Prophetic Word: Beloved Everything Happens 4 A Purpose 2 Order Your Steps, You May Not Understand Y It Happens Only 2 Find Out It's Leading U 2 My Lost Sheep & Fish 

    Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I recieved this word since July13/24 but no matter what my abba daddy would not let me release it so I left it. Say only what you wanna say dad have your way Holy Spirit. All of you Holy Ghost and none of me in the name of Jesus. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. First my Bible randomly landed 2 John21:6. Fish nets breaking and I thought ok blessings but it wasnt the analogy this time so I waited. Then Aug3/24 My Bible landed 2 many are called few are chosen and then I saw Amelia in the spirit when she realizes she is a princess shocked by it. But I didn't put it together just yet. It still wasn't time 2 release it. Stay with me beloved don't miss this because it's deep & Holy Spirit knows who needs this. Then today I had a bad fall while I was painting & bruised my foot pretty bad & couldn't walk on it & I was just sitting there on the floor questioning the father why, why did you allow this 2 happen. So I got into the spirit, prayed & the swelling went down quite a bit instant because it looked like it popped out then went in but it was still hard to walk on it and then I heard in the spirit go in, go now, go in & I thought ok I'll go in, went to get it checked out at the hospital but I never got in and I was still wondering why Lord what is the point of all this. Don't miss this and then I encountered 2 white ppl & 3 black ppl & the one had severe low sodium barfing throwing up couldn't talk hardly or move and I heard in the spirit prophesy and pray over them. So I did & then immediately I went into a vision of the one person running and well again. And I cried abba daddy you ordered my steps. If it had not been for the mild accident, I wouldn't have cross paths with them & prophesied and prayed over them and had not known them. My God speak Holy Spirit & I may have been the only Bible they have ever read & ever did, a salvation prayer & intercession. Mm. I questioned why it happened. I had plans but God had a different plan my God today whoo!! He was on a mission. After the testimonies and praying & talking for 6 hours my foot healed & I never got in but a miracle happened & I could walk on it again. My God speak Holy Spirit & during the 4th hour in I heard in the spirit beloved just like the blind man, he did nothing wrong he wasn't blind cuz of his sins cuz of his parent's. He was blind so I would get all the glory from it so I allowed you 2 fall and go 2 that hospital and order your steps because I had lost sheep & fish that needed 2 get reeled in so I get all the glory from it when you prayed 4 my lost sheep 2 come in & I healed your foot like nothing happened my God speak Holy Spirit. Because I watch over ny Word 2 perform it. Then I heard in the spirit my ways are higher lean not on your own understanding beloved. Mm. It was a dark cloudy sky & overcast beloved. And then when I randomly opened my Bible after it happened it landed 2 Ezekiel 34:11 the good shepherd. For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search and find my sheep. I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day. I will bring them back home 2 their own land of Israel from among the ppls and nations. When my Bible landed there I cried my God speak Holy Spirit lost sheep were there to come into the fold beloved. Whoo!! The nets breaking don't miss this When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, Put out into deep water, and let down the nets 4 a catch. Simon answered, Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. Because I let the nets down and went in and followed the instruction obedient mm. I'm seeing the word deep in the spiritual realm jumping off the pages. Sometimes you gotta go into the deep waters 2 go catch those lost fish. My God speak Holy Spirit I had to fall first before I would go the deep places they were in. I will make you a fisher of men. You had to go catch my fish because they needed intervention. Mm. So if you ever question why something happens always remember if you're a child of God beloved, he will order your steps. You may not always understand why something happens but God has a bigger purpose. Like Esther saving her ppl from destruction My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing Bethany Hamilton in the spirit the surfer saying why did this happen. Mm. But she wouldn't have reached as many ppl before the shark attack with 2 arms because a testimony came out of it and God got all the glory out of it. Many are called few are chosen. And God causes all things 2 work 4 your good when you love him & are called according 2 his purpose. His. They may not even know why you're praying over them or understand it but in the spirit that's my child I'm rescuing yet my God speak Holy Spirit and im using you 2 go into the deep and catch my fish and bring them into the kingdom. I prophesy more and more lost sheep are coming into the fold and God is rescuing them in the name of Jesus. Keep reeling them in beloved. And when you get 2 the other side your intervention may have been the only reason they made it because it took a fall 2 reach them. Whoo!! I release blessing & favor and I call you protected favored and blessed. I don't know who this for baby but everything happens for a purpose 2 order your steps, you may not understand what's happening in that moment but your daddy's ways are higher and those steps could lead 2 lost sheep and fish so always trust him. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Jhn21:6 | Matt22:14 | Prov3:5-6 | Jhn9:3 | Ezk34:11-13 | Matt18:12 | Rom8:28 | Jhn10:10,16 | Psalm37:23 | Jhn15:16 | Jer29:11


Y'all, my luvvs when I tell you I did not see this coming or plan this, I mean I'm still trying 2 wrap my head around what just happened and I'm just so grateful I was obedient and went. The date I am prophesying & releasing this word is significant. 3+13+21+24=61 & 61 in strongs concordance translates 2 agra which means hunting, a catch, catching my God speak Holy Spirit catching the lost sheep in the fold pen and fish reeling them in a fisher of men. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours so always trust him beloved!! 

Prophetess Shellz Marie 


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