Prophetic Word: Your Promises Only Seem Dead But I Will Wake Them Up & Ressurect Them & Fulfill My Word Beloved

Heyyy my luuvs. I have a quick word 2 prophesy & I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw a premature baby in a NICU in the spirit 2lbs drs announced as dead but this mom lifted up her hands 2 heaven and didn't stop praying and cried out and the baby started to cry and came back 2 life again. The doctors couldnt believe it and then I came back and waited for confirmation. And then my Bible randomly landed to John11:43 where it says take off your grave clothes & in the spiritual realm it jumped off the pages and then I heard in the spirit right on time by Lisa Knowls Smith and I never heard of it before then so I'll post the song here on my pinterst and create a southern black gospel Playlist of my faves yet. And then Holy Spirit led me to a song by Janice Gaines called wait on you beloved. So whoever this word is for beloved. God is saying take off the grave clothes and wash off the old season of depression, take off the grave clothes where you been. My God speak Holy Spirit take off your grave clothes that are old ratty torn & something you wouldn't wear 2 the palace because you're going up beloved. Mm You're stepping into the new and I prophesy old promises are bring resurrected and waking up again like Lazarus in the name of Jesus. He's right on time beloved although you want it. Jesus was 4 days late but on time 2 get the glory out of it. He's right on time although it's been a rough season. And if you keep waiting on Him, your promises will ressurect and come alive again. When God makes a promise, He is obligated 2 fufill His Word & do it in the name of Jesus. Hes doing it now and like Mary and Martha, I prophesy it's going 2 surprise you like It did with them when Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead so will your promises you're waiting so long for in your wilderness but the wilderness I prophesy is coming 2 an end in the name of Jesus. I love sparkle and ritzy regal garments & God is saying get used 2 looking royal again because you represent Him & where you're going next will surprise you yet. Whoo!! Lazarus you thought it was the end but God is saying I have the final say and so it begins, its just beginning beloved. I release blessing and favor and I call you protected favored prosperous and blessed. I don't know who this for baby but if you're still wearing your grave clothes from last season in the wilderness, it's time 2 change garments because your promise only seems dead but  you are stepping into your promise and going rejoice like a jubilee when the promises manifest & ressurection happens. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

John11:43 | Isa1:19 | Matt19:26 | Isa43:19 | Isa60:22 | Eph3:20 | Joel2:25 | Isaiah55:11 | Jer29:11 | Ps37:4 | Ps84:11 




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