Prophetic Word: I Am Not Finished In The Earth Yet, Keep Interceding & Praying Beloved Because The Prayer Of A Righteous Person Is Powerful & Effective

  Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who needs this word beloved. I thought it was just my word 2 show me and remind me the power of prayer intercession I saw in the spirit. I really didn't want 2 share it because it's deep and ppl always have an opinion and look down at this and celebrities as if they're 2 far gone so why pray for them. But I saw the envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit which confirms I need 2 drop everything prophesy this word, finish & release it & be obedient. I prophesy no weapon formed against me & this word shall prosper & every slandering tongue, accusing me with false accusations & rising against me & this word in judgement I condemn now in the mighty name of Jesus. Do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed. Have your way Holy Spirit. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. On the day of the shooting assassination attempt. Near the trampoline, I was just talking 2 my abba daddy and I went into a vision & couldnt get out of it. I saw Trump in the spirit & in the hospital and I saw him on his knees with both arms up in a worship/ praying position in the spirit & he had an encounter with Jesus in the hospital room in the hospital bed and I remember before the news of shooting even happened I was praying for him, and nations and leaders off and on for months months ago and their families in the spirit, holy spirit put it on my heart 2 pray for him specific and then celebrities & celine dion because she needs serious intervention but even before the shooting happend I could not stop thinking about Trump and crying & I knew it was the Lord immediate. And he would pray through me as I prayed 4 him in the spirit to recieve salvation and nations and prophesying Ezekiel transformation over him in the name of Jesus.. & that more ppl would come into the kingdom. I saw in the spirit in the hospital how he was just thanking Jesus. He was just so grateful God spared him just so shook up by it. And he was very humbled how close he was 2 death. He was just arms up thanking Jesus for saving him very somber atmosphere in this hospital & quiet lamenting yet just almost a relieved look he made it and then I came back and I waited for confirmation and then I heard in the spirit. I am not finished in the earth yet. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Keep praying beloved. I felt the shift in the spiritual realm in that moment. Before I saw it in the spirit I kept telling my kids something happen 2 that man in the hospital & I dont know why I was saying it. And then a few days later I saw it in the spirit confirmation. And then I saw licence plate 806 which translates 2 asphalós which means safely, securely, assuredly, certain. And they safely got him off the stage the secret service. And then I saw the licence plate 56 which translates 2 abal which means lamenting; mourning; mourn beloved. And the crowd was mourning when they thought it hit him. And then the Lord led me to a video after he got out of the hospital and gave his speech giving God credit for saving him and saying it was by the grace of Almighty God that he's here and made it and when he was walking waving I saw a golden white light outline around him in the spirit. Everyone has been saying in the comments his demeanor changed and he seems humble & different because it did. And then I heard in the spirit "saved again". First God saved him then he got born again. Whoo!! I'm also hearing in the spirit he's going 2 be ok I'm in control and he's a man of purpose. He is spiritually & physically protected. Mm  thankyou Jesus & what Satan meant for evil God will use for his good & glory beloved. Many ppl will get saved from that scare at the rally so close 2 death. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Dont stop praying and give up on them. If you only knew what your fervent prayers are doing in the spirit. If you only knew your impact on them. If you are saved upright & born again and you have a relationship with God beloved. Your prayers will move mountains. Your prayers are more powerful than you think it is. I heard that Holy Ghost your prayers change the trajectory of someones life who was once headed for death and destruction my God speak Holy Spirit your prayers reach the throne room of heaven because you love him and live in obedience and you fill the gap for them because God's word does not return void beloved. Thankyou Holy Spirit im seeing the Brooklyn bridge in the spirit. Its like a bridge interceding 4 them and they are crossing over mm. I'm getting emotional by what im seeing in the spirit. And your daddy honors your convenant with Him so he will reach ppl with your intervention, answering prayers and saving them. I'm just hearing in the spirit intercede for your unsaved family who doesn't get it yet. Don't give up on them. I heard that Holy Ghost im prophesying something is going to happen to celine dion. Keep interceding 4 her that she does repent. It's not God's will 4 anyone 2 perish. I'm seeing fire in the spirit and she's under wrath and judgement currenly for the demonic ads, clothing line & occult practices reaping what she's sowing and God is not playing. Thus saith the Lord. It is reaping season. [Gal6:7,9] but your prayer intervention could save her life yet if she's willing 2 repent. During a severe famine, Elijah the prophet was hosted by a widow who shared her last meal with him. Through divine prayer intervention, my God I feel the annointing mm. the boy came alive again. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Don't give up on them. Someone here your family is lukewarm and on the fence and you have been praying non stop for them and no changes. The Lord says dont give up on them. I'm hearing in the spirit keep interceding 4 them. God is going 2 move mountains. God is bringing in his sheep 4 we are entering into season of souls harvest. Someone else is here reading this you have loved ones that are sick and they don't know Jesus but keep interceding 4 them. I prophesy Holy Ghost encounters are coming like Saul to Paul for it is not God's will 4 anyone 2 perish in the mighty name of Jesus. Thus saith the Lord Trump will a play a big role in these last days with global transitioning, God is using him, he has purpose 2 fufill yet, God is with him & God is not finished in the earth yet. Father I prophesied this word just as you have spoken even though I was hesitant. I give you alone all the glory and I thankyou for saving him And the unsaved ppl in advance reading this that will get saved yet I prophesy in the name of Jesus. I release blessing & favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but don't be discouraged when you don't see results right away when you pray 4 ppl and loved ones & intercede 4 them, be consistent because Trump got born again because of prayer intervention because the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

James5:16 | 1Kings16-23 | 2Kings5:1 |  Ps145:18-19 | Prov15:8 | Jer29:12 |  Hebrews4:12 | Num23:19 | Phill4:6-7|  Isa55:11 


July 12-20/24 

The date im releasing this is significant. 12+20+24=56 & 56 in strongs concordance translates 2 abal which means lamenting mourning, mourn and it is the exact same # I saw on a licence plate56 which was confirmation and Trump did say in his speech that the crowd thought he was gone and he heard the sorrow and mourning thinking that was it and it touched him feeling so loved and supported. Glory 2 God!! And thankyou abba daddy for saving him. There is no coincidence beloved. 

Prophetess Shellz Marie


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