Prophetic Word: I Am Saving U From Dire Situations, Don't Believe The Enemies Lies Beloved, U R Worthy, Beautiful & Chosen Rising 4 Such A Time As This & U R My Kid

    Heyyy my luuvs. I have a word for someone beloved since June 27 and the Lord said it wasn't time 2 release it yet. But now almost a month later it is time 2 prophesy what I saw in the spirit and be obedient & release it. On June 27/24 I heard my daughter say mom you are so beautiful and the way she randomly said it I knew it was a word for someone because I was hearing in the spirit after she said it you are beautiful and fearfully and wonderfully made beloved. So I waited 2 see if there was more, becuz I sensed it in the spirit there's more 2 this word yet waiting & waiting for confrimation and then my Bible landed randomly to many are called few are chosen and then I saw Amelia in the spirit when she realizes she is a princess and she is in shock by it and even going ballistic. And then a couple days went by and I just randomly heard in the spirit dire situations, beloved dire situations. And I thought ok someone is in need of God 2 come through for them. Then I saw in the spirit when buzz says why would Andy want me and woody says look at you!! & a bunch of things ... and then you are his toy and they are stuck at sids house this messed up kid in a dire situation. Then my Bible landed 2 Mark12:36,10 make your enemies a footstool & stone the builders rejected & then I saw licence plate 635 & 516 which is confirmation. All of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. Take over have your way Holy Spirit. Im hearing dire in the spirit. Dire means extremely serious or urgent and dire in strongs concordance translates 2 stenochória which means a narrow space, great distress, anguish. Mm. Woody & buzz were in narrow spaces & great distress. And 516 means worthy so hear me by the spirit of God beloved. There is someone here who has been rejected and you are questioning if you are worthy, good enough and someone has spoken over you many word curses I'm seeing in the spirit am I right yeah you beautiful you're a female I'm seeing the pink female symbol in an open vision in the spirit & they spoke word curses, over you things like you'll never be anything you'll never go anywhere attitude you'll never be a success, im also hearing ppl have called you worthless and im even hearing you always starved for attention my God speak Holy Spirit thinking in their heads you're just average.. mm im getting emotional they even raised their tone and contentious I mean no respect. No beautiful those things may have been spoken but the Lord has a word for you beloved. And right now I take authority and I rebuke denounce and cancel every single word curse that was ever spoken, that was said about you I decree & declare it is broken & canceled and destroyed now by the superior blood of Jesus and holy ghost fire in the name of Jesus. I speak 2 your mind and command your mind and heart 2 come into complete kingdom order in the mighty name of Jesus. I rebuke & bind every spirit of fear, rejection, oppression and depression in the mighty name of Jesus and command it 2 leave you now and go to the bottomless pit never 2 return again. God has the final say beloved. When Andy says you are his toy!! I heard you are his kid in the spirit you are my kid. He chose you for a reason. The reason there is so much oppression and word curses is because you have a big destiny and purpose. & the licence plate 635 I saw translates 2 Ester which means "star" so I prophesy like Esther you are chosen and you are rising 4 such a time as this in the name of Jesus. This is why there was so many word curses but if God is 4 you who can be against you beloved. You are His kid. You are His. I call you beautiful. I call you valuable in the kingdom I call you a beloved woman of purpose. I heard that yes you men 2 reading this. But that specific part was for a woman. Jephthah a son of a prostitute disowned and treated poorly by his brothers and then God exalted him and they needed his help and I prophesy over you the last shall be first in the name of Jesus. Buzz says why would Andy want me what I saw in the spirit so you have been even questioning why would God choose you if nobody else did, if nobody wanted you even. Mm. I hear the Lord saying that's my baby girl and that's my kid. So whatever the devil has told you through ppl that are lies I rebuke and cancel them in the name of Jesus. Walk with your head held high princess. Amelia and her mom lived in a firefighter building with very little couldnt even afford much but her identity was hidden. She was picked on at school and went through so much warfare even though she didn't realize it thought of as worthless because she was still chosen. She was still royal my God speak Holy Spirit she was still an heir even though her identity was hidden. Even though she was thought of as a nobody in her school in her community and classes. And it turned out she was a princess an heir to the throne of Genovia and didn't even know it. The bullies were picking on a princess but she was invisible 2 them and when they looked at her they didn't see it because sometimes God will hide his kids and put a veil over the enemies eyes so they cant see your value and worth I heard that Holy Ghost 2 test their hearts toward you beloved and 2 preserve what's on the inside within because you have been called and chosen. You are special 2 God and created 4 His purpose. Amelia found out who she was beloved and I prophesy God is about 2 reveal 2 your true identity who you are in the spirit and activate your spiritual gifts and show up for you in the name of Jesus. I cancel the demonic assignment that was sent 2 destroy you and I decree & declare victory 4 the battle is already won in the name of Jesus. God is busting you out of dire situations and you will know who you truly are in the spirit. I heard that Holy Ghost, God is not finished in the earth yet and he's not finished in yours 2 beloved. You may feel like it's the end but God is just getting started. Im seeing a red reset button in the spirit. I prophesy God is doing a new thing in your life and making a way of escape for you in the name of Jesus. Fight the good fight 4 the true faith & hold tightly 2 the eternal life to which God has called you which you have declared so well before many witnesses. I'm seeing a child in the spirit holding a bottle collecting rain drops in the spirit. Thus saith the Lord this is harvest season and I prophesy God is collecting your tears in a bottle keeping the receipts and you're about 2 harvest songs of joy for all the tears sown over the years in the name of Jesus. I release the Isa40:31 annointing 4 strength again in the waiting in these dire situations. I release Phill4:13 strength for what comes next. I call you protected favored and blessed. I don't know who this is 4 baby but you are beautifully, fearfully and wonderfully made and chosen by him so keep your head held high because God is about 2 reveal 2 you your hidden identity and purpose and just like all the ppl that were shocked when the news came out that Amelia Thermopolis was a princess, the ppl closest 2 you and enemies that spoke word curses will eat their words and God will exalt you 4 it because He will use the foolish things of this world 2 confound and shame the wise that think you're not qualified & good enough 2 be chosen and you are rising as queen 4 such a time as this. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Phill1:6 | Ps139:14 | Isa43:19 | Isa66:9 | Mark12:36,10 | Isa54:17 | Matt22:14 | 1Tim6:12 | Jer29:11 | Judges11 | Pet5:8 | Esther2 | 1Pet2:9 | John10:10 | Eph2:6,10

The date i'm releasing this is significant. 27+22+24=73 and 73 in strongs concordance translates 2 agón which means struggle; struggle in the soul; agon a masculine noun & root of the English word agony struggle conflict, keep fighting the good fight of faith beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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