Prophetic Word: Let The Past Go Beloved & Scars Will Heal As You Become A New Creation
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw the white peacock in the spirit in kungu panda 2 when he's so bitter at the panda and tries 2 kill him and im hearing in the spirit see thats the thing Shen. Scars heal and he says no they don't wounds heal and then tries 2 take vengence. The panda says they fade I guess. As im pressing in im hearing shen in the spirit say how did you find peace I took away your parents. Everything!! Hes also saying how did you do it. So your enemy is shocked how you overcame all of it everything they plotted. So if this is your word hear me by the spirit of God beloved. If you're the panda in this situation someone in your life is bitter and trying 2 blame you for it, hurt you because they are hurting within. If you are the peacock bitter and trying 2 hurt someone out of vengence, God is saying let it go. Let the past go beloved. I'm hearing peacock Shen say I dont care what scars do and I'm hearing the panda in the spirit say You should, Shen. You gotta let go of that stuff from the past 'cause it just doesn't matter!!. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now. So that's a confirmation. Who you choose 2 be in the fire of affiliction is up to you beloved. What is interesting is the peacock says then I choose 2 be this , that wickedness pulls out a blade and tries 2 kill him. So more confirmation some will not repent and they will die trying 2 take your life beloved like Jezebel having the audacity 2 go after the true prophet. Mm they had a chance 2 repent like shen they chose death. But God is warning the ppl on the peacock side of this word beloved repent or perish. And the panda in that situation is choosing 2 heal from the scars and move fwd stepping into purpose. Scars heal but you're never the same beloved. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Im seeing amputations amputated legs and arms in the spirit. You heal but you will never be the same again and that's the whole point my God speak Holy Spirit because old things have passed away behold all things become new a new creation & I prophesy in the name of Jesus including a softened new heart of flesh healed and whole again!! I'm picking up on it in the spirit someone has healed from their past and become a new creation. And I prophesy now God is exceeding your expectations exceedinging abundantly above all you can think ask or imagine. Because in the name of Jesus Christ I prophesy the good work He began in you He will finish what he started. Bless and pray for your enemies beloved and God will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you, settle the score of unfair treatment and bless you with life more abundant. And there's someone here who hasn't healed and the bitterness is making this person sick. I don't know who this is for baby but you can let scars make you bitter or better by the furnace of affliction but what you sow and who you choose 2 be will always have repercussions and reap a bitter or better abundant harvest. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Psalm34:17 | Ezekiel36:26 | Romans12:2 | 1Pet5:8 | John3:3 | James3:16 | Romans12:19 | Jer17:9 | Romans8:31 | 1Chron16:22 | Gal6:7 | John10:10
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