Prophetic Word: Beloved Be Not Ignorant Of Satans Devices, Theres More Than One Principality Or Ruler Of Darkness

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is 4 beloved but I saw in the spirit when Ursula is watching through a crystal ball Ariel swim so I waited if there was more confirmation and then the Lord showed me in the spirit all of the Disney villains standing beside eachother one by one jarfar, Ursula, Step mom, Scar, Radcliffe, Shaunu, Gothel, Malificent. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The Bible doesn't say there is one ruler of darkness. I heard that Holy Ghost my ppl perish for lack of knowledge. Beloved catch this revelation & dont miss this. All the villains represent principalities & evil spirits!! For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Against what? Principalities plural beloved. Not just one 4 there's more than one ruler and warlocks & witches. Which is why what works for one spirit you need a different strategy 2 come against the other spirits. But they all work together for the kingdom of darkness the same way the body of Christ works as one for God's kingdom baptized into one body one spirit & the seer part of the body is the most misunderstood out of all them. But they are still needed because God reveals the mysteries that are not written and reveals 2 his prophets so his ppl don't perish for lack of knowlege. Many prophets and godly ppl wanted 2 see what you see but they didn't see it. They wanted 2 hear what you hear. But they didn't hear it. I'm bringing impartation & revelation so you dont perish.  Speak Holy Spirit. Demons & satan know who everyone is in the spirit. Like the villians they are on assignment. They know in the realm exactly who is anointed which is why they try 2 do destiny transfers but cannot because you're a child of God beloved so they try 2 slow you down or try 2 block your destiny instead why?? Because all satan cares about is steal kill destroy thats his mission. One trick pony & it never changes always the same 3 part agenda beloved. & he's been watching you since birth in the spirit & he has his high ranking witches and warlocks in the realm who monitor God's ppl and annointed but God's ppl perish because they aren't taught in churches how 2 fight principalities, pray in the spirit and this gives the demons an advantage. I heard that Holy Ghost especially one foot in the world one foot in with Jesus, lukewarm Christians where satan has access in the realm 2 them because God does not condone sin or wickedness. and im not just talking about the blood rituals in Hollywood even working for him & they know Christians. No even gossip & bitterness that is overlooked and they condone it. But yes also demon possession they astral protect they gather information then harass other Christians and try to turn Christians against Christians and use ppl to do it. They travel in the spirit and gather info back 2 satan. And satan tries 2 take you out when you're annointed. I heard that Holy Ghost just like he tried 2 kill baby moses the prophet and just like he tried 2 kill Elijah the prophet & just like he tried 2 kill the messiah baby Jesus. What I see in the spiritual realm is very different than the natural world im in. Im seeing in the flesh with my natural eyes but its like seeing a world within a world seeing in the spirit. An invisible world inside of one im in because I'm in this world not of it. Like xray vision & you need 2 understand the battle is not against flesh & blood beloved. They are spirits walking around malls , roads, houses, roaming the earth looking for a home 2 tempt & live in. In a mall I see ppl walking in a mall but I see another world in the same mall in the spirit. You think it's a coincidence that you almost perished or that you were a target since birth or a kid always picked last always rejected my God speak Holy Spirit because many are called and few are chosen & for example satan has been watching you little in classes & influencing kids 2 treat you like garbage because the kids or adults even lack knowledge. Satan knows God has big plans for the annointed. Mm. I don't know who this is for baby but be not ignorant of satans devices there's more than just one ruler of darkness & like Ursula I saw in the spirit demons monitor you 2 to try 2 break you & block your destiny from coming 2 fruition so make sure you're praying against it & rebuking him. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

1Peter5:8 | Eph6:11-12 | Matt22:14 | 1John4:4 | Matt5:14 | Hosea4:6 | Jer29:11 2Cor4:4 | Matt13:17 | 2Cor2:11 



Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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