Prophetic Word: There Will Be Uncommon Favor This Season & Full Circle Moments & Rewards & Blessings U Did Not Expect Beloved

Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is 4 beloved but I have a beautiful word whoever it is for who's been faithful & diligently seeking him. I need 2 prophesy & release this word now its a rhema & I gotta be obedient. I'm trying 2 articulate it. All of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. Ok so first Holy Spirit led me 2 a song by mary mary called you got it. & it's pinned on my pinterest. & then next morning I heard uncommon favor in the spirit. I wasn't planning on going out that day just spending time with my abba daddy with Him. & then I heard it again uncommon favor beloved. & then later I heard in the spirit go 2 a certain christian store & location & I really didn't want 2 at first cuz I was just comfy spending time with Him & I was planning a different day yet but He said no I want you 2 go today beloved. Although I was confused by it I decided 2 go anyway because I felt conviction & His ways & thoughts are higher than ours beloved. So anyway Holy Spirit has been putting it on my heart 2 get an NLT Bible 4 a while & I just didn't have time 2 do it but also didnt feel the urge 2 yet because I already have KJV & NIV & y'all my luuvs I almost cried when I went & when I saw it. It's teal oceany rustic coastal blue with gold detail in it that looks like waves from the ocean. & when I saw it I was like ok father ok dad I get it laughing inside this is why you wanted me 2 go & stop in and be obedient. My Daddy knows what I like what color what design what gives me butterflies when I see it. & it means nothing 2 someone else but 2 me it meant everything & significant but that was not all & then the lady said congratulations the lady behind u wanted to help someone out & give the next person a gift card & I was so surprised u have got 2 be joking are u serious. I did not expect to get a $50 gift card yet alone find this Bible that is so unique like me & y'all this book is gorgeous!! Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Rewards are on the other side of your obedience. Gorgeouuss rewards are coming for getting out of your comfort zone when you don't want 2 do it. Rewards are coming 4 seeking first Him & His kingdom & righteousness My God speak Holy Spirit & alllllll these things will be added 2 u 4 doing it. Whoo!! Obedience is better than sacrifice beloved. I didn't want 2 go but Holy Spirit kept nudging me & I was rewarded on the other side of my obedience. I don't know who this is 4 baby but your seek your faith your time is not in vain 4 diligently seeking him. Just because u haven't seen it yet doesn't mean the seeds stopped growing & soon coming that harvest. I prophesy rewards & harvest is coming forth for your faith & diligently seeking Him in the name of Jesus. Don't miss this. Mary had uncommon favor with God beloved. God chose her to carry the messiah in her womb & she did not see that coming ok so keep that in mind not expected. I did not expect 2 get that kind of a Bible in that color and ocean waves design in it. I was not expecting to get a gift card on the other side of my obedience. Uncommon favor & I did not expect it. surprises. Many of you uncommon favor is about 2 hit u as u get ready 2 birth what God placed inside of u beloved. Mary did not expect 2 carry the messiah 2 be favored so much. It was a surprise beloved & I prophesy surprises are coming yet unexpected in the name of Jesus. And then I saw someone going outside their front door in the spirit & saw a surprise car gift in a paved driveway with a big bow on it. She was screaming off her head so thrilled & excited. After I got this Bible it registered the uncommon favor I heard in the morning in the spirit it's connected & then I screamed when I was driving in aww of Him. God ordered my steps. Then I saw FedEx truck drive passed then a truck that said swift on it. And I saw a licence plate that said kay on it & heard look it up in the spirit & in hebrew strongs concordance it translates 2 kai which means cumulative force. Ok cumulative means increasing & force means power, movement, break open force open. My God speak Holy Spirit im hearing red sea moment waters are forced 2 be parted. U got it beloved. The song Lyrics r u want it u got it u need it u got it. Ok so God is releasing surprises that you dont expect. The promise plus things you did not ask for beloved. I saw a uhaul truck & 913 which means in strongs lightening bolt & 300 means builder which confirms the uhaul whoever this word is for beloved I prophesy youre building your dream house yet in the name of Jesus. You deserve this you have put the work in made sure your heart is clean & upright seeking him. Then I saw licence plates 977 appoint, to choose to eat & 927 haste; hasten. I prophesy your Psalm23:5 table is set & you're going 2 feast in the name of Jesus. The truck swift so again I prophesy everything will happen at once so fast your head will spin in the name of Jesus. Then I saw licence plate 737 arti in strongs means just now & then plate 212 means full circle moment. God is saying now a full circle moment. Mm. The meaning of full circle moment is through a series of developments that lead back 2 the original source, position, situation or person. So I prophesy a full circle moment for you is getting ready 2 happen whatever God promised you in the name of Jesus. Then I saw plate 32 ággelos means an angel messenger which confirms angel of the Lord came 2 Mary suprises unexpected when I heard uncommon favor in the spirit. & then my Bible gift card confirmation and car with bow on it I saw in the spirit. Then I saw 584 & in strongs translates 2 apodeiknumi means 2 show off; demonstrated. So I prophesy God is about 2 manifest his Word and bring promises 2 fulfillment in the name of Jesus. Fed ex truck unexpected packages you did not expect.Kay means Kai now God is doing this now unexpected surprises. Truck with swift on it confirms quick. Whoo!! Ifeel the annointing beloved. Whoever this word is for my luuvs recieve it in the name of Jesus. God is about 2 flex. Get ready 4 it!! I release blessing & favor & I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but there's going 2 be uncommon favor this season and full circle moments and rewards and blessings you did not expect. Shalom my luuvs. I love you 
with the love of Jesus.
Luke2:52 | Heb11:6 | Matt7:11 | Luke1:30,31 | Isa60:22 | Phill1:6 | Isa1:19 | 1Pet2:9 | Gen2:22 | 1Chron4:10 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11  Num23:19 | Isa55:11


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