Prophetic Word: They R Resistant & Throw Shade @ U Beloved Because They R Jealous Of Your Light & U 2 Shine 2 Bright 4 Them

Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is 4 beloved but I saw some ppl putting lawnchairs in shade in the spirit & complaining how bright the sun is. One of them was even more negative. & as I pressed in in the realm they were even wearing sunglasses & still complaining and I could feel how angry she was in the spirit & then I came back & heard in the spirit your light is 2 bright 4 them & then I saw a sticker on a truck that said the resistance is real on it which was further confirmation. & then I saw 925 licence plate which means bright; brilliant & bright means luminous & radiant & radiant means glowing & Resistance means the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. so If this is your word hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You have ppl jealous of your light & annointing on you so much that they are resistant. I could feel what she was feeling in the spirit & she was agitated. They can't stand it that you're chosen. They think God made a mistake choosing you in their sick minds & delusion the audacity 2 question God who he chooses what utter disrespect. I heard that Holy Ghost. They have no fear of the Lord or they wouldnt do it. So whoever this is 4 beloved. They will never accept the calling of God on your life & they think they are destroying your reputation but they forgot the God you serve restores & vindicates & theres no limits & what they are actually doing is fighting God & they will never win & they have just scheduled a judicial appointment with Him & not only that and then you get blessings & I prophesy promotion in the name of Jesus. We don't get 2 pick & choose who God has annointed. My God speak Holy Spirit we don't get 2 pick and choose who God uses. We don't get 2 pick and choose and comdemn them for a past that's already forgiven in the sea of God's forgetfulness. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. They don't get a say what happens & you are who God says!! God has the final say not ppls opinions. It's it's a Cain spirit because he was jealous of his brother abel for his sacrifice being accepted. Keep shining even if you're 2 bright for them because they will throw shade regardless but just remember my luuvs rotten fruit falls off by its self so you don't need 2 address the shady ppl beloved. Let God deal with their slanderous envious tongues I said it. I see ppl sneering gossiping in the spirit. I'm also seeing in another realm the rumor weed in the spirit so that confirms 2 me they are trouble makers working 4 the kingdom of darkness. The weed just loved 2 turn ppl against Alfred but I prophesy the lies they are spreading and what they are doing in darkness will be exposed & come 2 light in the name of Jesus. The rumor weed dies, it does perish & flowers come out of it at the end & I prophesy God will shame the wise & scatter your enemies & contend with those who contend with you and then give you vindication in the name of Jesus & everything works for your good at the end of it because He knows whose His & whose called according 2 His purpose. Your light may be 2 bright for them but baby you lookin gorgeouuss in the kingdom and only getting more radiant so keep pressing on & every lie and rumor and lying tongue is only promoting you beloved. Like a public announcement. I prophesy & release blessings for persecution in the name of Jesus. And then God will put your enemies under your feet and make your enemies a footstool I prophesy in the name of Jesus as you go higher than your ever been staying humble at the feet of Jesus. Some ppl refuse 2 accept who you've become beloved but little do they know this is who you always been and then Jesus lifted the veil from your eyes and them and you can't unsee it. And you're so bright it blinds them. My God speak Holy Spirit. It blinds them because they don't want to see it. It blinds them because there closing there eyes 2 it but still see it lol hiding behind the phone screenbushes monitoring thinking no one is watching them but God sees it & so does his seers & prophets. You're 2 bright for them like Moses glowing on the mountain spent so much time in the Lord's presence, he was 2 bright for them it hurt to look at him. Hurts their eyes and heart of wickedness. They throw shade because you're to bright for them. because when you look into the sun it hurts right direct so if you're in a dark room and turn on the light it hurts the eyes because you're not used 2 it so you're to bright for them like light in darkness. You shine so bright they can't look at you or it bothers them. Arise shine your light has come beloved & I prophesy the glory of the Lord is shining upon you 4 you are the light of the world in the name of Jesus. I heard that Holy Ghost. I prophesy no weapon formed against you shall prosper & I  rebuke the enemy & I condemn every slandering tongue rising against you in judgement with accusations in the name of Jesus. I declare victory!! Its over & I cancel & destroy that demonic assignment with the blood of Jesus. You annoy ppl beloved because you're shining in darkness so bright it hurts their eyes & they throw shade because of it. They want to close their eyes because you shining so bright damages their ego & hurts them but you're only getting brighter & going 2 higher echelons & dimensions. Do everything without complaining and arguing & don't be like those ppl I saw complaining in the spirit so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky beloved. If they dont like it they can complain in the darkness but you just keep shining bright & when they throw shade dont address it. I don't know who this is for baby but they are resistant & only slandering throwing shade because you're to bright for them but keep shining for God's kingdom because I prophesy you only go up from here as you glow and become more radiant. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Matt6:14-16 | Luke8:17 | 2Cor3:18 | James3:16 | Jer17:9 | Matt22:14 | Isa60:1 | Heb11:6 | Jer29:11




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