Prophetic Word: There's Going 2 B An Avalanche Of Blessings Beloved, Stir Your Faith Because I Am Going 2 Make It Happen

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but this word is connected 2 the word prophesied June21-22-23/24 Delay Is Coming 2 An End, U Will Meet Again, Marry Her Beloved & I Will Give U Land, New Houses So Endure W/ Patience & U Will Receive All I Have Promised. I saw 913 twice random and then I have been seeing 111 alot and my Bible has been landing 2 Hebrews1:11 alot for confirmation. Im also seeing an avalanche in the spirit and in another realm im seeing an avalanche in mulan beloved. So if that was your word then this is 2 beloved. And God is saying stir both your faith and believe it will happen because he's getting ready 2 honor your faith with an avalanche of answered prayers & blessings & manifest all He has promised. But he has been testing your faith and stretching you this season so you can sustain your promise & doors he's about 2 open. I heard that Holy Ghost. Doors for kingdom marriage. Doors for other opportunities, promotion, and purpose you don't even know about yet. It's more than just kingdom marriage and fancy houses. I'm hearing bigger purpose in the spirit. God is going 2 use you both as husband & wife for your family bloodline generation. Unsaved family will get saved through you beloved bringing them into the kingdom when they see what God does for you beloved. I'm also hearing kingdom wealth in the spirit and seeing dollar signs in an open vision in the spirit. I prophesy you will be the first millionaire in your family bloodline and using it 4 God's purpose for his agenda and purpose for the kingdom and so that you and your family will live like royal priesthoods & be blessed and bless others in the name of Jesus. God is not playing. He has seen your diligent seek and faithfulness. I'm hearing in the spirit don't despise small beginnings 4 when you can be trusted with little things then you can be trusted with big things & im hearing this is my beloved child for whom I am well pleased in the spirit. I'm also seeing Mario levels as im pressing in I'm seeing someone in the spirit playing the Nintendo switch & just beat the bosses. You are being rewarded. So congratulations beloved you have just gone up a level in the spirit and now I prophesy you will continue 2 elevate from glory 2 glory 2 new dimensions seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places being blessed in the name of Jesus. Because this word is connected beloved continue 2 persevere & endure with patience doing God's will & you will recieve all God has promised. All of your tears he has collected in a bottle and I prophesy there's about be an avalanche of blessings & shouts of joy & relief from the job season & songs of joy harvest in the name of Jesus. 913 twice is also confirmation beloved and I prophesy it's all going to happen so fast one blessing after the other so fast your head will spin or swim in the name of Jesus. It'll be like a dream when this happens. Faith shows the reality of what we hope for, being sure we will get what we hope for what we cannot see beloved. You may not see it. You may not know how God will do it but you can trust him. If he promised you this, his word doesn't return void beloved. Thus saith the Lord. so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. God is emphasizing you can trust him. The Bible says in the tongue there's life and death and the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Hes a prayer answering God & He will do it. His Word, He sent it out, and it always produces fruit & It will accomplish all He wants it to, and it will prosper everywhere He sent. and you will see it. He has 2 do it 4 He is not a man that he should lie & he wont withhold it either when you live right, upright heart & blameless. Faith it is the evidence of things we cannot see beloved, its a substance. Im seeing a road being built in the spirit. Thankyou Holy Spirit Keep bulding your faith that is building a road 2 your kingdom marriage, promises & destination. I release blessing and favor & I call you prosperous favored & blessed. Recieve this prophetic word in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but stir your faith and believe God that will happen, put your faith and trust completely in him & give Him alone all the glory & get excited because it's getting ready 2 happen. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Heb11:1,6 | Isa1 l:19 | 1Cor2:9 | Jer29:11 | Gen2:22,23 | Ma10:9 | Deut28:1-13 | Isa60:22 | Amo9:13 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 | 2Cor3:18 | 2Cor5:17:| Lu16:10 | Num23:19 | Isa55:11




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