Prophetic Word: The Haman Spirit Is Running Rampant Beloved & I Am Exposing Demonic Agendas Bringing Into The Light What's Been Hidden 

    Heyyy my luuvs. Prophetic Word warning regarding pork and consumption and Holy Spirit is warning us because his plan is 2 prosper us beloved. All of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. I saw in the spirit as ppl got deliverance these demonic spirits were entering into pigs and stores were still using them. This is coming yet and they will say something else about them but its actually spirits in them. And other pigs are getting killed because they called them sick. Our battle is not against flesh and blood beloved. Then I saw in the spirit a dairy queen fast food restaurant and sickly looking cows in the spirit. Dairy cows, cows milk something is being done to it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You have freewill but thus saith the Lord avoid eating pork if you can and avoid fast food burgers in particular especially McDonald's if you eat them. I'm hearing Haman genocide spirit is running rampant in the spirit. Poisoning food and liquids adding toxic ingredients Haman spirit on a rampage again My God speak Holy Spirit this is why Esther's are rising for such a time as this because God is using them and they will play a big part for many ppl getting saved from agendas and destruction. This word is connected Removal of Counterfeits dethroning and coronation. Then I saw a licence plate 599 which means die be dead, death. So God is saying they are trying to depopulate the earth but their wickedness will be exposed more yet. Thus saith the Lord. Then I saw licence plate 624 translates 2 asoph and it means store; storehouse which confirms food sent to stores and whats being done to certain foods and liquids will come out yet. Genetically modified fruit with the intention to try 2 make ppl sick. Always bless your food and pray over it beloved. Then I saw licence plate 398 which means 2 bring 2 light my God speak Holy Spirit confirming of the haman genocide spirit in the earth im hearing in the spirit and how God is exposing satanic agendas and destroying them and confirming sickly cows I'm seeing in the spirit. Then I saw the licence plate 650 which translates 2  apostereo which means defraud and destitute destitution. And destitution means penniless poverish which is the demonic agenda to make ppl go hungry and homeless which confirms inflation and gas prices. Mm. But God's ppl perish 4 lack of knowledge and are ignorant of satans devices. I'm also seeing a needle syringe someone is injecting something into food and burgers at McDonald's are not real beef beloved. Im also seeing in despicable me 2 in the spirit when the villian is injecting this serum into a bunny & it turns into a purple violent rabbit and its destructive. The legion spirits entered into pigs was the scripture reference. I'm also hearing the word plague in the spirit. Plague is an infectious disease that affects animals & humans but thus saith the Lord God's own children will be prosperous & protected. I'm also seeing a July25 miracle treat day sticky notes in an ad in an open vision. 25 translates 2 agapáō means to love, loving. Which confirms a loving God that is delivering his ppl and miracles that are going 2 happen. I heard that Holy Ghost. This word is connected 2 shift it break it turn it mass deliverance prophesied May7-13/24 & the date that was prophesied is significant because 7+13+24=44 and 44 in strongs means fish hook; reeling those fish in my God speak Holy Spirit deliverance. Mass deliverance. And the other word miracles shakings shifts trajectory changes prophesied 1-2-3/24 & it's also significant because 1+2+3+24=30 and 30 in strongs means large boat or ship mm. And ships represent escape, judgment, faith and salvation. God is so strategic. And the day I prophesied and released those words I did not know then that the dates were significant. I saw spirits enter pigs beloved because there is a mass deliverance. And then Mark5:10-13 was my confirmation. Then the evil spirits begged him again & again not to send them to some distant place. There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby.“Send us into those pigs,” the spirits begged. “Let us enter them.”So Jesus gave them permission. Then I saw licence plate 391 as further confirmation translates 2 anastrophé which means behavior, conduct which confirms ppl will be affected by demonic spirits and there will continue 2 be a massive deliverance I heard that Holy Ghost for God is building His Church & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I prophesy the Lord is faithful, he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one in the name of Jesus. & even if you have eaten or drank anything poisioness or water contaminated I prophesy it will not harm you 4 you are a child of God I decree & declare in the name of Jesus. I dont know who this is for baby but avoid pork, fast food burgers & cows milk for a while if you can, because something is being done it & spirits will enter pigs through mass deliverance yet & God's plan 4 you is not 2 harm you is 2 have life more abundantly & be prosperous. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Ma5:10-13 | Hosea4:6 | 1Peter5:8 | Lu8:17 | Ma16:18 | Luke10:19 2Cor2:11 | 2Thess3:3 | Jer29:11 | John10:10 



The date im releasing this is significant. This is why I wait til the Lord releases me 2 release it. 7+21+24=52 and 52 in strongs concordance translates 2 agnoia and agnoia means ignorance and ignorance means lack of knowledge my God speak Holy Spirit my ppl perish for lack of knowlege becauze they are ignorant of satans devices

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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