Prophetic Word: Delay Is Coming 2 An End, U Will Meet Again, Marry Her Beloved & I Will Give U Land, New Houses So Endure W/ Patience & U Will Receive All I Have Promised

 I beseech thee as God's prophet. Read all 3 pages & if this word is resonating with your spirit & you know it is, save this word & read it again & get it into your spirit. I pray you read it in time beloved & God will order your steps. Whoever this word is for Father, plz reveal it 2 the right one who it is 4 & who needs 2 see it by your spirit & speak 2 them & annoint your word in the mighty name of Jesus. This word is connected 2 Traffic Lights R 4 Your Protection @ Intersections, Theres A Time 2 Speak, Yield & Listen When U Cross Paths Again prophesied June22/24 & the Word When U 2 Come Together Again, B Vulnerable & Transparent 4 A Strong Foundation & Dont Hide Any Secrets Under The Rug Avoiding Those Conversations prophesied June7/24. I'm also hearing this word is connected 2 Beloved If You Really Want Your Rib/Adam, Dont Be Apathetic But Wrestle & Contend 4 The Promise With Enthusiasm & Boldness and You Melt Their Heart 2 The Ground Beloved, Like Overflow They Are Bleeding Love Excessive both prophesied June21/24. So I beseech thee read all of them & save them.

Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is 4 beloved but this is somebody's confirmation regarding kingdom marriage & the Lord is giving you instruction, wisdom & revelation so test the spirit but I gotta release it now & be obedient. & Im trying 2 articulate it because it's 10 notebook pages & this word goes in so many directions. Have your way all of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. so @ First my Bible randomly landed to Gen13:15 where the Lord says. I am giving you all this land as far as you can see 2 you & your descendants as a permanent position. And what stood out 2 me was permanent. So I waited 4 more confirmation. Then I was hearing & seeing in the spirit in a perfect man when Adam drew a cartoon picture of Holly & him animated & as I pressed in the realm it says in a bubble like a comic, I'll always be here 4 you so I wasn't sure what the Lord was saying at first & forgot because I got sidetracked with my kids. I remember just thinking in my heart what am I seeing & why am I seeing this. And then I saw it in the spirit again so I knew ok this is a word 4 someone for me 2 see it again in the spirit so I waited 4 more confirmation. I actually don't even know how this happened but I was studying Hebrews2&3 the other day inside ok so there was no wind & when my Bible was on my lap as I was reading it, somehow supernaturally my Bible flipped a few pages landed randomly to Hebrews10:37 where it says no more delay & I knew it was God because in the spiritual realm it looked like 3d jumped off the pages. In vs35,36 just before it, the Lord says So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! 36 Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. No more delay beloved!! Its coming endure because you're almost there & you'll see it. So I waited 4 confirmation. And then today the Lord led me 2 Genesis the servant finds a wife for Isaac. Abraham's servant also says don't delay me which caught my attention. Hear me by the spirit of God. This is how you'll know its your word beloved, the cartoon picture in that movie the drawing I saw in the spirit is because these are just the few last words you said 2 your wife when the Lord seperated you for a season not knowing she was your Rebekah back then Isaac. Im hearing in the spirit you said 2 her if you ever need someone 2 talk 2 I'm here 4 you which confirms what I saw in the spirit with Holly & Adam you said something similar like him. You have been fighting & contending and praying 2 get her back & reunite again. Im hearing you miss her and what you know now you wish you knew then. Holly & Adam have feelings reciprocated. You now know that the enemy stole what belongs 2 you and I prophesy you will get her back again in the name of Jesus because what God joined together no man can put asunder or seperate in the name of Jesus. God had 2 do work in both of you for this kingdom marriage. Speak Holy Spirit. Abraham's servant was praying in his heart & before he finished praying he saw Rebekah coming out that's a confirmation. God heard those cries that were silent when you were just thinking of her in bed. God heard the heartfelt prayers when you realized she was your wife all this time & rib & you want another chance with her again because you had a connection & u never wanted 2 be seperated. God hears thoughts & cries & answers those prayers & knows the secret desires you don't even have words but crying silent. Instant answered prayers beloved. So then from there I was led by the spirit 2 watch the movie Pochahontas confused by it & I heard in the spirit  I want 2 show you something & I didn't understand why I needed 2 watch it so I was still obedient & when Pochahontas says father I think my dream is pointing me down a different path & when her dad said this is the right path 4 you, I got it, it hit me & then later I saw & heard it in the spirit & in the realm it caught my attention because when Abraham's servant wanted her 2 to go with him, her parents were almost hesitant said we'll see what she says, asked Rebekah if she wanted 2 go with him to marry Isacc. So whoever this word is 4 beloved, both of your families may not be ready or agree with this, with this path chosen like Pochahontas & captain John Smith. But I'm hearing in the spirit keep it secret 4 a while when you come together again. My God speak Holy Spirit Pochahontas & John Smith were together in secret!! Mm. They may not be on board 4 your Rebekah 2 relocate with you Isaac but God is saying move in silence, go anyway & be obedient. & dont delay when you come together again. like Abraham's servant said dont delay me he said. The Lord made my mission a success. I heard that Holy Ghost. The devil may try 2 use family 2 come btwn you 2 to break you up again 2 stop God's purpose til you put a ring on it so keep quiet til then. In fact both tribes were against Pochahontas & John Smith so that could be a confirmation beloved & God is saying stay quiet use discernment. Because the enemy hates kingdom marriage. But I prophesy no weapon formed against you or your kingdom marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus & Rebekah will go with him & marry him. Rebekah goes & says yes so thats your confirmation. She doesn't let her family stop her from going with him. I'm also hearing & seeing in the spirit when Pochahontas walks into a tent turns & says I think something is about 2 happen. Something exciting so again God is saying stay ready because something is about 2 happen beloved. After Pochahontas says this it doesnt take long til she meets John Smith. You're about 2 cross paths & meet again. Im seeing in the realm the way John Smith looks into Pochahontas, looks into her eyes like love at first sight so that's another confirmation. Its going 2 be worth the wait & when your eyes lock it'll be like time stopped 4 a moment. My God speak Holy Spirit the land the land God is giving you land beloved. John Smith was looking for new land!! When he met Pochahontas. I'm hearing John Smith say2 Pochahontas we'll build roads & decent houses!! Mm ok dad I get it now I couldn't understand how [Gen] the land was connected to the cartoon picture & Pochahontas and John Smith I saw in the spirit. Now I get it. Whoo!! So God is saying new beginnings with your kingdom wife, new land, building new houses I prophesy and you will marry your wife & she will go with you and you will build new house on new land, no more delay and you will recieve all God has promised in the name of Jesus. And no one will stop it including family or ppls opinions. God is so strategic. This is why you always be obedient even when it doesn't make sense. God will order your steps. Lean not on your own understanding & trust Him. Recieve this word beloved in the name of Jesus. & take it back 2 your daddy 4 further confirmation. I still wanted one more confirmation because I knew I had 2 release this now & it when I say it was so quick, just like Abraham's servant, Holy Spirit answered me quick then when I opened up my phone I saw 127 & 226 and heard look up in the spirit and 127 in strongs translates 2 adamah which means ground or land & 226 translates 2 oth & means remembrance; sign; flag my God speak Holy Spirit the land, Genesis, John Smith & Pochahontas. The cartoon picture I'll always be here 4 you I saw in the spirit  then you saying that 2 your wife beloved & now remembrance. The flag when Radcliffs flag is on new land. Whoo!! Again test the spirit. I release blessing & favor & I call you protected favored prosperous and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but the delay is broken and coming 2 an end for you are meeting your wife soon again and then marital settlement & no one will stop it and then God is giving you land, you'll build a new house on it and your new life begins. Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will & then you will receive all that he has promised. Shalom my luuvs. I love you
with the love of Jesus.
Gen13:15 | Heb10:35-37 | Gen24 | Deut8:1,18 | Isa1:19 | Deut28:1-13 | Ecc4:9-12 Gen2:22,23 | Ma10:9 | 1Chron4:10 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11

⬆️ Also one last thing, God brought the date of this prophetic word 2 my attention & y'all my luuvs this blew my mind because 21+22+23+24=90 & 90 in strongs concordance translates 2 adiaphthoria which means integrity & integrity in strongs translates 2 olokleros which means wholeness or completeness & fullness & fullness translates 2 pléróma which means fulfillment!!!! Get ready beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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