Prophetic Word: When You Seek Me With All Your Heart Beloved, You Will Find Me & Now I Call You Friend

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I was seeing some kids playing hide n seek in the spirit and they were laughing and so happy when they found them and then I was hearing in the spirit when you find me you will seek me with all your heart beloved. And then I was seeing Andy play with woody in the spirit when he would do everything with him. And then as I pressed in I was hearing the song the more I seek you in the spirit. This is what im hearing in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Seeking Jesus is alot like hide n seek and you gotta actually make the effort 2 find him. Mm And your faith may make you look stupid for seeking him kindaaa like Noah was told by the Lord it was gonna rain 2 build a boat out of obedience. My God speak Holy Spirit because faith without works is dead and this is why the Lord says without faith you can't even please him. It takes faith 2 seek him and believe he exists and believe he rewards those who sincerely diligently seek Him but when you find him and get 2 know him, He's the best friend you'll ever have beloved. I'm also hearing that song you gotta friend in me in the spirit. Because he will never leave you or forsake you matter what you go through in trials and tribulation and you gotta friend in Him. And I prophesy over you as you diligently seek Him, God will reward you in the name of Jesus and you will see a different side of him as you go 2 new levels and higher dimensions. Im seeing in another realm other kids playing hide and seek in the spirit but one of them is giving up finding him or them. Do not give up beloved. He will come 2 you as you are as you're seeking Him. I don't know who this is for baby but just like hide and seek when you look for and seek Jesus you will not be dissapointed. You will have a best friend for life when you find Him. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Hebrews11:6 | 2Cor3:18 | James2:17 | John3:16 | Matt18:12 John15 15 | Psalm25:14 | Jer29:13 | Hebrews11:1




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