Prophetic Word: Without Rain & Storm Clouds Beloved, U Can't Have Blessings Of Rain & Abundance So U Gotta Put Up With The Storm & Mud That Comes With It

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I saw in the spirit an overcast sky and yet a little bit of sun trying 2 shine through it. It was very dark and windy & then I came back again. Have your way Holy Spirit. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Without clouds & storms there's no rain & without rain there's no rainbow seen yet. If you want the rain of abundance, the blessings and promise first you gotta have storm clouds come in my God speak Holy Spirit But when the rainbow comes through then there's sun again and you shine brighter because through the storm there's been a transformation. Mm. Peter was sinking because he was focusing on the storm surrounding him and gusting winds. Then he focused and kept his eyes on Jesus and he was ok again. Then my Bible landed to 1Cor2:9 which was further confirmation blessings prepared & covenant promises. So I waited 4 more confirmation & then I heard a song on the blue ray the kids were playing it & it was called Sheltered in the arms of God by Brian free and assurance an old cd I found in a box I forgot about when cds were hot back then before iTunes took over beloved. I just listened. That was further confirmation because the lyrics are so let the storms reach high the storm clouds rise... storm clouds ahhhhh!! I don't recall the lyrics. So I was in shock confirming what I saw in the spirit. I'm Sheltered in the arms of God beloved. Then I've been seeing 111 & 1111 everywhere very often. Always looking at my phone & it's 1:11 or 11:11 or plates without looking 4 it. I saw a licence plate 111 and and then my Bible landed randomly 2 Hebrews11:1 when I opened it so my daddy got my attention. And then that night, I was talking 2 my oldest just some analogies about faith & mysteries of the kingdom. So Holy Spirit took over, the annointing took over & I said baby what you hope 4 is your reality not what you see in the natural not what you see in your surroundings or situation because faith is the substance of things hoped 4 the evidence of things unseen beloved things hoped 4 is your reality because it's faith when you're believing for it cuz everything starts first in the spirit my God speak Holy Spirit so your reality is in the next dimension not the natural you're in. Whoo!! Because thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven meaning every word spoken starts first in the spirit. Because it takes faith 2 even please him & in the tongue there is power of life & death My God speak Holy Spirit. Don't miss this. So Peter was in the boat looking at his surroundings seeing a storm & gusting winds because He took his eyes off the Word because the Word became flesh. Jesus is the word & Peter sank because he took his eyes off it. My God speak Holy Spirit. Oooh Jesus I feel the annointing so strong im about 2 dance like David. Mm. Are you focused on the word or what you see current cuz baby you needed those storm clouds 2 come in because there's no rain without it & the rainbow comes after you've endured the storm you were in. Whoo!! Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. So after I said 2 my oldest your reality is what you hope 4 not what you see current. Then I waited 2 see if there was more confirmation & then the next day I saw a licence plate that said "REALITY" on it and I just screamed ahhh Holy Spirit like my daddy has a sense of humor I couldnt stop laughing when I saw it. Dad, I just said this 2 my oldest. Y'all I was having a jubilee time with my abba daddy in his presence. So you may be in a storm right now baby that you find yourself in but the reality is your faith and what you believe, in the spirit. Catch this in the spiritual realm beloved. Your faith is a substance but it's your reality because it unlocks what God has already spoken regarding you & his plans 4 you & His purpose in another dimension because it starts first in the spirit. Whoo!! For we walk by faith not by sight beloved and not by what we see or by appearance. Mm. I release blessing and favor and I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but if you want the blessings of rain abundance, then you gotta put up with the storm and mud that comes with it and then when the storm is over the rainbow appears and God's covenant promises. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Hebrews11:1,6 | Gen9:13 | Matt14:28-30 |2Cor5:7 | Matt17:20 | Matt21:22 | Rom10:17 | Gal5:25 | Prov18:21 | Rom8:37 | Matt6:10
July 28-29/24

The date im releasing this is significant. 28+29+24=81 & 81 in strongs concordance translates 2 abaqah which means powder ans powder means fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance and faith is a substance. Your reality is what you believe with the faith substance in the spirit not what you see with your eyes or current surroundings and situations because we walk by faith not by sight beloved!!

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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