Prophetic Word: I Know Your Motives & Heart Condition, Never Be Ppl Pleaser Beloved, It Only Matters What I Think & What I Say About You, Not Them 

   Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but when you don't have an evil bone in your body because you have your abba daddy's spirit and all you wanna do is help ppl and love them and lead them 2 Christ beloved, expect 2 be taken advantage of if you let them. Take take but never give but now you're 2 nice 4 them your life becomes more transparent and you open up to help them, now there's resentment now ppl call you fake and accuse you of having an agenda 4 your genuine kindness, all kinds of lies and accusations but they sure like to steal from you take your help when they need it, they learn from you in secret but they won't give you credit and steal your work and act like it's them but God sees it and the persecution but then if you gate keep pull back and don't open up as much as you did now you're fake because you're secretive, now you're fake because you're not open. You did that you did this false accusations you have a double life you're that and you're this. Im seeing ppl doing this in the spirit. Even thinking this it's going through their head and just using them 2 their advantage but also slandering them. I'm seeing what someone is thinking in the spirit and they are taking someone's kindness for weakness a mocking spirit and taking advantage of them but if you have a wrong motive towards them and that's God's baby, woe 2 them!! Touch not my annointed!! If they saw your relationship with your abba daddy and your intimacy with Him. If they saw your rank, your status and how powerful you are in the spirit. If they saw how quickly your kids and ppl get healed when you pray and lay hands on them. If they saw the favor and annointing on your life in the spirit, they would think twice before touching you and trying 2 come against you beloved because now they are fighting God because you are his baby and he don't play about his kids. You have an army of angels encamped around you surrounding you with protection covered in the blood of Jesus. Witches & warlocks have died trying 2 touch God's prophets and annointed kids. His babies are precious him. And daddy is very protective. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. No matter what you do someone will always have a problem so you may as well just please the Lord and if they dont like it that's their problem. God will step in, fight 4 you, bless you even more if they are doing this. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Ppl will even use your own testimony against you because they are jealous of the unintentional attention it causes and how God uses you and uses it 4 His glory and then condemn you for it my God speak Holy Spirit like the book of John passage and Jesus says you who is without sin throw the first stone at her but I prophesy there is no condemnation for those who walk not after the flesh but walk in the spirit in the name of Jesus. Common denominator never be a ppl pleaser, set boundaries like Jesus did & use your sword of the spirit when the accuser comes along as satan uses them because anyone who tries those mind games playing with your head is a demonic assignment trying 2 bring condemnation, distraction & derailing you from your assignment & purpose which I rebuke cancel & destroy with the Holy Ghost fire & blood of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus. But if ppl are touching you & doing this, I prophesy do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed or God will step in and there will be consequences in the name of Jesus. For you are the apple of His eye beloved. You're 2 kind for them. You're 2 pretty 4 them. You're not pretty enough 4 them You're 2 honest. You're that you're this but blessed are the pure in heart 4 they shall see God beloved. He reveals himself 2 them. The silver lining the ppl God will bring into your life yet, I prophesy kingdom God sent ppl in the name of Jesus. They will accept you the way you are & who you are in Him. Your outward stature & appearance & personality is irrelevant 2 them. What is the condition of your heart & spirit. Those ppl God sends will be supportive. They will honor you in your presence. There will be mutual respect. Those ppl who pretend they can preach all day but what is their motive. They can scream they are Christian but do they show love and kindness because faith without works is dead & anyone can say they are a good kind person come on Holy Spirit but do the actions reflect what's on the inside accurate like a mirror reflection or do they gossip behind closed doors instead because what's on the inside will always come out beloved. Kingdom ppl don't have time 4 it. Kingdom ppl are not in competition. They are about their abba daddys business. They could care less what Jimmy & Sally did back then. Speak Holy Spirit. So why gossip and or try 2 comdemn because its already forgiven under the blood in God's sea of forgetfulness and woe 2 them if they try 2 destroy someone with it then God will destroy them. Thus saith the Lord touch not my annointed!! Im hearing in the spirit 4 as he thinketh in his heart, so is he in the and For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. What does that even mean prophet. I'm glad you asked beloved meaning whatever comes out of their mouth is what's really on the inside of them. If they are always negative and have a critical spirit. They could come across as the nicest person on the outside of them but just get to know them & just stay quiet & listen 2 them, you'll know them by their fruit beloved. You can say you're a good apple but what they say, how they speak & their attitude is really a bad apple pretending 2 be a good apple instead my God speak Holy Spirit kindaaa how Satan transforms as an angel of light appearing 2 be good in the form of something but its really a counterfeit & demonic & copying what God already created like numbers trying 2 take credit. Satan copies & uses angel numbers which is demonic & God uses numbers that are prophetic speaks through them but God also created them. Satan mimics. He pretends & this is why we need 2 be harmless as a dove & wise as a serpent 4 we are sheep sent out among them & we need discernment. Above all else, guard your heart, 4 everything you do flows from it. I release blessing & favor and I call you protected favored and blessed. I dont know who this is for baby but if you don't have an evil bone in your body and your kindness is mistaken 4 weakness, just let your abba daddy deal with them, & never be a ppl pleaser, only please him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt5:8,10 | Luke6:45 | 1Chron16:22 | John8 | James3:16 | Jer17:9 | 1Pet5:8 | John10:10 | Zech2:8 |Prov4:23 | 2Cor11:14 | Prov23:7 

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Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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