Prophetic Word: Your Queen Is Coming Beloved, Your Love Will Be Electric & Sparks Will Fly When You Meet Again, You're About 2 See How I Keep My Covenant Promises

   Heyyy my luuvs. I have a 3 part word 4 someone beloved I've been sitting on it waiting 4 other confirmations but now I need 2 prophesy & release it & it's rhema kingdom marriage related so test the spirit but also listen very closely 2 the small details beloved because the Lord was very specific & you will know this is your word as it will resonate with your spirit so take it back 2 your abba daddy if you think it is. Ok so I have been seeing 913 on my phone consistent for a couple months & so random even licence plates 913 for a while now & in those words I prophesied I was hearing Amos 9:13 in the spirit but the Lord surprised me with more new revelation. All of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. So as I entered this vision pressing in, I saw in the spirit in Evan Almighty a licence plate he had in his office & it said GEN614 on it but as I looked harder in the realm & pressed in, the # 4 kinda vanished in like blowing on it motion form like a seeded dandelion blowing in the wind. It just slowly vanished but then a 3 appeared in instead & then the 6 flipped upside down it just flipped & I saw a 9 instead. And then I saw Gen9:13 & then I came back & im screaming in the spirit ahhhh Gen9:13 quickly ran grabbed my Bible before I even heard my daddy say look up in the spirit because after I came back & grabbed it I was hearing look it up in the spirit & I knew I would because this was unusual what I saw in the spirit. Don't miss this. Gen9:13 says I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you & with all the earth. Beloved so we know a covenant is an agreement & promise so the Lord is saying your kingdom ordained marriage is still coming yet I prophesy speedily like lightening in the name of Jesus. This is the 3rd time I saw 222 [Gen2:22] & I've been seeing moving trucks uhaul trucks FedEx trucks on the same road same day over & over again. Ok abba daddy you got my attention & then I saw uhaul trucks even on random tv shows flipping channels & just seeing them on the road in shows even. Then I was like ok Lord you got my attention. This is a word so I wrote it down before I forget. Then I saw licence plate 814 which means a gift which confirms fex truck even packages on the way gifts. I'm hearing in the spirit. Your kingdom marriage is a gift. Then I saw a truck on the road that said Ecol Electric. So that's confirmation because Amos 9:13 speed, 9:13 in strongs means lightening bolt, ok electric. 4 who this word is for beloved you may be an electrician or you know someone who is. But electricity also means speed, speed of light beloved. Im seeing in the spirit magic school bus when the class learns about electricity beloved. And im hearing in the realm the 2 blue & red charges like 2 stay together but when she rubs her hair with the balloon it seperates them. She's saying they long 4 eachother but what makes a spark is when they join together again. Mm. You're longing 4 your person. In the spiritual realm theres sparks above her head. My God speak Holy Spirit electric!! The electrons belong together for a working light switch. Whoo!! 4 your purpose you need 2 be joined together again. Your love connected 2 that same wire that same 3 strand cord will be electric!! Mm. Its you 2 & Holy Spirit. Im hearing electric in the spirit. Electric means power; using electricity 4 power; very exciting; moving; stimulating; having or producing a sudden sense of thrilling excitement. My God speak Holy Spirit the fedex trucks the gifts, you're meeting & moving yet, excited, uhaul trucks electric, you're in your kingdom marriage season. God has confirmed who your wife is & you've been excited preparing 4 her since the revelation. Oh it is a man 4 sure not a woman confirmation ok speak Holy Spirit. God confirmed your rib & you're paitiently waiting 4 her & waiting on Him. Youre all in. You're not playing you want her & you're very protective especially finding out she was always your wife when God seperated you 2 for a season for prepp 4 kingdom marriage you didn't know yet when you met & exceeding your expectations. Im seeing the bigger house upgrade in toy story1 in the spirit. The moving & uhaul trucks exceeding your expectations during temporary seperation. Mm. God wants 2 bless you beloved bless you so much your head will spin & I prophesy youre getting your new beginning with your wife, new house, kids, kingdom marriage, desire of your heart in the name of Jesus. I'm also seeing in the spirit a vision of passing seasons so u waited for years 4 this prayer 2 be answered & the Father knows its not good 4 man 2 be alone & knows you need this. Stay with me beloved don't miss this. Then I saw Esther spelled out in an open vision in the spirit. Hearing It's time 2 meet your king this is your Esther moment. So God is saying your queen is coming soon yet. Then I saw 658 & it means completion. complete bring 2 an end which confirms prep is coming 2 an end & u will reunite with your wife beloved. Then the Lord took me back to 2019 & I was seeing myself in the spirit prophesying 2 my mom without realizing it before my prophetic gift was known or activated. I never thought of it as prophesying because I didnt have a close relationship with my abba daddy back then or revelation of the prophetic & I don't even know why I said it but I kept saying something is coming, something is coming in 2020 & I don't know what it is but it's huge & its also going 2 change the trajectory of my life yet & she looked puzzled, her reaction but this is what I felt in my spirit. Stay with me beloved 2020 is significant. & then the covid world pandemic hit & it did & I left & I had 2 do these things out of obedience. But it was all the Lord's doing & protection 2 encounter Him 2 reveal plans & purpose because b4 then I didn't know then, I did not know I was a prophet or chosen because I was dismissed & rejected & condemned my whole life almost as if it was satan working thru ppl becuz he knew I was annointed & chosen but I didn't but almost as if those ppl knew I was & I was ignorant why I was a target but God's ppl perish 4 lack of knowledge. Anyway the Lord showed me this in the spirit so I understood & 2 get my attention. How is 2020 significant. I heard look up 2020 after I saw that in the spirit and 2020 in strongs concordance means deliverance & deliverance means rescue, set free, space room, enlargement delivery release of promises. 2020 was deliverance. 2 things im hearing in the spirit. If this is your word beloved then you or your kingdom spouse are going thru a transition 4 deliverance of promises & God will make room, enlarge your territory & deliver your wife 2 you when you least expect it. Second. Im also hearing in the spirit. If this is your word beloved 2020 is significant becuz something happened btwn you & your kingdom wife & that was either when you met, or when you seperated. Test the spirit. Take it back 2 him. But if you stopped talking & seperated in 2020 then God is saying the appointed time is near & you will be reuniting with your wife again & it'll happen so speedily electric & sparks will fly again. Are you ready 2 meet her again. The Lord revealed 2 me that rainbows are actually full circles & Gen9:13 is confirmation covenant promises. & I prophesy a full circle moment is coming again & you will talk right where you left off beloved before you were seperated I heard that Holy Ghost except this time there will be hi hunny, miss you sweetie, goodnight baby, good morning hottie & love confessions. More than friends. Wife and husband. I was sitting on this word for a few days waiting for final confirmations & didn't want 2 release it because I'm seeing many ppl experiencing hope deffered from delay & resistance & when God says "near" his timing is different but I gotta prophesy & be obedient & the father just wants you 2 be ready beloved & encourage you, your queen is on the way & your kingdom marriage promise is still coming yet like Gen9:13 I saw in the spirit. I'm seeing someone in a store buying a wedding dress. So God is saying, your wife already bought her dress. That's how committed she is and waiting on you and Him 2 reuinte you 2 again. Then my Bible randomly landed 2 Mark when Jesus rebuked the waves & wind. And I decree & declare God is not a man that he should lie, his promises are yes & amen. His word doesn't return 2 Him void & he watches over His word 2 perform it. And your storm you going thru I prophesy is coming 2 an end & then a new beginning with your wife in the name of Jesus. If this relates 2 somone later on & you're a woman reading this then just flip it. But currently this is a right now word 4 a beloved man reading this. Then my Bible landed to Matt19 & the 3 verses that stood out 2 me in the spiritual realm was 6, 26 & 29 confirming 100 fold blessing I prophesy 4 both spouses that's leaving things behind when they come together again in the name of Jesus & with God all things are possible so he's going 2 do it beloved & confirming God will do whatever he wants & needs 2 do 2 bring you 2 together again because His Word never returns 2 him void I heard that Holy Ghost whatever it is keeping you seperated, the situation must bown 2 God's Word & come into submission with what it says meaning what? Prophet. Meaning what happens in the natural is irrelevant & God will move heaven & earth 4 his will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I hope you caught this. Meaning God will do what he needs 2 do 2 make it happen. Then my Bible randomly landed to 1Cor2:9 blessings have already been prepared & it's not what you expected. I prophesy no weapon formed against you,  your ordained kingdom marriage promise and your marriage shall prosper in the name of Jesus. I release blessing & favor & the annointing Isa40:31 for renewed strength again & I call you prosperous favored and blessed. I don't know who this is 4 baby but your love will be electric & sparks will fly when you meet again, you're about 2 see how your daddy keeps his covenant promises. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. 

I love you 
with the love of Jesus. 
1Cor2:9 | Psalm37:4 | Gen2:22 | Mark10:9 | Joel2:25 | Eph3:20 | Amos9:13 | Gen9:13 | Ecc4:9-12 | Psalm84:11 | Isa54:17 | Isa40:31 | 1Chron4:10 | Isa1:19 | Jer29:11 

⬆️The date im releasing this is significant. 13+17+24=54 and 54 in strongs concordance translates 2 hagnotés and it means chasity beloved and chasity means means not having any sexual intercourse before marriage; complete fidelity to husband or wife during marriage; physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. There are no coincidences. God is saying resist temptation 4 sex beloved when sparks fly again because you're already in love one flesh & your love will be electric!! 

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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