 4 or 5 a day published depends. I don't know who this is for beloved but I call my Heavenly Father dad or daddy because I'm very close 2 Him & and the other day I was having a conversation with him. Dad why do I wear my fuzzy slippers outside without realizing it. Dancing all the time & ppl must think I'm so weird lol and then I have my hat, scarf and sunglasses collection. Ppl think I'm 2 much 4 them and over do it. and things like my precious moments I collected since I was 7 and then I heard in the spirit beloved I set you apart & you were born 2 stand out not fit in. And you are fearfully wonderfully made created in my image & I chose you out of the world beloved. And because I always call him dad or daddy, Holy Spirit put a song on my phone I never heard before called daddy God which was further confirmation because as I was having a conversation with Him and then heard this song I was feeling someone in the spirit and as I pressed in it was a shoulder length with light brown haired girl I was seeing in the spirit. And you were saying things like I wish I fit in, and then I heard you say I have no friends. Why am I never accepted. But what caught my attention in the realm was I was seeing you wear a cross necklace. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. No matter what anyone says, you are enough and you were created for a reason. A purpose you may not even know about it yet. But if you have no friends it's because God has set you apart for a bigger purpose and he wants 2 use you greatly beloved. You are marked from birth and annointed which is why ppl are jealous & you have always been a target but I prophesy kingdom relationships are coming just like Ruth had Naomi and David had Jonathon in the name of Jesus. First God strips you and prunes off you all the worldy dead branches speak Holy Spirit and then new growth can begin and I prophesy God will send you ppl you can be friends with and trust from Him who will help you as a destiny helper to go to the next level in your walk with Him in the name of Jesus. Thankyou Holy Spirit im seeing a toddler in the spirit trying to ram a square peg in a round hole it will never fit. He's sitting on a library looking carpet. On his knees bent. Baby you will never fit in because many are called and few are chosen and when you're set apart you will stand out ppl will be jealous because you have many gifts and you were created for a bigger purpose because you were chosen by him. Insecure ppl will compete with you because insecurities opens the door for them being envious and they need deliverance. So if you are chosen now that threatens their self worth and image and they get jealous because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Mm speak Holy Spirit. Before I met Holy Spirit, in the world I used to want 2 fit in but baby I embrace that I never will because I'm one of a kind and different. As an example no one dresses like me because of my boldness and I create my own tropical wild trends because I don't follow them. I follow him. Mm. Come on Holy Spirit. But it creates jealousy when you stand out from the crowd beloved. Ppl think I over do it because I do things different and baby there's nothing wrong with it. That's not pride or ignorance, that's confidence. You know who you are in Christ and your confidence will be rewarded. Speak Holy Spirit. You don't let ppl trample on you and throw your pearls 2 pigs in the pig pen trying 2 tear you to pieces. Nope you are not a second option. If they don't know your worth then baby they aren't God sent that's a word for someone whoo!! Someone's confirmation. Ppl who don't have Holy Spirit will resent you for your pretty clothes, inner beauty and confidence because they don't have it. But someone who is God sent has the heart of the father your abba daddy who would want you 2 win, grow and be confident. They have your best interest. If they slandered and hated the most High when Jesus was on the earth and they persecuted him, what makes you think they won't with you beloved, what makes you think you're exempt. No baby if you're a real one who is chosen you are going 2 go through it and you will be refined in the firery furnace and persecution that comes with it but I prophesy as you go through it, God will never leave you or forsake you and he will be with you in the darkest hour even giving you strength 2 pull through because you are His and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but you were not created 2 fit in, you were born 2 stand out from the crowd because you have been handpicked by God chosen out of the world predestinated for His purpose. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt22:14 | 1Peter2:9 | Psalm139:14 | John15:16 | John15:18-19 | 2Tim3:12 | Phill4:13 | Romans8:37




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