Prophetic Word: I Will Step In & Deliver U From Your Enemies Beloved Then Bring Elevation, Restoration & A Happy Ending Yet & That Just Begins
Heyyy my luuvs. I will be doing a part 2 as this word is over 7 pages. 4 some it could just be deliverance & vindication & maybe you arent in a kingdom marriage season so recieve just parts of it then. For most here it's a Kingdom marriage. Always test the spirit. You know whose here abba daddy & what they have need of so all of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. I don't know who is this is for beloved but I saw the word spelled out mistreatment in an open vision in the spirit & I waited & waited & waited 4 confirmation & then I saw a bird outside flew right on my vehicle window sill in the natural & just landed, then sat a bit just staring at me with its beak wide open & I thought ok unusual & so random cuz it made me jump even it was that close 2 me and the wings were really loud like wind & this happened so sudden & then shortly I heard cinderella in the spirit & immediately went into the spirit seeing someone almost in the 1960s look setting orange wall kitchen house furnishings was that era & she was spinning in a circular dress & then I came back then in another realm I was hearing & seeing cinderella singing & then seeing her birds & mice friends helping her make this dress. & seeing the intentional mistreatment. The song cinderella sings confirms she is in dreaming & in greivance. But cinderella meets the prince. That's a confirmation. Beloved don't miss this. The dress represents meeting the king/prince. Or if you're a man reading this then suddenly[Amos9:13] you're meeting your queen/princess. Then I saw 4444 which means tower & tower means a building, house, castle; or a bird soar to a great height my God speak Holy Spirit the bird that sat on my window beloved & Cinderella came out of a hard season and fell in love & married the prince & then came restoration & elevation living in a castle instead & I prophesy u are rising & elevating this season & God will give u double 4 your trouble in the name of Jesus. So whoever this is for beloved. You have gone thru mistreatment or just a hard season. I'm hearing Pininah for some of u in the spirit when she would taunt Hannah & make fun of her not being able 2 have kids. She would deliberately try 2 hurt Hannah kindaaa like Cinderellas step mom & step sisters would deliberately make her cry with their cruelty & manipulation. Thats a confirmation & im hearing losses. Things that were rightfully hers were stolen or taken. Mm. & I prophesy the enemy will return 7fold everything he stole from you & the locusts will eat no more in the name of Jesus. The step sisters mocked cinderella when she had a broom in her hand saying she wanted 2 go 2 & while she was saying this 2 them, they laughed because they were jealous ha her dancing with the prince. That's a confirmation. Baby they tried 2 make u feel worthless or keep you hidden, because you are drop dead gorgeous & highly annointed, a threat & got the prince's attention. kindaaa like Esther who was chosen found favor with the king & he only wanted her as his woman. Im seeing Esther spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Esther was bold, gorgeous & courageous & Cinderella was & they were beautiful outside & within. Rachel even. Jacob smitten. I heard that Holy Ghost. Honey, God will make you beautiful on purpose almost as if he knows how mean other ppl are shallow envious. & He knows your looks & a heart of gold will enhance your life beloved 4 His purpose. Its favor you're his kid almost as if he knew ppl would make fun of the annointed as it is, who are drawn 2 outter beauty so he gave you supernatural youthfulness where it looks like you're aging backwards & glowing in the spirit drawn 2 your light more but it's almost Iike a weapon satan despises. He hates it because you're a triple threat when it draws ppl 2 Him. Baby u got gifts & you're cute 4 a reason. Mhm u think ppl insult u 4 no reason speak Holy Spirit mocking & insulting u is exposing what's in them & just further confirmation...They know that you're beautiful inside & out & they can't stand it. & baby never 4get this outward beauty is nothing compared 2 the inner beauty of your heart & spirit. It doesnt matter what you look like beloved. Love & kindness will always make you the most beautiful person. That's a word for someone beloved. There also addicted 2 your light & annointing & they hate it. & kindaaa like Cinderella, they resent your caring heart & kindness because your upright heart brings conviction. Im just flowing with Holy Spirit so somebody needs this. Then I saw 444 after 4444 which represents doors open. & cinderella had a window of opportunity 2 meet the prince. Birds also represent freedom & Cinderella does get deliverance from them. & I prophesy God will deliver u from your enemies & scatter & disgrace them & send a msg loud & clear 2 the kingdom of darkness in the name of Jesus do my prophets no harm & touch not my annointed. The dress also represents transformation, sudden opportunity, door open, sudden life changing event. Meeting princey what the mouse says lol or prince. "Dress" means garments; 2 put on clothes; attire; embellish don't miss this but in KJV tend or cultivate is dress. & hebrew meaning of it "work at it" & dress comes from the word French dresser means 2 prepare, set in order, arrange set a table beloved my God speak Holy Spirit. The mice were sewing the dress & working at it and preparing 4 her 2 see it. I prophesy over you God has been preparing u 4 what he's already prepared & made ready 4 u beloved preparing a table in the presence of your enemies in the name of Jesus. Our Sovereign Lord is a God of order beloved. Could it be the dress that got wrecked was a set up for Cinderella 2 have an even better dress my God speak Holy Spirit. Mm Could it be that you're being tested in your waiting season while God is preparing the promise, getting u ready 4 princey or prince preparing 4 cinderellas arrival when the ball door opens. And meanwhile God is setting the table for them. Mm who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit do not be weary in well doing its a test & u will reap & recieve the promise if u faint not & don't quit. I heard that Holy Ghost the devil is doing everything he can at the last minute 2 get u 2 quit kindaaa like cinderella almost gave up saying its hopeless crying in the garden. For some of you I'm hearing sickness, affliction, others hope deferred weary waiting 4 it. Im seeing crabs & holes in the spirit in a bucket trying 2 drain you beloved. I rebuke & bind every demonic spirit by the power of Jesus Christ & send it back 2 hell in the name of Jesus in the bottomless pit. I release blessing, favor & the Isaiah40:31 annointing upon you for renewed strength again & I call you strong, healthy, favored, prosperous & blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but there will be deliverance from enemies this season & God will bring elevation, restoration & that happy ending new beginning for Cinderella & the prince. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Rev3:8 | Isa22:22 | Eph3:20 | Matt5:14 | Joel2:25 | Ecc3:1 Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:12 | Gal6:7-9 | Ps126 | Jer29:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Isa61:7
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