Prophetic Word: I Am On Time & Not In A Rush Beloved, U R Both Going Thru Transformation 4 Purpose, Lean On Me & Not On Your Own Understanding & Trust The Process 

   Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this kingdom marriage word is for but God is saying I'm not in a rush you are beloved. Test the spirit. You have been wondering and wanting answers 2 questions. Or you have been battling with thoughts did I hear God correct. Yes beloved you did. My Bible landed randomly 2 Ezekiel28 restoration Then I saw someone in the spirit painting a picture on a canvas, beautiful colors, trees and a sunset but they were taking their time with the small intricate detail in it on this white canvas especially the evergreens and then I came back and heard in the spirit. Beloved I am not finished yet, do you trust me, what's the rush, trust the process. What's yours is yours & you will still recieve your promise. This is what I heard in the spirit. So whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The intricate detail on this canvas means your union and favor will be uncommon and theres many parts that God is working on that undergoing an intricate transformation. Because your person who God has ordained 4 you is uncommon, you, your annointing & kingdom marriage with them. I'm hearing in the spirit God has confirmed 2 you and your person that you have both been through quite a bit and he is letting you and them know both of you are in a healing process, learning 2 trust again, and then he will send her/him & your love will be electric. My God speak Holy Spirit this word connects with love is electric. For some this is a stand alone word & for others this is connected 2 the word love is electric when you meet again. Take it back 2 your daddy God & test the spirit. If God has not yet, Hes going 2 show you and your person via dream or vision what your person has been through & going through so there's a deeper understanding of level of care & gentleness when you come together again after the warfare season. I'm seeing in the spirit carbon unrecognizable turning into a diamond so there has been a delay because there's major major transformation 4 promotion & purpose & you and your person have been through past trust issues & going through healing & deliverance & God has been taking his time 2 change you, heal you & perfect you & them before you meet again into a diamond through the fire coming out like gold because of the amount you and your kingdom wife or husband endured in the past beloved before you became this version and this new creation because you have been called & chosen but then doors will open at the appointed time I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Keep standing for your wife or husband & praying for them. I heard that Holy Ghost. God is on time even when it feels late beloved. Abraham and Sarah took matters in their own hands instead of trusting God 4 the promise because they were that convinced God wouldn't come through 4 them because alotta time passed by, they got older and still no promise and they felt forgotten. So you and your person may feel forgotten by God and feel like you're both doing something wrong 2 still be waiting 4 it. Im hearing frustration, grief, even dissapointment and hope deffered in the spirit. Does that sound like you beloved. But God is saying I'm not in a rush beloved trust the process. When I heard Lazarus in the spirit, I was seeing flowers come back 2 life again. God is saying he's still on time even though you and your person think it's late waiting so long & still waiting 4 it. Your promise is coming but God sees the full picture the finished canvas my God speak Holy Spirit. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours beloved. Yeah you miss her/him Im hearing in the spirit but lean not on your own understanding and trust him. So you and your person have been having a hard time understanding why it's taking so long for it 2 happen but God is saying lean on him. Lazarus comes out of the grave beloved. So I prophesy over you, that your kingdom marriage promise that seems dead is coming alive again in the name of Jesus and you will see it and meet them because God is on time and he keeps his promises. Recieve that in Jesus Name beloved. I heard that Holy Ghost im seeing a round clock and digital clock countdown in the spirit and im hearing in the spirit countdown is still on beloved but don't focus on the time and how long its been. I am outside of time and all I need a split second to change your life forever beloved. Dont focus on your age or how long its been. Do you not know I can restore your life in one night and redeem the time and years lost that the locusts hath eaten. I can add years 2 your life beloved. I can make you so youthful when you're 87 you will feel like 27 again. Sarah had baby Isaac. What makes you think I can't do what I said. Will you believe my Word and my promises. Will you believe even though it looks like it won't happen. Love is your portion. Youthfulness is your portion beloved. You and your kingdom spouse will have babies like nobody's business no matter how old you get If I promised it. It's coming yet. God is saying you and your person can't even imagine what your abba daddy has in store for your union. Im hearing Joshua and caleb in the spirit. 80 years old and felt like 40 because God kept them in youthfulness in his presence covenant promises and I prophesy you and your kingdom spouse will be restored after the warfare season with youthfulness and vitality again and God will restore the years loss that the locusts hath eaten & turn your mourning into dancing in the name of Jesus. Then I heard this wrestling song its the final countdown in the spirit as further confirmation. My God speak Holy Spirit you're wrestling now I get the wrestling part you've both been wrestling 4 this mm. In this word, The verses 2 the song is irrelevant. All I saw is a flash of wrestling and heard its the final countdown chorus in the spirit. You're gonna win. Keep fighting & contending beloved. Im seeing someone stirring a pot of soup in the spirit. Stir your faith beloved. Then stir it again & again. Keep believing 4 it. Keep speaking life over your promise. Then my Bible landed randomly 2 Ezekiel 28:25-26 again. Israel's restoration. V26 Where the Lord says: They will live safely in Israel & build homes and plant vineyards.. and he's going to punish those who treat you with contempt. So God is saying you'll be building a new home and land will be given I prophesy in the name of Jesus. Recieve this. For who this is for beloved you have always wanted a lake house, in the country or acreage. I'm hearing in the spirit it'll be more than you expected. [Eph3:20] because you waited and believed it 4 it. I am giving you all the desires of your heart  because you delight in me and put me first beloved. I've been seeing 444 & 555 representing abundance and doors open. I'm also hearing in the spirit it'll be the worth the wait beloved. I release the Isa40:31 annointing 4 strength renewed again 2 perservere through spiritual warfare & keep preparing, waiting & believing 4 it. Im seeing Cinderellas butterfly slippers and her ballgown in the spirit. She went from rags 2 riches in one night & a complete transformation. Confirmation the higher purpose requires a butterfly metamorphosis and preparation. You're both going through prep 4 your purpose in your wilderness season before doors open becauze you need your God ordained wife or husband for your next assignment & purpose 2 fulfill it. There was so much spiritual warfare trying 2 prophesy & release this. So that is confirmation you're both going through it. I release blessing & favor and I call you strong, protected, prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but your abba daddy is not in a rush so trust the process, he doesn't want you 2 focus on the time or how long its been but lean not on your own understanding and trust him as you go through the transformation. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Prov3:5 | Romans12:2 | 2Cor3:18 | Prov18:22 | Gen2:22 | Ma10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Ps37:4 | Joel2:25 | Eph3:20 | Heb11:1,6 |  John10:10 | Jer29:11 | 1Cor2:9 | Num23:19 | Isa55:11 | Ps84:11



The date im releasing this is significant. 24+25+24=73 & 73 in strongs concordance translates 2 agón which means struggle conflict. There is no coincidence. Keep contending 4 the promise & believing 4 it beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie


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