Prophetic Word: You Wont Have 2 Live Without Them, You Belong Together Beloved Already As One Flesh

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this kingdom marriage word is 4 beloved but I heard someone say in the realm don't let go of me I won't let go of you baby this is what I heard in the spirit so maybe you said this or thought this & then I heard Leanne rimes how do I live without you lyrics in the spirit. I've only heard it once or twice in my life but I heard this playing in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. They feel the same way now knowing what they didn't back then but you won't live without them beloved. God would never dangle a carrot on a stick in front of a rabbit tell you they're yours & then pull it away & say you can't have it. Speak Holy Spirit but He is using the seperation season 2 heal first and prepare 4 them so it will last forver beloved. God will move heaven & earth & mountains 4 His will 2 be done when u pray 4 His. If he He told you they are yours believe him. That's a confirmation write things down even. But there is always a wilderness season 2 prepare 4 them. Thanku Holy Spirit im hearing delayed is not denial beloved. You will still be with them & marry them because I already joined you 2 them. But let me change some things about you first & work out the rough edges b4 u reunite again. But this song lyric this is how they are feeling beloved. This love is so deeply spiritual one flesh soul knit & God sent its deeper than the flesh. It's not lust it's true love & God is putting those feelings there 4 her/him becuz you are already one flesh. How do I live without you is how they are feeling because they are madly in love with you beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. This word is connected to going 2 war contending 4 this promise because I'm seeing it in the spirit & hearing I won't let go til you bless me like Jacob. I'm hearing this. I'm hearing this loud in the spirit. Somebody Is thinking or saying this. Nope they know the truth now that you're theirs & they can't unsee it & they don't want to live without you so they are contending 4 you in the spirit. Becuz there has been a separation & startling revelations since then. I heard that Holy Ghost. And God is using that painful situation/ seperation 2 grow u thru it & change u 4 them. So he can send them back 2 you forever beloved when u are equipped & ready 4 this kingdom marriage covenant. I'm hearing you & I belong together in the spirit & it's Mariah Carey we belong together as im pressing in & in the realm what's standing out in the lyrics is when she says. When you left I lost a part of me. It's still so hard to believe come back baby please 'Cause we belong together so they want you back beloved. Don't watch it. It's just a word of confirmation. They can't sleep & you are missed. You were just friends back then but you didn't know you were talking to your future kingdom wife/ husband. When you were talking 2 them you didn't know you were 1 flesh. You belong together because your union was ordained by Him. There ain't nobody better so when she says that I'm hearing in the spirit they know you are one in a million and God sent. And you meeting them or randomly talking 2 them was not a coincidence. It was God all along & now they know that beloved. They want no one else the lyric says whose gonna take your place there is no one else better so they know you're the one 4 them & they are prepared 2 fight, contend & wait as long as they need 2 til God blesses them with you beloved. This word is connected to prophesied contending 4 the promises. They will never let you go knowing what is in store for them. I heard that Holy Ghost your looks even. They didn't know you were that cute beloved. Someone is thinking this. I'm picking up on it in the spirit. Someone thinks you are so cute, hot & perfect for them. They are crushing hard on them. Your heart of gold & spirit is a whole nuthaaa level of attraction because you're real & one flesh. And im hearing in the spirit they havent forgotten those vulnerable intimate conversations. The woman is his missing part, his rib. This part of the lyric they lost a part of them when you left out of obedience. This is why because you have something that belongs 2 them. The man's rib!!!! Not just their physical rib God used 2 make a helmate for them my God speak Holy Spirit but their rib you as their wife thier woman. It's hard 2 live without you but I'm seeing in the spirit they are making decisions with you in mind like you're already married wife & husband. They are getting ready & getting everything in order & finances. I'm hearing in the spirit I go 2 prepare a place 4 you so they are making room for you beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit buying land yet building houses & some of you blended families even. God is preparing you 2 be a dad & some of you are aware & some of you aren't aware of it. Some are preparing 2 be moms instead. I'm seeing a blue dad 2 be shirt in the spirit. I'm hearing there will be 2025/2026 babies sudden even.[Gen1:28] And the patience & waiting season is necessary & needed because u won't be ready if u don't have patience & equipped 4 next level demons & dimensions.[ Eph3:20] Starting or expanding a family from singleness is a big step. I don't know who this is 4 baby but you won't have 2 live without them because the Lord has spoken & this kingdom marriage is ordained by Him because you belong together & are already one flesh so keep contending 4 the promises & preparing 4 it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Gen1:28 | Phil1:12,15 | Gen2:22,23 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:12 | Psalm37:4 | Psalm84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11 




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