Prophetic Word: 4 My Names Sake You Will Go Through Persecution & They Will Claim You Are Not God Sent Because They Also Denied Jesus Beloved

 Heyyy my luuv. I have a quick word for someone beloved. I'm just going 2 be transparent. I recieved it July22/24 but it wasnt time 2 release it yet & also I have another word 2 release yet same pages but I have never recieved 2 words with the same Bible pages back 2 back beloved so close apart and I couldn't figure out why my Bible kept landing on these pages no matter when. It was 2 words not just one but I was seeking my daddy about it. I knew it was a word for someone but I had 2 be patient for confirmation & there were 2 things the Lord was revealing on the same pages. So I will release that word after this one beloved. Have your way Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for dad order their steps. All of you Holy Ghost & none of me in the name of Jesus. The first one is, first my Bible landed randomly to John8-9 2nd word same pages. So in John8:58-59 the Word says: Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I am! At that point they picked up stones to throw at him. But Jesus was hidden from them and left the Temple. Dont miss this what stood out in the spirtual realm was they threw stones at him. Mm Someone has been throwing stones at you beloved and denying that you are His & chosen, God sent just like they did with Jesus and then I heard in the spirit when Peter denied Jesus 3 times & felt remorse when after he did. So there will be some who either will deny you're chosen or already did and then they feel remorse like Peter did. Then I saw licence plate 391 which translates 2 akzab which means disappointing; deceptive. So ppl have been slandering you like the pharisees did with Jesus but I cancel that assignment & I prophesy vindication is coming in the name of Jesus. Then I was hearing the song strange things are happening 2 me from toy story in the spirit and it just started playing in the spirit and as I was listening 2 this in the realm of the spirit I heard in the spirit think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you that these things are happening 2 you beloved. Then Aug11/24 my Bible landed there again. And then again. Someone is going to deny one that is chosen. There is persecution. They can't see it. They don't want to see it because they have unclean spirits. Jesus was saying who he was and the pharisees didn't believe him. They called him a demon. But what stood out and jumped off the pages was at that point they picked up stones 2 throw at him. How many stones have been thrown at you beloved for denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Jesus. My luuvs your daddy saw it all and you will be even more blessed because of it just forgive them like your daddy and stay upright because honor is coming oooh Jesus mm. Im hearing beauty 4 ashes. Im hearing 4 someone beauty 4 ashes in the spirit. Im even hearing in the spirit feast mm. Yes dad I prophesy over you who this word is for that daddy God is preparing a table in the presence of your enemies trading your adhes 4 beauty in the name of Jesus. Some of the pharisees said this man Jesus is not from God, for he is working on the sabbath. Others said but how could an ordinary sinner do such miraculous signs? So there was a deep division of opinion among them. My God speak Holy Spirit division will come because you take a stand and follow Jesus becauze God is separating the wheat from the tares in this season. I'm hearing in the spirit I have not come 2 bring peace 2 the earth beloved. They will be against you because you are forsaking them 2 serve me and fulfill your assignment & purpose. Whoo!! I have come 2 bring a sword beloved. Mm. So expect persecution because those who live godly in Christ Jesus will go through it. So there are ppl saying you are not of God, you are not sent because you have spiritual gifts. But baby your dad is abour 2 put you on display in a cabinet. You are trophy for the kingdom. Mm. Im seeing a trophy case in the spirit awards. My God speak Holy Spirit I prophesy rewards are coming 4 diligently seeking him in the name of Jesus. Persecution is an honor and being  called a witch or demon is just satan confirming your value and worth in God's kingdom. There are opinions and you're a hot topic of conversations & discussion because of it because if youre going 2 go 2 the top with Jesus,  you better get used 2 being a hot topic. But again your daddy saw it keep going fwd beloved nothing can stop your calling & purpose. I release blessing & favor & I call you protected favored and blessed. I don't know who this is for baby but if Peter denied Jesus & the pharisees tried 2 stop Jesus what makes you think the devil won't use ppl 2 discourage you and persecute and slander you 2 try 2 derail you from your purpose and claim you aren't chosen or God sent. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Jhn8:58-59 | Matt22:14 | Jhn9:13-16 |  Matt10:34-36 | Eph6:11-12 | Jhn10:10 1Pet5:8 | Jhn15:16 | 1Pet4:12 | Eph2:10


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