Prophetic Word: Beloved I Am Giving You The Keys 2 A Successful Kingdom Marriage, The Lock Is The Key & I Am Establishing Your Union & Setting You Up 2 Win

Heyyy my luuvs. When I tell you the spiritual warfare that has been coming against me in the spiritual realm 2 prophesy this word & release it. Whoo!! Everything & I mean everything tried 2 stop me from finishing this word beloved & releasing it. Because the devil is so angry and doesn't want you 2 recieve this. The Father really has marriage on his heart and is really equipping you before you enter in. This is a rhema kingdom marriage word for all those who have been waiting and preparing 4 it. God is not playing and he is setting you up 2 win!! Holy Spirit took over & annointing was so strong, it's 19 note book pages so it'll be a 5 part word beloved so I gotta be obedient. I beseech thee as God's prophet plz read all 5 pages!! and then read it again, save it get it into your spirit til it's a broken record & dont forget this. Bear with me if there are spelling errors because I type so fast, I don't always catch them & I just wanna get this out right now beloved. I seal this prophetic word with the blood of Jesus. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. So first I saw a couple in the spirit with seperate bank accounts and then in the spiritual realm the Lord showed me 2 roomates in the spirit and seperate groceries in the fridge so I waited for more confirmation and then I saw gold keys in the spirit and I pressed in I saw someone in a target parking lot in the US locking their car before they went in. Then I saw someone locking a blue and white trim house in the spirit before they left. Then I saw someone in another realm locking their apple iphone at a friend's house and left it on a countertop surface. And then I came back and I heard John10:10 in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You wouldn't leave your car, your phone or your house unlocked for anyone else 2 get in. You would protect those things in your absence and take extra steps 4 safety 2 secure it. You would protect it. You would protect your wellbeing from ppl trying 2 get in. You would protect your personal ID cards & confidential information. You would protect what belongs 2 you beloved. And it's the same with your kingdom marriage. The lock is the boundary from ppl getting in. Into your business into your marriage. I heard that Holy Ghost meddling parents. Keep your distance. God put the husband and wife in the garden not the husband and parent. Mm. The lock is the boundary protecting private information. Info about you and your spouse weaknesses, secrets, goals, mission. Silence is golden. What they don't know they cant attack beloved. Another golden key 2 a successful kingdom marriage. Be harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent. Put a muzzle on it. The thief comes 2 steal kill destroy beloved. If anyone talks down on your spouse, you put your foot down and set a boundary and walk away from them. I heard that Holy Ghost. Dont let friends or family or anyone get btwn you and your wife or husband. Be not ignorant of satans devices. Don't even associate yourself with anyone who, hates, dishonors or disrespects them. What God joined together let man no man seperate them. That means even in-laws and parents & If you treat other ppl more respectul and better than your wife or husband, you are dishonoring God and her or him. Let them know you and your wife or husband are one flesh & what they do 2 them they are doing 2 u beloved & what they do 2 you, they do 2 them. One flesh. Same 3 strand cord one in the spirit. The lock is the key for a happy kingdom marriage because boundaries are the key 2 a healthy marriage. Mm. Because if you your marriage is locked in nobody can try 2 get in where they don't belong 2 begin with my God speak Holy Spirit because that's how Satan gets in kindaaa like he did btwn eve and Adam in the garden when she listened 2 him. This is how the devil gets in & im seeing a vault in the spirit. No one can get in if you don't give them the password beloved. Satan gets in when you give him the key when ppl ask for it. Satan gets in when you give him the key to knowing what's happening in that marriage and its no one's business. Whoo!! The devil gets in when you give him the key of info about when u go through trials & hard seasons & now that makes you an even bigger target if they know it's a harder season and adds to spiritual warfare you don't need beloved. I told you God is setting you up 2 win. You and your kingdom spouse will be so divorced proof & fire proof when God releases this word and His wisdom & you reuinte, & get back together again. God is not playing this season. His ppl are going from glory 2 glory and kingdom marriages play a big role in bringing in the souls harvest. Be that wife or husband who is greatly offended when family, friends or anyone speaks negatively about your wife or husband. Let no one put them down in front of you beloved. Build them up right in front of them & stand up for them and defend them. Thus saith the Lord let no one seperate them. That is his queen and his rib. That is her king & her Adam that God created just for her/ him. The lock is the boundary and the key 2 a strong healthy happy marriage. I beseech thee as God's prophet never forget this when you enter in. Have that conversation right away when you meet them again. Communicate everything with your wife or husband beloved. Small big hard scary personal because that will strengthen your bond & kingdom marriage thanku Holy Spirit im seeing a rope in the spirit and 2 more and the rope is strong as it is and the 2 more im seeing it braided making twice as thick my God speak Holy Spirit the 3 strand cord is not easily broken as long as you apply God's word to your life and kingdom marriage. I heard that Holy Ghost. As you prepare 2 establish your home together as one flesh. Establish a family alter as you enter in kingdom marriage. Always read the Bible & pray together on a daily basis. Study the Word, study this book of instruction continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure 2 obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper & succeed in all you do beloved. Only when? Only then when you follow Jesus, study the Word of God & meditate day and night on it. That's the key 2 having a successful kingdom marriage be a doer not a hearer only because when you seek God, his kingdom and his righteousness, he gives you everything you need beloved. He adds 2 you and takes away what is subtracting instead. So if the Word of God says you'll prosper and succeed in everything do you if you obey His Word and everything written in it then that includes your kingdom marriage no matter how hard it gets. Because anyone who listens 2 his teaching and follows it is wise like a person building his house on a solid rock beloved my God speak Holy Spirit so the gusting winds of ppl, family, friends trying 2 come in like turbulence trying 2 crumble your foundation trying 2 beat against that house, it won't succeed collapse or damage your marriage because you have Jesus Christ as your solid foundation and He will make sure Whoo!! I heard that Holy Ghost he will make sure that no one can get in. Your marriage is locked in locked in Him and hidden and covered in the blood of Jesus and no demon in hell no person can break in get in climb in because God is in it. The weapon may form 2 try come against your kingdom marriage but I prophesy it shall not prosper in the name of Jesus. It is written no man can seperate what Joined together in the name of Jesus. And the key 2 a successful marriage is staying close 2 your Abba daddy and who fights for you both when the enemy tries 2 get in. Whoo!! Whether thats thru ppl, misunderstandings, or mistakes or weaknesses. God will fight 4 you in your kingdom marriage. Never hold grudges never go 2 bed indifferent or angry when the sun goes down & swallow your pride and apologize first if it happens. Silence treatments are destructive. Be mature in Christ and talk about it. Good communication is another key 2 a successful kingdom marriage wives part of having a quiet meek spirit is feminine & being submissive 2 your husband's. It will prevent masculine behavior and quarreling and arguments because you submitting 2 him tells him you trust him. You trust his leadership led by Holy Spirit. And it will draw him closer 2 you because of the trust being established. It is also very attractive when he sees your quiet meek spirit, your maturity in Christ and knowing your place and role in your marriage both respecting eachother as equals. Just different roles 2 make one hot spicy marriage fulfilling the needs for eachother, 4 the spouses the only way you can that they can't beloved. Men and women are wired differently but when husband and wife both do their role led by Holy Spirit, its electric, it creates fireworks in your sex life & kingdom marriage. The key 2 happiness in a kingdom marriage. Selflessness. Always put your marriage your husband or wife's feelings first above yours beloved. If you wanna win an argument its destructive, let it go agree 2 disagree make up move fwd with them. Get comfortable with tons of communication and lotzaaa forgiveness another key 4 a successful marriage. Be the kingdom spouse you would want 2 come home 2, put yourself in their shoes and then ask yourself am I doing all I can 2 be the greatest wife or husband. Am I treating them the way I wanna be treated. Would Jesus approve of this. Mm. Don't give everyone else the best then end of the day your spouse gets your leftovers and whats left. Give them your best. Make sure their physically, spiritually and sexually fed. Prioritize your wife or husband and never reject them be intimate. Submit and do it anyway even if you dont feel like it. so satan cant get in My God Speak Holy Spirit with temptation looking elsewhere 2 get fed. Mm. Always say I love you and be consistent through words and actions. Your spouse needs to hear it even if they know you do love them beloved. The seperate bank accounts and groceries in the fridge that I saw in the spirit. If you live seperate lives that is mine this is theirs mindset. My money their money roomate perspective. God is saying that is destructive because you are one flesh and it opens the door 4 the spirit of selfishnesss and division. You become one when you share everything & seperate bank accounts will cause division in your marriage. If you want a successful marriage trust needs 2 be established but because it is God sent, you can trust them unlike counterfeits because they have the heart of the father & good intentions. I'm seeing in the spirit someone taking a chocolate bar knowing that person was saving it later in the fridge. Now that is different because they actually told them. I heard that Holy Ghost selfishness is destructive. So if you take that chocolate bar without asking them you're breaking trust and now they won't tell you again. They'll just hide it like this one I'm seeing in the spirit. Thinking you'll do it again because you have demonstrated that you dont respect what they said and cant be trusted. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing a wine glass in the spirit and the Lord is showing me every time you brrak trust, the wine glass has little cracks in it little by little until the glass is shattered and it will never look or be the same again. Whoo!! I wish I had words 2 convey & show you what im seeing in the spirit. If kingdom marriage doesn't end your spirit of selfishness, then your spirit of selfishness will end your kingdom marriage because selfishness is not a fruit of the spirit and selfishness opens the door for resentment snd dissapointment if you're not examining yourself everyday and vigilant. Yes Holy Spirit im hearing the spirit is indeed willing but weak is the flesh. This is why many are in a process of getting deliverance from it before God sends them. Marriage is life long course learning 2 be unselfish by the power of the Holy Spirit. How do I articulate this. I'm seeing in the spirit one couple in one realm and on the other side another couple different realm both having an argument. One couple is screaming and yelling and the other couple is staying calmer and the their tone is different. God is saying your tone of voice 2 your kingdom spouse matters beloved. The tone of your voice should be so gentle and respectful that even a stranger who doesn't know u or speak your language can interpret it my God speak Holy Spirit and know you adore them just by the tone the way you speak 2 them. Mm. When your wife or husband is frustrated, stressed or upset it is not the time 2 tell them how they should feel or do that or do this then it's the time 2 embrace her/ him & listen. The key 2 a successful kingdom marriage is slow 2 anger, slow 2 speak, quick 2 listen. Im seeing Notebook scene in the spirit when her mom is not approving Noah for Ally so this part of the word may apply to some not all but God is saying, if they do this, they don't have a say, listen 2 God & be obedient and your union will be blessed. I'm even hearing so blessed the parents and in laws won't be able 2 deny this is God ordained by Him. I'm hearing in the spirit what God blesses you 2 with will surprise all of them and your union will demand respect because God won't let anyone seperate this union. Im seeing favor spelled out an open vision. Believe me the devil will try 2 destroy your marriage every chance he gets. I heard that Holy Ghost if you notice something is off & your spouse pulls away from you a bit. Communicate and pray together with them and come against it. It's witchcraft and either actual spells or word curses so take authority beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost thus saith the Lord. Do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed so that also means power couple kingdom marriage ordained by Him. God will step in if anyone tries it. We don't battle against flesh and blood beloved. Family will try to be in your business. I'm seeing in the spirit a mom very controlling telling her daughter you can't do this you cant afford this you'll never be a success. Mm God is saying expect the enemy to use your family to try 2 control your life if you let them. Such as your career, trips, im hearing purpose. I'm hearing wedding expenses, honeymoon tropical destination for some here family will say you can't afford it because they are secretly jealous that it wasn't them and then I saw a licence plate that said 589 translates apodemeo to go abroad and go abroad means foreign country by sea or ocean which confirms honeymoons, weddings and vacations I was hearing in the spirit. God is breaking generational curses and your union I'm hearing in the spirit like Abraham kingdom wealth for generations and your union. Whoahh!! I'm seeing in the spirit that extreme makeover home edition when they surprise this couple at the door and build them a dream home with the community behind them. And then I saw moving trucks as further confirmation. And then another one again and then a uhaul truck on tv that drive passed them. God has been repeatedly highlighting this. So God is saying what hes about 2 do is going 2 surprise all of them and shut the mouths of your haters, family and enemies who don't want you to be prosperous when you have a successful kingdom marriage and I prophesy you're getting your dream home as you go into your God ordained marriage union because God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly in the name of Jesus. Walking blameless covered in the blood of Jesus. Im also hearing in the spirit because you put God 1st, he is giving you all the desires of your heart and things you would like that you dont even think of beloved. Or think 2 ask 4 them. Your daddy is preparing a table in the presence of your enemies I prophesy in the name of Jesus. He knows you better than you know yourself and deep things that are hidden. I told you God is setting you up 2 win. The passage in 1Cor2:9 no eye has seen no ear heard no mind conceived or imagine.. God is serious, what he has prepared for you is unlike anything you or your family has seen yet & I prophesy as you build your home on Jesus Christ as this solid foundation nothing will destroy your house & your kindom marriage when the storms come and gusting winds in the name of Jesus. I cover you in the precious blood of Jesus. I release blessing and favor & I call you prosperous favored and blessed. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but your abba daddy is giving you the keys 2 A successful kingdom marriage, the lock is the key & He is establishing your union & setting you up 2 win because he loves you and he wants the very best for his beloved children. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

John10:10 | Deut8:1,18 | Deut28:1-13 |1Chron16:22 | 1Pet5:8 | Hosea4:6 | 2Cor2:11 | Eph5 | Prov31 |  1Cor13:4-7 | Gen2:22 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | 1Cor2:9 | 1Chron4:10 | Phil1:12,15 | 1Pet3:7 | Jer29:11

The date im releasing this word is significant. God is so strategic. 13+18=55 and 55 in strongs concordance translates 2 hagnós which means purely, with pure motives, without contamination; honestly sincerely with pure motives. Are you ready beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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